Software Drivers

gpio v4_0

This file contains the software API definition of the Xilinx General Purpose I/O (XGpio) device driver.

The Xilinx GPIO controller is a soft IP core designed for Xilinx FPGAs and contains the following general features:

The driver provides interrupt management functions. Implementation of interrupt handlers is left to the user. Refer to the provided interrupt example in the examples directory for details.

This driver is intended to be RTOS and processor independent. Any needs for dynamic memory management, threads or thread mutual exclusion, virtual memory, or cache control must be satisfied by the layer above this driver.

Initialization & Configuration

The XGpio_Config structure is used by the driver to configure itself. This configuration structure is typically created by the tool-chain based on HW build properties.

To support multiple runtime loading and initialization strategies employed by various operating systems, the driver instance can be initialized in one of the following ways:


This API utilizes 32 bit I/O to the GPIO registers. With less than 32 bits, the unused bits from registers are read as zero and written as don't cares.

 Ver   Who  Date     Changes
 ----- ---- -------- -----------------------------------------------
 1.00a rmm  03/13/02 First release
 2.00a jhl  11/26/03 Added support for dual channels and interrupts
 2.01a jvb  12/14/05 I separated dependency on the static config table and
                     xparameters.h from the driver initialization by moving
                     _Initialize and _LookupConfig to _sinit.c. I also added
                     the new _CfgInitialize routine.
 2.11a mta  03/21/07 Updated to new coding style, added GetDataDirection
 2.12a sv   11/21/07 Updated driver to support access through DCR bus
 2.12a sv   06/05/08 Updated driver to fix the XGpio_InterruptDisable function
		      to properly update the Interrupt Enable register
 2.13a sdm  08/22/08 Removed support for static interrupt handlers from the MDD
 3.00a sv   11/21/09 Updated to use HAL Processor APIs.
		      Renamed the macros XGpio_mWriteReg to XGpio_WriteReg and
		      XGpio_mReadReg to XGpio_ReadReg. Removed the macros
		      XGpio_mSetDataDirection, XGpio_mGetDataReg and
		      XGpio_mSetDataReg. Users should use XGpio_WriteReg and
		      XGpio_ReadReg to achieve the same functionality.
 3.01a bss  04/18/13 Updated driver tcl to generate Canonical params in
		      xparameters.h. CR#698589
 4.0   adk  19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's