The generic interrupt controller driver component.
The interrupt controller driver uses the idea of priority for the various handlers. Priority is an integer within the range of 1 and 31 inclusive with default of 1 being the highest priority interrupt source. The priorities of the various sources can be dynamically altered as needed through hardware configuration.
The generic interrupt controller supports the following features:
Details about connecting the interrupt handler of the driver are contained in the source file specific to interrupt processing, xscugic_intr.c.
This driver is intended to be RTOS and processor independent. It works with physical addresses only. Any needs for dynamic memory management, threads or thread mutual exclusion, virtual memory, or cache control must be satisfied by the layer above this driver.
Interrupt Vector Tables
The device ID of the interrupt controller device is used by the driver as a direct index into the configuration data table. The user should populate the vector table with handlers and callbacks at run-time using the XScuGic_Connect() and XScuGic_Disconnect() functions.
Each vector table entry corresponds to a device that can generate an interrupt. Each entry contains an interrupt handler function and an argument to be passed to the handler when an interrupt occurs. The user must use XScuGic_Connect() when the interrupt handler takes an argument other than the base address.
Nested Interrupts Processing
Nested interrupts are not supported by this driver.
NOTE: The generic interrupt controller is not a part of the snoop control unit as indicated by the prefix "scu" in the name of the driver. It is an independent module in APU.
Ver Who Date Changes ----- ---- -------- --------------------------------------------------------- 1.00a drg 01/19/00 First release 1.01a sdm 11/09/11 The XScuGic and XScuGic_Config structures have changed. The HandlerTable (of type XScuGic_VectorTableEntry) is moved to XScuGic_Config structure from XScuGic structure.
The "Config" entry in XScuGic structure is made as pointer for better efficiency.
A new file named as xscugic_hw.c is now added. It is to implement low level driver routines without using any xscugic instance pointer. They are useful when the user wants to use xscugic through device id or base address. The driver routines provided are explained below. XScuGic_DeviceInitialize that takes device id as argument and initializes the device (without calling XScuGic_CfgInitialize). XScuGic_DeviceInterruptHandler that takes device id as argument and calls appropriate handlers from the HandlerTable. XScuGic_RegisterHandler that registers a new handler by taking xscugic hardware base address as argument. LookupConfigByBaseAddress is used to return the corresponding config structure from XScuGic_ConfigTable based on the scugic base address passed. 1.02a sdm 12/20/11 Removed AckBeforeService from the XScuGic_Config structure. 1.03a srt 02/27/13 Moved Offset calculation macros from *.c and *_hw.c to *_hw.h Added APIs
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