This is the driver API for the AXI CDMA engine.
For a full description of the features of the AXI CDMA engine, please refer to the hardware specification. This driver supports the following features:
Two Hardware Building Modes
The hardware can be built in two modes:
The hardware supports two types of transfers, the simple DMA transfer and the scatter gather (SG) DMA transfer.
A simple DMA transfer only needs source buffer address, destination buffer address and transfer length to do a DMA transfer. Only one transfer can be submitted to the hardware at a time.
A SG DMA transfer requires setting up a buffer descriptor (BD), which keeps the transfer information, including source buffer address, destination buffer address, and transfer length. The hardware updates the BD for the completion status of the transfer. BDs that are connected to each other can be submitted to the hardware at once, therefore, the SG DMA transfer has better performance when the application is doing multiple transfers each time.
Callback Function
Each transfer, for which the application cares about its completion, should provide with the driver its callback function. The signature of the callback function is as the following:
void XAxiCdma_CallBackFn(void *CallBackRef, u32 IrqMask, int *NumPtr);
Where the CallBackRef is a reference pointer that the application passes to the driver along with the callback function. The driver passes IrqMask to the application when it calls this callback. The NumPtr is only used in SG mode to track how many BDs still left for this callback function.
The callback function is set upon transfer submission:
Only set the callback function if in interrupt mode.
For simple transfers, the callback function along with the callback reference pointer is passed to the driver through the submission of the simple transfer:
Simple Transfers
For an application that only does one DMA transfer at a time, and the DMA engine is exclusively used by this application, simple DMA transfer is sufficient.
Using the simple DMA transfer has the advantage of ease of use comparing to SG DMA transfer. For an individual DMA transfer, simple DMA transfer is also faster because of simplicity in software and hardware.
Scatter Gather (SG) Transfers
For an application that has multiple DMA transfers sometimes, or the DMA engine is shared by multiple applications, using SG DMA transfer yields better performance over all applications.
The SG DMA transfer provides queuing of multiple transfers, therefore, it provides better performance because the hardware can continuously work on all submitted transfers without software intervention.
The down side of using the SG DMA transfer is that you have to manage the memory for the buffer descriptors (BD), and setup BDs for the transfers.
The driver handles the interrupts.
The completion of a transfer, that has a callback function associated with, will trigger the driver to call the callback function. The IrqMask that is passed through the callback function notifies the application about the completion status of the transfer.
Interrupt Coalescing for SG Transfers
For SG transfers, the application can program the interrupt coalescing threshold to reduce the frequency of interrupts. If the number of transfers does not match well with the interrupt coalescing threshold, the completion of the last transfer will not trigger the completion interrupt. However, after the specified delay count time, the delay interrupt will fire.
By default, the interrupt threshold for the hardware is one, which is one interrupt per BD completion.
Delay Interrupt for SG Transfers
Delay interrupt is to signal the application about inactivity of transfers. If the delay interrupt is enabled, the delay timer starts counting down once a transfer has started. If the interval between transfers is longer than the delay counter, the delay interrupt is fired.
By default, the delay counter is zero, which means the delay interrupt is disabled. To enable delay interrupt, the delay interrupt enable bit must be set and the delay counter must be set to a value between 1 to 255.
BD management for SG DMA Transfers
BD is shared by the software and the hardware. To use BD for SG DMA transfers, the application needs to use the driver API to do the following:
Note that the memory for the BD ring is allocated and is later de-allocated by the application.
The driver also provides API functions to get the status of a completed BD, along with get functions for other fields in the BD.
The following two diagrams show the correct flow of BDs:
The first diagram shows a complete cycle for BDs, starting from requesting the BDs to freeing the BDs.
XAxiCdma_BdRingAlloc() XAxiCdma_BdRingToHw() Free ------------------------> Pre-process ----------------------> Hardware | /|\ | | XAxiCdma_BdRingFree() XAxiCdma_BdRingFromHw() | +--------------------------- Post-process <----------------------+
The second diagram shows when a DMA transfer is to be cancelled before enqueuing to the hardware, application can return the requested BDs to the free group using XAxiCdma_BdRingUnAlloc().
XAxiCdma_BdRingUnAlloc() Free <----------------------- Pre-process
Physical/Virtual Addresses
Addresses for the transfer buffers are physical addresses.
For SG transfers, the next BD pointer in a BD is also a physical address.
However, application's reference to a BD and to the transfer buffers are through virtual addresses.
The application is responsible to translate the virtual addresses of its transfer buffers to physical addresses before handing them to the driver.
For systems where MMU is not used, or MMU is a direct mapping, then the physical address and the virtual address are the same.
Cache Coherency
To prevent cache and memory inconsistency:
For SG transfers:
BD alignment for SG Transfers
The hardware has requirement for the minimum alignment of the BDs, XAXICDMA_BD_MINIMUM_ALIGNMENT. It is OK to have an alignment larger than the required minimum alignment, however, it must be multiple of the minimum alignment. The alignment is passed into XAxiCdma_BdRingCreate().
Error Handling
The hardware halts upon all error conditions. The driver will reset the hardware once the error occurs.
The IrqMask argument in the callback function notifies the application about error conditions for the transfer.
Mutual Exclusion
The driver does not provide mutual exclusion mechanisms, it is up to the upper layer to handle this.
Hardware Defaults & Exclusive Use
The hardware is in the following condition on start or after a reset:
The driver has exclusive use of the hardware registers and BDs. Accessing the hardware registers or the BDs should always go through the driver API functions.
Hardware Features That User Should Be Aware of
For performance reasons, the driver does not check the submission of transfers during run time. It is the user's responsibility to submit approrpiate transfers to the hardware. The following hardware features should be considerred when submitting a transfer:
. Whether the hardware supports unaligned transfers, reflected through C_INCLUDE_DRE in system.mhs file. Submitting unaligned transfers while the hardware does not support it, causes errors upon transfer submission. Aligned transfer is in respect to word length, and word length is defined through the building parameter XPAR_AXI_CDMA_0_M_AXI_DATA_WIDTH.
. Memory range of the transfer addresses. Transfer data to executable memory can crash the system.
. Lite mode. To save hardware resources (drastically), you may select "lite" mode build of the hardware. However, with lite mode, the following features are _not_ supported:
. Updated the debug print on type casting to avoid warnings on u32. Cast u32 to (unsigned int) to use the x format.
Ver Who Date Changes ----- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1.00a jz 07/08/10 First release 2.01a rkv 01/25/11 Added TCL script to generate Test App code for peripheral tests. Replaced with "\r\n" in place on "\n\r" in printf statements. Made some minor modifications for Doxygen 2.02a srt 01/18/13 Added support for Key Hole feature (CR: 687217). Updated DDR base address for IPI designs (CR 703656). 2.03a srt 04/13/13 Removed Warnings (CR 705006). Added logic to check if DDR is present in the test app tcl file. (CR 700806) 3.0 adk 19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API'sCopyright @ 1995-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.