Software Drivers

sysmon v7_0

The XSysMon driver supports the Xilinx System Monitor/ADC device.

The System Monitor/ADC device has the following features:

The user should refer to the hardware device specification for detailed information about the device.

This header file contains the prototypes of driver functions that can be used to access the System Monitor/ADC device.

System Monitor Channel Sequencer Modes

The System Monitor Channel Sequencer supports the following operating modes:

Initialization and Configuration

The device driver enables higher layer software (e.g., an application) to communicate to the System Monitor/ADC device.

XSysMon_CfgInitialize() API is used to initialize the System Monitor/ADC device. The user needs to first call the XSysMon_LookupConfig() API which returns the Configuration structure pointer which is passed as a parameter to the XSysMon_CfgInitialize() API.


The System Monitor/ADC device supports interrupt driven mode and the default operation mode is polling mode.

The interrupt mode is available only if hardware is configured to support interrupts.

This driver does not provide a Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for the device. It is the responsibility of the application to provide one if needed. Refer to the interrupt example provided with this driver for details on using the device in interrupt mode.

Virtual Memory

This driver supports Virtual Memory. The RTOS is responsible for calculating the correct device base address in Virtual Memory space.


This driver is not thread safe. Any needs for threads or thread mutual exclusion must be satisfied by the layer above this driver.


Asserts are used within all Xilinx drivers to enforce constraints on argument values. Asserts can be turned off on a system-wide basis by defining, at compile time, the NDEBUG identifier. By default, asserts are turned on and it is recommended that users leave asserts on during development.

Building the driver

The XSysMon driver is composed of several source files. This allows the user to build and link only those parts of the driver that are necessary.

Limitations of the driver

System Monitor/ADC device can be accessed through the JTAG port and the AXI interface. The driver implementation does not support the simultaneous access of the device by both these interfaces. The user has to care of this situation in the user application code.

 Ver   Who    Date     Changes
 ----- -----  -------- -----------------------------------------------------
 1.00a xd/sv  05/22/07 First release
 2.00a sv     07/07/08 Added bit definitions for new Alarm Interrupts in the
			Interrupt Registers. Changed the ADC data functions
			to return 16 bits of data. Added macros for conversion
			from Raw Data to Temperature/Voltage and vice-versa.
 3.00a sdm    02/09/09 Added APIs and bit definitions for V6 SysMon.
 4.00a ktn    10/22/09 Updated the driver to use the HAL Processor APIs/macros.
		        The macros have been renamed to remove _m from the name
		        in all the driver files.
 5.00a sdm    06/15/11 Added support for XADC 7 Series.
 5.01a bss    02/28/12 Added support for Zynq,
 5.02a bss    11/23/12 Added APIs and Macros to support Temperature Updation
			over TEMP_OUT port(CR #679872)
 5.03a bss    04/25/13 Modified XSysMon_SetSeqChEnables,
			XSysMon_SetSeqAvgEnables, XSysMon_SetSeqInputMode
			and XSysMon_SetSeqAcqTime APIs to check for Safe Mode
			instead of Single Channel mode(CR #703729) in xsysmon.c
			Modified examples: xsysmon_polled_example.c,
			xsysmon_intr_printf_example.c, xsysmon_intr_example.c
			xsysmon_extmux_example.c and
			xsysmon_polled_printf_example.c to set Sequencer Mode
			as Safe mode instead of Single channel mode before
			configuring Sequencer registers.
 6.0   adk  19/12/13   Updated as per the New Tcl API's
 7.0   bss  7/25/14    To support Ultrascale:
			XSM_ATR_VUSR3_LOWER macros.
			Added XSM_IP_OFFSET macro(since register
			offsets are different for Ultrascale comapared to
			earlier familes),Offsets,Masks for VUSER0 to
			VUSER3 channels, Configuration Register 3 and
			Sequence Registers 8 and 9 in xsysmon_hw.h.
			Modified XSysMon_GetAdcData,
			XSysMon_SetSingleChParams, XSysMon_SetAlarmEnables,
			and XSysMon_GetAlarmThreshold in xsysmon.c.
			Modified driver tcl to generate XPAR_SYSMON_0_IP_TYPE