v_hdmirxss: Improved stability.

Contributions from Marco Groeneveld (mgroenev@xilinx.com).

Signed-off-by: Andrei-Liviu Simion <andrei.simion@xilinx.com>
Acked-by: Srikanth Vemula <svemula@xilinx.com>
This commit is contained in:
Gilbert Magnaye 2015-11-12 23:27:56 -08:00 committed by Nava kishore Manne
parent b695b55fcc
commit 7c05e64788
8 changed files with 679 additions and 684 deletions

View file

@ -39,27 +39,27 @@
proc generate {drv_handle} {
::hsi::utils::define_include_file $drv_handle "xparameters.h" "XV_HdmiRxSs" \
hier_ip_define_config_file $drv_handle "xv_hdmirxss_g.c" "XV_HdmiRxSs" \
::hsi::utils::define_canonical_xpars $drv_handle "xparameters.h" \
"XV_HdmiRxSs" \
"XV_HdmiRxSs" \
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ proc hier_ip_define_config_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
set periphs_g [::hsi::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
array set sub_core_inst {
axi_timer 1
hdcp 1
v_hdmi_rx 1
array set sub_core_inst {
axi_timer 1
hdcp 1
v_hdmi_rx 1
#foreach name [array names sub_core_inst] {
@ -93,113 +93,113 @@ proc hier_ip_define_config_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
foreach periph_g $periphs_g {
set mem_ranges [::hsi::get_mem_ranges $periph_g]
set mem_ranges [::hsi::get_mem_ranges $periph_g]
::hsi::current_hw_instance $periph_g;
::hsi::current_hw_instance $periph_g;
set child_cells_g [::hsi::get_cells -hier]
set child_cells_g [::hsi::get_cells -hier]
foreach child_cell_g $child_cells_g {
set child_cell_vlnv [::common::get_property VLNV $child_cell_g]
set child_cell_name_g [common::get_property NAME $child_cell_g]
set vlnv_arr [split $child_cell_vlnv :]
foreach child_cell_g $child_cells_g {
set child_cell_vlnv [::common::get_property VLNV $child_cell_g]
set child_cell_name_g [common::get_property NAME $child_cell_g]
set vlnv_arr [split $child_cell_vlnv :]
lassign $vlnv_arr ip_vendor ip_library ip_name ip_version
set ip_type_g [common::get_property IP_TYPE $child_cell_g]
lassign $vlnv_arr ip_vendor ip_library ip_name ip_version
set ip_type_g [common::get_property IP_TYPE $child_cell_g]
puts "IP type $ip_type_g\n"
if { [string compare -nocase "BUS" $ip_type_g] != 0 } {
set interfaces [hsi::get_intf_pins -of_objects $child_cell_g]
set is_slave 0
puts "IP type $ip_type_g\n"
if { [string compare -nocase "BUS" $ip_type_g] != 0 } {
set interfaces [hsi::get_intf_pins -of_objects $child_cell_g]
set is_slave 0
foreach interface $interfaces {
set intf_type [common::get_property TYPE $interface]
#puts "Interface type $intf_type\n"
if { [string compare -nocase "SLAVE" $intf_type] == 0 } {
set is_slave 1
if { $is_slave != 0 } {
#puts "Processing Periph: $ip_name $child_cell_name_g"
foreach interface $interfaces {
set intf_type [common::get_property TYPE $interface]
#puts "Interface type $intf_type\n"
if { [string compare -nocase "SLAVE" $intf_type] == 0 } {
set is_slave 1
if { $is_slave != 0 } {
#puts "Processing Periph: $ip_name $child_cell_name_g"
#puts $config_file "//Processing Periph: $ip_name $child_cell_name_g"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present_g XPAR_${child_cell_name_g}_PRESENT
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present_g]\t 1\n"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present_g XPAR_${child_cell_name_g}_PRESENT
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present_g]\t 1\n"
# create dictionary for ip name and it's instance names "ip_name {inst1_name inst2_name}"
dict lappend ss_ip_list $ip_name $child_cell_name_g
# create dictionary for ip name and it's instance names "ip_name {inst1_name inst2_name}"
dict lappend ss_ip_list $ip_name $child_cell_name_g
puts $config_file "\n\n/*"
puts $config_file "* List of Sub-cores excluded from the subsystem"
puts $config_file "* - Excluded sub-core device id is set to 255"
puts $config_file "* - Excluded sub-core baseaddr is set to 0"
puts $config_file "*/\n"
puts $config_file "\n\n/*"
puts $config_file "* List of Sub-cores excluded from the subsystem"
puts $config_file "* - Excluded sub-core device id is set to 255"
puts $config_file "* - Excluded sub-core baseaddr is set to 0"
puts $config_file "*/\n"
foreach sub_core [lsort [array names sub_core_inst]] {
foreach sub_core [lsort [array names sub_core_inst]] {
#puts $config_file "//sub_core_inst: $sub_core $sub_core_inst($sub_core)"
if {[dict exists $ss_ip_list $sub_core]} {
set max_instances $sub_core_inst($sub_core)
#check if core can have multiple instances
#It is possible that not all instances are used in the design
if {$max_instances > 1} {
set ip_instances [dict get $ss_ip_list $sub_core]
set avail_instances [llength $ip_instances]
if {[dict exists $ss_ip_list $sub_core]} {
set max_instances $sub_core_inst($sub_core)
#check if core can have multiple instances
#It is possible that not all instances are used in the design
if {$max_instances > 1} {
set ip_instances [dict get $ss_ip_list $sub_core]
set avail_instances [llength $ip_instances]
#puts "Sub-Core: $sub_core"
#puts "instances: $ip_instances"
#puts "Sub-Core: $sub_core"
#puts "instances: $ip_instances"
#check if available instances are less than MAX
#if yes, mark the missing instance
#if all instances are present then skip the core
if {$avail_instances < $max_instances} {
if {[string compare -nocase "axi_gpio" $sub_core] == 0} {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
set srcstr "${periph_g}_reset_sel_axi_mm"
if {[string compare -nocase $srcstr $ip_inst_name] == 0} {
set strval "RESET_SEL_AXIS"
} else {
set strval "RESET_SEL_AXI_MM"
} elseif {[string compare -nocase "v_vcresampler" $sub_core]} {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
set srcstr "${periph_g}_v_vcresampler_in"
if {[string compare -nocase $srcstr $ip_inst_name] == 0} {
set strval "V_VCRESAMPLER_OUT"
} else {
set strval "V_VCRESAMPLER_IN"
#puts "String Selected: $strval"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${strval}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${strval}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${strval}_BASEADDR"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_g] 0\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid_g] 255\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g] 0\n\n"
#check if available instances are less than MAX
#if yes, mark the missing instance
#if all instances are present then skip the core
if {$avail_instances < $max_instances} {
if {[string compare -nocase "axi_gpio" $sub_core] == 0} {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
set srcstr "${periph_g}_reset_sel_axi_mm"
if {[string compare -nocase $srcstr $ip_inst_name] == 0} {
set strval "RESET_SEL_AXIS"
} else {
set strval "RESET_SEL_AXI_MM"
} elseif {[string compare -nocase "v_vcresampler" $sub_core]} {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
set srcstr "${periph_g}_v_vcresampler_in"
if {[string compare -nocase $srcstr $ip_inst_name] == 0} {
set strval "V_VCRESAMPLER_OUT"
} else {
set strval "V_VCRESAMPLER_IN"
#puts "String Selected: $strval"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${strval}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${strval}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${strval}_BASEADDR"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_g] 0\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid_g] 255\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g] 0\n\n"
#puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_g] 1\n"
} else {
set count 0
while {$count<$sub_core_inst($sub_core)} {
set final_child_cell_instance_name_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${sub_core}_${count}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${sub_core}_${count}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${sub_core}_${count}_BASEADDR"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_g] 0\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid_g] 255\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g] 0\n\n"
incr count
#puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_g] 1\n"
} else {
set count 0
while {$count<$sub_core_inst($sub_core)} {
set final_child_cell_instance_name_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${sub_core}_${count}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${sub_core}_${count}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g "XPAR_${periph_g}_${sub_core}_${count}_BASEADDR"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_g] 0\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid_g] 255\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "#define [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_baseaddr_g] 0\n\n"
incr count
puts $config_file "\n\n"
puts $config_file "\n\n"
puts $config_file [format "%s_Config %s_ConfigTable\[\] =" $drv_string $drv_string]
puts $config_file "\{"
set periphs [::hsi::utils::get_common_driver_ips $drv_handle]
@ -237,113 +237,113 @@ proc hier_ip_define_config_file {drv_handle file_name drv_string args} {
set comma ",\n"
::hsi::current_hw_instance $periph
set child_cells [::hsi::get_cells -hier]
puts $config_file ",\n"
::hsi::current_hw_instance $periph
set child_cells [::hsi::get_cells -hier]
puts $config_file ",\n"
foreach sub_core [lsort [array names sub_core_inst]] {
set max_instances $sub_core_inst($sub_core)
#puts "\nProcessing sub-core: $sub_core"
#puts "Max Instances: $max_instances"
foreach sub_core [lsort [array names sub_core_inst]] {
set max_instances $sub_core_inst($sub_core)
#puts "\nProcessing sub-core: $sub_core"
#puts "Max Instances: $max_instances"
if {[dict exists $ss_ip_list $sub_core]} {
#puts "****Sub-core found in dictionary****"
if {[string match -nocase v_* $sub_core]} {
set base_addr_name "BASEADDR"
} else {
set base_addr_name "BASEADDR"
if {[dict exists $ss_ip_list $sub_core]} {
#puts "****Sub-core found in dictionary****"
if {[string match -nocase v_* $sub_core]} {
set base_addr_name "BASEADDR"
} else {
set base_addr_name "BASEADDR"
set ip_instances [dict get $ss_ip_list $sub_core]
set avail_instances [llength $ip_instances]
set ip_instances [dict get $ss_ip_list $sub_core]
set avail_instances [llength $ip_instances]
#check if core can have multiple instances
#It is possible that not all instances are used in the design
if {$max_instances > 1} {
#check if core can have multiple instances
#It is possible that not all instances are used in the design
if {$max_instances > 1} {
#check if available instances are less than MAX
#if yes, include the missing instance
if {$avail_instances < $max_instances} {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
set count 0
set str_name "unknown"
#puts "IP Inst. Name: $ip_inst_name"
while {$count < $max_instances} {
if {[string compare -nocase "axi_gpio" $sub_core] == 0} {
set str_name [expr {$count == 0 ? "RESET_SEL_AXI_MM" : "RESET_SEL_AXIS"}]
} elseif {[string compare -nocase "v_vcresampler" $sub_core]} {
set str_name [expr {$count == 0 ? "V_VCRESAMPLER_IN" : "V_VCRESAMPLER_OUT"}]
#write the ip instance entry to the table
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${periph}_${str_name}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${periph}_${str_name}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${periph}_${str_name}_${base_addr_name}"
#check if available instances are less than MAX
#if yes, include the missing instance
if {$avail_instances < $max_instances} {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
set count 0
set str_name "unknown"
#puts "IP Inst. Name: $ip_inst_name"
while {$count < $max_instances} {
if {[string compare -nocase "axi_gpio" $sub_core] == 0} {
set str_name [expr {$count == 0 ? "RESET_SEL_AXI_MM" : "RESET_SEL_AXIS"}]
} elseif {[string compare -nocase "v_vcresampler" $sub_core]} {
set str_name [expr {$count == 0 ? "V_VCRESAMPLER_IN" : "V_VCRESAMPLER_OUT"}]
#write the ip instance entry to the table
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${periph}_${str_name}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${periph}_${str_name}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${periph}_${str_name}_${base_addr_name}"
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
incr count
} else {
foreach ip_inst $ip_instances {
#puts "instance = $ip_inst"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${ip_inst}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${ip_inst}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${ip_inst}_${base_addr_name}"
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
incr count
} else {
foreach ip_inst $ip_instances {
#puts "instance = $ip_inst"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${ip_inst}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${ip_inst}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${ip_inst}_${base_addr_name}"
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
} else {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
#puts "instance = $ip_inst"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${ip_inst_name}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${ip_inst_name}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${ip_inst_name}_${base_addr_name}"
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
} else {
set ip_inst_name [lindex $ip_instances 0]
#puts "instance = $ip_inst"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${ip_inst_name}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${ip_inst_name}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${ip_inst_name}_${base_addr_name}"
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
} else {
#puts "****sub-core not in dictionary****"
set count 0
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
} else {
#puts "****sub-core not in dictionary****"
set count 0
while {$count< $max_instances} {
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${periph}_${sub_core}_${count}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${periph}_${sub_core}_${count}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${periph}_${sub_core}_${count}_BASEADDR"
while {$count< $max_instances} {
set final_child_cell_instance_name_present "XPAR_${periph}_${sub_core}_${count}_PRESENT"
set final_child_cell_instance_devid "XPAR_${periph}_${sub_core}_${count}_DEVICE_ID"
set final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr "XPAR_${periph}_${sub_core}_${count}_BASEADDR"
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
incr count
puts $config_file "\t\t\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_present]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_devid]]
puts $config_file ","
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\t\t\t%s" [string toupper $final_child_cell_instance_name_baseaddr]]
puts $config_file "\n\t\t\},"
incr count
puts -nonewline $config_file "\t\}"
set start_comma ",\n"
puts -nonewline $config_file "\t\}"
set start_comma ",\n"
puts $config_file "\n\};"

XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/v_hdmirxss/src/Makefile Executable file → Normal file
View file

@ -22,19 +22,19 @@ OBJECTS = $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(wildcard *.c)))
libs: banner xvhdmirxss_libs clean
%.o: %.c
echo "Compiling HDMI RX Subsystem"
echo "Compiling HDMI RX Subsystem"
xvhdmirxss_libs: ${OBJECTS}
.PHONY: include
include: xvhdmirxss_includes
rm -rf ${OBJECTS}
rm -rf ${OBJECTS}

XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/v_hdmirxss/src/xv_hdmirxss.c Executable file → Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers/v_hdmirxss/src/xv_hdmirxss.h Executable file → Normal file
View file

@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
* <b>Subsystem Driver Features</b>
* Video Subsystem supports following features
* - AXI Stream Input/Output interface
* - 1, 2 or 4 pixel-wide video interface
* - 8/10/12/16 bits per component
* - RGB & YCbCr color space
* - Up to 4k2k 60Hz resolution at both Input and Output interface
* - Interlaced input support (1080i 50Hz/60Hz)
* - AXI Stream Input/Output interface
* - 1, 2 or 4 pixel-wide video interface
* - 8/10/12/16 bits per component
* - RGB & YCbCr color space
* - Up to 4k2k 60Hz resolution at both Input and Output interface
* - Interlaced input support (1080i 50Hz/60Hz)
* <pre>
@ -88,15 +88,15 @@ extern "C" {
* interrupt requests from peripheral.
typedef enum {
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_CONNECT = 1, /**< A connect event interrupt type */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_AUX, /**< Interrupt type for AUX peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_AUD, /**< Interrupt type for AUD peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_LNKSTA, /**< Interrupt type for LNKSTA peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_DDC, /**< Interrupt type for DDC peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_STREAM_DOWN, /**< Interrupt type for stream down */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_STREAM_INIT, /**< Interrupt type for stream init */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_STREAM_UP, /**< Interrupt type for stream up */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_HDCP /**< Interrupt type for hdcp */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_CONNECT = 1, /**< A connect event interrupt type */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_AUX, /**< Interrupt type for AUX peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_AUD, /**< Interrupt type for AUD peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_LNKSTA, /**< Interrupt type for LNKSTA peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_DDC, /**< Interrupt type for DDC peripheral */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_STREAM_DOWN, /**< Interrupt type for stream down */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_STREAM_INIT, /**< Interrupt type for stream init */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_STREAM_UP, /**< Interrupt type for stream up */
XV_HDMIRXSS_HANDLER_HDCP /**< Interrupt type for hdcp */
} XV_HdmiRxSs_HandlerType;
@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
u16 DeviceId; /**< DeviceId is the unique ID of the device */
u32 BaseAddress; /**< BaseAddress is the physical base address of the
subsystem address range */
u32 HighAddress; /**< HighAddress is the physical MAX address of the
subsystem address range */
u16 DeviceId; /**< DeviceId is the unique ID of the device */
u32 BaseAddress; /**< BaseAddress is the physical base address of the
subsystem address range */
u32 HighAddress; /**< HighAddress is the physical MAX address of the
subsystem address range */
XVidC_PixelsPerClock Ppc; /**< Supported Pixel per Clock */
u8 MaxBitsPerPixel; /**< Maximum Supported Color Depth */
XV_HdmiRxSs_SubCore HdcpTimer; /**< Sub-core instance configuration */
@ -151,44 +151,44 @@ typedef void (*XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback)(void *CallbackRef);
typedef struct
XV_HdmiRxSs_Config Config; /**< Hardware configuration */
u32 IsReady; /**< Device and the driver instance are
XV_HdmiRxSs_Config Config; /**< Hardware configuration */
u32 IsReady; /**< Device and the driver instance are
initialized */
XTmrCtr *HdcpTimerPtr; /**< handle to sub-core driver instance */
XHdcp1x *HdcpPtr; /**< handle to sub-core driver instance */
XV_HdmiRx *HdmiRxPtr; /**< handle to sub-core driver instance */
/*Callbacks */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback ConnectCallback; /**< Callback for connect event
* interrupt */
void *ConnectRef; /**< To be passed to the connect interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback ConnectCallback; /**< Callback for connect event
* interrupt */
void *ConnectRef; /**< To be passed to the connect interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback AuxCallback; /**< Callback for AUX event interrupt */
void *AuxRef; /**< To be passed to the AUX interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback AuxCallback; /**< Callback for AUX event interrupt */
void *AuxRef; /**< To be passed to the AUX interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback AudCallback; /**< Callback for AUD event interrupt */
void *AudRef; /**< To be passed to the Audio interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback AudCallback; /**< Callback for AUD event interrupt */
void *AudRef; /**< To be passed to the Audio interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback LnkStaCallback; /**< Callback for LNKSTA event
* interrupt */
void *LnkStaRef; /**< To be passed to the LNKSTA interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback LnkStaCallback; /**< Callback for LNKSTA event
* interrupt */
void *LnkStaRef; /**< To be passed to the LNKSTA interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback DdcCallback; /**< Callback for PDDC interrupt */
void *DdcRef; /**< To be passed to the DDC interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback DdcCallback; /**< Callback for PDDC interrupt */
void *DdcRef; /**< To be passed to the DDC interrupt callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback StreamDownCallback; /**< Callback for stream down
* callback */
void *StreamDownRef; /**< To be passed to the stream down callback */
* callback */
void *StreamDownRef; /**< To be passed to the stream down callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback StreamInitCallback; /**< Callback for stream init
* callback */
void *StreamInitRef; /**< To be passed to the stream start callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback StreamInitCallback; /**< Callback for stream init
* callback */
void *StreamInitRef; /**< To be passed to the stream start callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback StreamUpCallback; /**< Callback for stream up callback */
void *StreamUpRef; /**< To be passed to the stream up callback */
void *StreamUpRef; /**< To be passed to the stream up callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback HdcpCallback; /**< Callback for hdcp callback */
void *HdcpRef; /**< To be passed to the hdcp callback */
XV_HdmiRxSs_Callback HdcpCallback; /**< Callback for hdcp callback */
void *HdcpRef; /**< To be passed to the hdcp callback */
// Scratch pad
u8 IsStreamConnected; /**< HDMI RX Stream Connected */
@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ typedef struct
u16 EdidLength; /**< Default Edid Length */
u8 TMDSClockRatio; /**< HDMI RX TMDS clock ratio */
XVidC_DelayHandler UserTimerWaitUs; /**< Custom user function for
delay/sleep. */
void *UserTimerPtr; /**< Pointer to a timer instance
used by the custom user
delay/sleep function. */
XVidC_DelayHandler UserTimerWaitUs; /**< Custom user function for
delay/sleep. */
void *UserTimerPtr; /**< Pointer to a timer instance
used by the custom user
delay/sleep function. */
} XV_HdmiRxSs;
/************************** Macros Definitions *******************************/
@ -211,31 +211,30 @@ typedef struct
XV_HdmiRxSs_Config* XV_HdmiRxSs_LookupConfig(u32 DeviceId);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_ReportCoreInfo(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_SetUserTimerHandler(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr,
XVidC_DelayHandler CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef);
XVidC_DelayHandler CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef);
void XV_HdmiRxSS_HdmiRxIntrHandler(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
void XV_HdmiRxSS_HdcpIntrHandler(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
void XV_HdmiRxSS_HdcpTimerIntrHandler(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
int XV_HdmiRxSs_CfgInitialize(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr,
XV_HdmiRxSs_Config *CfgPtr,
u32 EffectiveAddr);
XV_HdmiRxSs_Config *CfgPtr,
u32 EffectiveAddr);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_Start(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_Stop(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_Reset(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
int XV_HdmiRxSs_SetCallback(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr,
u32 HandlerType,
void *CallbackFunc,
void *CallbackRef);
u32 HandlerType,
void *CallbackFunc,
void *CallbackRef);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_SetEdidParam(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr, u8 *EdidDataPtr,
u16 Length);
u16 Length);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_LoadDefaultEdid(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_LoadEdid(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr, u8 *EdidDataPtr,
u16 Length);
u16 Length);
void XV_HdmiRxSs_ToggleHpd(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
XV_HdmiRx_Aux *XV_HdmiRxSs_GetAuxiliary(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
u32 XV_HdmiRxSs_SetStream(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr,
XVidC_PixelsPerClock Ppc,
u32 Clock,
u32 LineRate);
u32 Clock,
u32 LineRate);
XVidC_VideoStream *XV_HdmiRxSs_GetVideoStream(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
u8 XV_HdmiRxSs_GetVideoIDCode(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);
u8 XV_HdmiRxSs_GetVideoStreamType(XV_HdmiRxSs *InstancePtr);

View file

@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/
static int XV_HdmiRxSs_ComputeSubcoreAbsAddr(u32 SubSys_BaseAddr,
u32 SubSys_HighAddr,
u32 subcore_offset,
u32 *SubCore_BaseAddr);
u32 SubSys_HighAddr,
u32 subcore_offset,
u32 *SubCore_BaseAddr);
@ -86,9 +86,9 @@ static int XV_HdmiRxSs_ComputeSubcoreAbsAddr(u32 SubSys_BaseAddr,
static int XV_HdmiRxSs_ComputeSubcoreAbsAddr(u32 SubSys_BaseAddr,
u32 SubSys_HighAddr,
u32 SubCore_Offset,
u32 *SubCore_BaseAddr)
u32 SubSys_HighAddr,
u32 SubCore_Offset,
u32 *SubCore_BaseAddr)
int Status;
u32 absAddr;
@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ static int XV_HdmiRxSs_ComputeSubcoreAbsAddr(u32 SubSys_BaseAddr,
*SubCore_BaseAddr = 0;
*SubCore_BaseAddr = 0;
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ int XV_HdmiRxSs_SubcoreInitHdmiRx(XV_HdmiRxSs *HdmiRxSsPtr)
/* Get core configuration */
/* Get core configuration */
xdbg_printf(XDBG_DEBUG_GENERAL," ->Initializing HDMI RX core.... \r\n");
ConfigPtr = XV_HdmiRx_LookupConfig(HdmiRxSsPtr->Config.HdmiRx.DeviceId);
if(ConfigPtr == NULL)
@ -134,28 +134,28 @@ int XV_HdmiRxSs_SubcoreInitHdmiRx(XV_HdmiRxSs *HdmiRxSsPtr)
/* Compute absolute base address */
/* Compute absolute base address */
AbsAddr = 0;
Status = XV_HdmiRxSs_ComputeSubcoreAbsAddr(HdmiRxSsPtr->Config.BaseAddress,
if(Status != XST_SUCCESS)
xil_printf("HDMIRXSS ERR:: HDMI RX core base address (0x%x) \
invalid %d\r\n", AbsAddr);
invalid %d\r\n", AbsAddr);
/* Initialize core */
/* Initialize core */
Status = XV_HdmiRx_CfgInitialize(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdmiRxPtr,
// Load EDID
XV_HdmiRx_DdcLoadEdid(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdmiRxPtr, HdmiRxSsPtr->EdidPtr,
/* Reset the hardware and set the flag to indicate the
subsystem is ready
@ -190,9 +190,9 @@ int XV_HdmiRxSs_SubcoreInitHdcpTimer(XV_HdmiRxSs *HdmiRxSsPtr)
/* Get core configuration */
/* Get core configuration */
xdbg_printf(XDBG_DEBUG_GENERAL," \
->Initializing AXI Timer core.... \r\n");
->Initializing AXI Timer core.... \r\n");
ConfigPtr = XTmrCtr_LookupConfig(HdmiRxSsPtr->Config.HdcpTimer.DeviceId);
if(ConfigPtr == NULL)
@ -200,26 +200,26 @@ int XV_HdmiRxSs_SubcoreInitHdcpTimer(XV_HdmiRxSs *HdmiRxSsPtr)
/* Compute absolute base address */
/* Compute absolute base address */
AbsAddr = 0;
Status = XV_HdmiRxSs_ComputeSubcoreAbsAddr(HdmiRxSsPtr->Config.BaseAddress,
if(Status != XST_SUCCESS)
xil_printf("HDMIRXSS ERR:: AXI Timer core base address (0x%x) \
invalid %d\r\n", AbsAddr);
invalid %d\r\n", AbsAddr);
/* Setup the instance */
memset(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpTimerPtr, 0, sizeof(XTmrCtr));
/* Setup the instance */
memset(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpTimerPtr, 0, sizeof(XTmrCtr));
/* Initialize core */
XTmrCtr_CfgInitialize(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpTimerPtr, ConfigPtr, AbsAddr);
Status = XTmrCtr_InitHw(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpTimerPtr);
/* Initialize core */
XTmrCtr_CfgInitialize(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpTimerPtr, ConfigPtr, AbsAddr);
Status = XTmrCtr_InitHw(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpTimerPtr);
if(Status != XST_SUCCESS)
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ int XV_HdmiRxSs_SubcoreInitHdcp(XV_HdmiRxSs *HdmiRxSsPtr)
/* Get core configuration */
/* Get core configuration */
xdbg_printf(XDBG_DEBUG_GENERAL," ->Initializing HDCP core.... \r\n");
ConfigPtr = XHdcp1x_LookupConfig(HdmiRxSsPtr->Config.Hdcp.DeviceId);
if(ConfigPtr == NULL)
@ -256,39 +256,39 @@ int XV_HdmiRxSs_SubcoreInitHdcp(XV_HdmiRxSs *HdmiRxSsPtr)
/* Compute absolute base address */
/* Compute absolute base address */
AbsAddr = 0;
Status = XV_HdmiRxSs_ComputeSubcoreAbsAddr(HdmiRxSsPtr->Config.BaseAddress,
if(Status != XST_SUCCESS)
xil_printf("HDMIRXSS ERR:: HDCP core base address (0x%x) invalid %d\r\n",
/* Initialize core */
/* Initialize core */
void *PhyIfPtr = HdmiRxSsPtr->HdmiRxPtr;
Status = XHdcp1x_CfgInitialize(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpPtr,
/* Self-test the hdcp interface */
if (XHdcp1x_SelfTest(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpPtr) != XST_SUCCESS) {
/* Self-test the hdcp interface */
if (XHdcp1x_SelfTest(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpPtr) != XST_SUCCESS) {
if(Status != XST_SUCCESS)
if(Status != XST_SUCCESS)
xil_printf("HDMIRXSS ERR:: HDCP Initialization failed\r\n");
XHdcp1x_SetKeySelect(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpPtr, XV_HDMIRXSS_HDCP_KEYSEL);
XHdcp1x_SetKeySelect(HdmiRxSsPtr->HdcpPtr, XV_HDMIRXSS_HDCP_KEYSEL);

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@ -48,15 +48,15 @@
#define XPAR_V_HDMI_RX_SS_0_HDCP_1_4_DEVICE_ID 255
#define XPAR_V_HDMI_RX_SS_0_HDCP_1_4_DEVICE_ID 255
@ -67,27 +67,27 @@
XV_HdmiRxSs_Config XV_HdmiRxSs_ConfigTable[] =

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