Software Drivers

xnandps.c File Reference

#include "xnandps.h"
#include "xnandps_bbm.h"
#include "xnandps_onfi.h"


void XNandPs_SendCommand (XNandPs *InstancePtr, XNandPs_CommandFormat *Command, int Page, int Column)
void XNandPs_InitBbtDesc (XNandPs *InstancePtr)
int XNandPs_ScanBbt (XNandPs *InstancePtr)
u8 Onfi_CmdReadStatus (XNandPs *InstancePtr)
int Onfi_NandInit (XNandPs *InstancePtr)
int XNandPs_CfgInitialize (XNandPs *InstancePtr, XNandPs_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 SmcBaseAddr, u32 FlashBaseAddr)
int XNandPs_Read (XNandPs *InstancePtr, u64 Offset, u32 Length, void *DestPtr, u8 *UserSparePtr)
int XNandPs_ReadCache (XNandPs *InstancePtr, u64 Offset, u32 Length, void *DestPtr, u8 *UserSparePtr)
int XNandPs_Write (XNandPs *InstancePtr, u64 Offset, u32 Length, void *SrcPtr, u8 *UserSparePtr)
int XNandPs_WriteCache (XNandPs *InstancePtr, u64 Offset, u32 Length, void *SrcPtr, u8 *UserSparePtr)
int XNandPs_ReadSpareBytes (XNandPs *InstancePtr, u32 Page, u8 *Buf)
int XNandPs_WriteSpareBytes (XNandPs *InstancePtr, u32 Page, u8 *Buf)
int XNandPs_EraseBlock (XNandPs *InstancePtr, u32 BlockNum)


u32 NandOob16 [] = {13, 14, 15}
u32 NandOob32 [] = {26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31}
u32 NandOob64 []
XNandPs_CommandFormat OnfiCommands []

Detailed Description

This file contains the implementation of the interface functions for XNandPs driver. Refer to the header file xnandps.h for more detailed information.

This module supports for NAND flash memory devices that conform to the "Open NAND Flash Interface" (ONFI) Specification. This modules implements basic flash operations like read, write and erase.

 Ver   Who    Date    	   Changes
 ----- ----   ----------  -----------------------------------------------
 1.00a nm     12/10/2010  First release
 1.01a nm     28/02/2012  Fixed 16-bit issue with ONFI commands like
                          read, write and read status command. The config
                          structure width is updated after ONFI query
                          with the parameter page width.
 1.02a nm     20/09/2012  Removed setting of set_cycles and set_opmode
                          register values as it is now done in FSBL using
                          the PCW generated files. CR#678949.
 1.03a nm     10/22/2012  Fixed CR# 673348.
 1.04a nm     04/15/2013  Fixed CR# 704401. Removed warnings when compiled
 			   with -Wall and -Wextra option in bsp.
	       04/25/2013  Implemented PR# 699544. Added page cache read
			   and program support. Added API's XNandPs_ReadCache
			   and XNandPs_WriteCache for page cache support.
			   Added ECC handling functions XNandPs_EccSetCfg,
			   XNandPs_EccSetMemCmd1...etc, to support better 
			   usage of ECC block for page cache commands.
			   Modified Read/Write API's so that there is common
			   code for normal read/write and page cache commands.
			   Disabling/Re-enabling ECC block in read/write API's
			   of spare bytes since we don't calculate ECC for
			   spare bytes.
 2.01 kpc    07/24/2014   Fixed CR#808770. Update command register twice only
                           if flash device requires >= four address cycles.

Function Documentation

u8 Onfi_CmdReadStatus ( XNandPs InstancePtr  ) 

This function sends read status command to the flash device.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XNandPs instance.
flash status value read
int Onfi_NandInit ( XNandPs InstancePtr  ) 

This function initializes the NAND flash and gets the geometry information.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XNandPs instance.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if failed.
int XNandPs_CfgInitialize ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
XNandPs_Config ConfigPtr,
u32  SmcBaseAddr,
u32  FlashBaseAddr 

This function initializes a specific XNandPs device/instance. This function must be called prior to using the flash device to read or write any data.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XNandPs instance.
ConfigPtr points to the XNandPs device configuration structure.
SmcBaseAddr is the base address of SMC controller.
FlashBaseAddr is the base address of NAND flash.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
The user needs to first call the XNandPs_LookupConfig() API which returns the Configuration structure pointer which is passed as a parameter to the XNandPs_CfgInitialize() API.
int XNandPs_EraseBlock ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
u32  BlockNum 

This function erases a specific block in the NAND device.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XNandPs instance.
BlockNum is the block number of the device.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
  • XST_NAND_WRITE_PROTECTED if the flash is write protected.
void XNandPs_InitBbtDesc ( XNandPs InstancePtr  ) 

This function initializes the Bad Block Table(BBT) descriptors with a predefined pattern for searching Bad Block Table(BBT) in flash.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XNandPs instance.
  • NONE
int XNandPs_Read ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
u64  Offset,
u32  Length,
void *  DestPtr,
u8 *  UserSparePtr 

This function reads the data from the Flash device and copies it into the specified user buffer. It doesn't check for the bad blocks while reading the flash pages that cross block boundary. User must take care of handling bad blocks.

InstancePtr is the pointer to the XNandPs instance.
Offset is the flash data address to read from.
Length is number of bytes to read.
DestPtr is the destination address to copy data to.
UserSparePtr is the user buffer to which spare data must be copied.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
This function reads sequential pages from the Flash device.
int XNandPs_ReadCache ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
u64  Offset,
u32  Length,
void *  DestPtr,
u8 *  UserSparePtr 

This function reads the data from the Flash device using read page cache command and copies it into the specified user buffer. It doesn't check for the bad blocks while reading the flash pages that cross block boundary. User must take care of handling bad blocks.

InstancePtr is the pointer to the XNandPs instance.
Offset is the flash data address to read from.
Length is number of bytes to read.
DestPtr is the destination address to copy data to.
UserSparePtr is the user buffer to which spare data must be copied.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
This function reads sequential pages from the Flash device.
int XNandPs_ReadSpareBytes ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
u32  Page,
u8 *  Buf 

This function reads the spare area of a page.

InstancePtr is the pointer to the XNandPs instance.
Page is the page number from where spare data is read.
Buf is pointer to the buffer where the spare data is filled.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
int XNandPs_ScanBbt ( XNandPs InstancePtr  ) 

This function reads the Bad Block Table(BBT) if present in flash. If not it scans the flash for detecting factory marked bad blocks and creates a bad block table and write the Bad Block Table(BBT) into the flash.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XNandPs instance.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
void XNandPs_SendCommand ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
XNandPs_CommandFormat Command,
int  Page,
int  Column 

This function sends a NAND command to the flash device.

InstancePtr is the pointer to XNandPs struture
Command is the NAND command to send
Page is the page offset required for specific commands
Column the column offset required for specific commands
int XNandPs_Write ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
u64  Offset,
u32  Length,
void *  SrcPtr,
u8 *  UserSparePtr 

This function programs the flash device(s) with data specified in the user buffer. The source and destination address must be aligned to the width of the flash's data bus. It doesn't check for the bad blocks while writing to the flash pages that cross block boundary. User must take care of handling bad blocks.

InstancePtr is the pointer to the XNandPs instance.
Offset is the flash data address to write to.
Length is number of bytes to write.
SrcPtr is the source address to write the data from.
UserSparePtr is the user buffer which contains buffer to write into spare data area.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
  • XST_NAND_WRITE_PROTECTED if the flash is write protected.
This function writes number of sequential pages into the Flash device.
int XNandPs_WriteCache ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
u64  Offset,
u32  Length,
void *  SrcPtr,
u8 *  UserSparePtr 

This function programs the flash device(s) with data specified in the user buffer using program cache command. The source and destination address must be aligned to the width of the flash's data bus. It doesn't check for the bad blocks while writing to the flash pages that cross block boundary. User must take care of handling bad blocks.

InstancePtr is the pointer to the XNandPs instance.
Offset is the flash data address to write to.
Length is number of bytes to write.
SrcPtr is the source address to write the data from.
UserSparePtr is the user buffer which contains buffer to write into spare data area.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.
  • XST_NAND_WRITE_PROTECTED if the flash is write protected.
This function writes number of sequential pages into the Flash device.
int XNandPs_WriteSpareBytes ( XNandPs InstancePtr,
u32  Page,
u8 *  Buf 

This function write to the spare area of a page.

InstancePtr is the pointer to the XNandPs instance.
Page is the page number to write.
Buf is pointer to the buffer which holds the data.
  • XST_SUCCESS if successful.
  • XST_FAILURE if fail.

Variable Documentation

u32 NandOob16[] = {13, 14, 15}

Ecc position for 16 bytes spare area

u32 NandOob32[] = {26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31}

Ecc position for 32 bytes spare area

u32 NandOob64[]
Initial value:
 {52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,
                   58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63}

Ecc position for 64 bytes spare area

ONFI commands

This structure defines the onfi command format sent to the flash.