Refer to the xaxipmon.h header file for more information about this driver.
Ver Who Date Changes ----- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------------- 1.00a bss 02/27/12 First release 2.00a bss 06/23/12 Updated to support v2_00a version of IP. 3.00a bss 09/03/12 Deleted XAxiPmon_SetAgent, XAxiPmon_GetAgent APIs and modified XAxiPmon_SetMetrics, XAxiPmon_GetMetrics APIs to support v2_01a version of IP. 3.01a bss 10/25/12 Added XAxiPmon_StartCounters and XAxiPmon_StopCounters APIs (CR #683799). Added XAxiPmon_StartEventLog and XAxiPmon_StopEventLog APIs (CR #683801). Added XAxiPmon_GetMetricName API (CR #683803). Modified XAxiPmon_SetMetrics and XAxiPmon_GetMetrics (CR #683746) Added XAxiPmon_EnableEventLog, XAxiPmon_DisableMetricsCounter, XAxiPmon_EnableMetricsCounter APIs to replace macros. Added XAxiPmon_SetMetricCounterCutOff, XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounterCutOff, XAxiPmon_EnableExternalTrigger and XAxiPmon_DisableExternalTrigger APIs to support new version of IP. 4.00a bss 01/17/13 To support new version of IP: Added XAxiPmon_SetLogEnableRanges, XAxiPmon_GetLogEnableRanges, XAxiPmon_EnableMetricCounterTrigger, XAxiPmon_DisableMetricCounterTrigger, XAxiPmon_EnableEventLogTrigger, XAxiPmon_DisableEventLogTrigger, XAxiPmon_SetWriteLatencyId, XAxiPmon_SetReadLatencyId, XAxiPmon_GetWriteLatencyId, XAxiPmon_GetReadLatencyId APIs and removed XAxiPmon_SetMetricCounterCutOff, XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounterCutOff, XAxiPmon_EnableExternalTrigger and XAxiPmon_DisableExternalTrigger APIs 5.00a bss 08/26/13 To support new version of IP: Modified XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize to add Mode of APM and ScaleFactor parameter. Modified Assert functions depending on Mode. Modified XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounter and XAxiPmon_GetSampledMetricCounter to include new Counters. Modified XAxiPmon_SetSampleInterval and XAxiPmon_GetSampleInterval to remove higher 32 bit value of SampleInterval since Sample Interval Register is only 32 bit. Added XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyStart, XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyEnd, XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyStart XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyEnd, XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyStart, XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyEnd, XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyStart, XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyEnd, XAxiPmon_SetWriteIdMask, XAxiPmon_SetReadIdMask, XAxiPmon_GetWriteIdMask and XAxiPmon_GetReadIdMask APIs. Renamed: XAxiPmon_SetWriteLatencyId to XAxiPmon_SetWriteId XAxiPmon_SetReadLatencyId to XAxiPmon_SetReadId XAxiPmon_GetWriteLatencyId to XAxiPmon_GetWriteId XAxiPmon_SetReadLatencyId to XAxiPmon_GetReadId. 6.2 bss 04/21/14 Updated XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize to Reset counters and FIFOs based on Modes(CR#782671). And if both profile and trace modes are present set mode as Advanced.
#include "xaxipmon.h"
Functions | |
int | XAxiPmon_CfgInitialize (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, XAxiPmon_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr) |
int | XAxiPmon_ResetMetricCounter (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_ResetGlobalClkCounter (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
int | XAxiPmon_ResetFifo (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetIncrementerRange (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 IncrementerNum, u16 RangeUpper, u16 RangeLower) |
void | XAxiPmon_GetIncrementerRange (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 IncrementerNum, u16 *RangeUpper, u16 *RangeLower) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetSampleInterval (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 SampleInterval) |
void | XAxiPmon_GetSampleInterval (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 *SampleInterval) |
int | XAxiPmon_SetMetrics (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Slot, u8 Metrics, u8 CounterNum) |
int | XAxiPmon_GetMetrics (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 CounterNum, u8 *Metrics, u8 *Slot) |
void | XAxiPmon_GetGlobalClkCounter (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 *CntHighValue, u32 *CntLowValue) |
u32 | XAxiPmon_GetMetricCounter (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum) |
u32 | XAxiPmon_GetSampledMetricCounter (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum) |
u32 | XAxiPmon_GetIncrementer (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 IncrementerNum) |
u32 | XAxiPmon_GetSampledIncrementer (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 IncrementerNum) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetSwDataReg (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 SwData) |
u32 | XAxiPmon_GetSwDataReg (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
int | XAxiPmon_StartEventLog (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 FlagEnables) |
int | XAxiPmon_StopEventLog (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
int | XAxiPmon_StartCounters (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 SampleInterval) |
int | XAxiPmon_StopCounters (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_EnableMetricsCounter (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_DisableMetricsCounter (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetLogEnableRanges (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum, u16 RangeUpper, u16 RangeLower) |
void | XAxiPmon_GetLogEnableRanges (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u32 CounterNum, u16 *RangeUpper, u16 *RangeLower) |
void | XAxiPmon_EnableEventLog (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_EnableMetricCounterTrigger (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_DisableMetricCounterTrigger (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_EnableEventLogTrigger (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_DisableEventLogTrigger (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
const char * | XAxiPmon_GetMetricName (u8 Metrics) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetWriteId (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 WriteId) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetReadId (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 ReadId) |
u16 | XAxiPmon_GetWriteId (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
u16 | XAxiPmon_GetReadId (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyStart (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetWrLatencyEnd (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyStart (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetRdLatencyEnd (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u8 Param) |
u8 | XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyStart (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
u8 | XAxiPmon_GetWrLatencyEnd (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
u8 | XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyStart (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
u8 | XAxiPmon_GetRdLatencyEnd (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetWriteIdMask (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 WrMask) |
void | XAxiPmon_SetReadIdMask (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr, u16 RdMask) |
u16 | XAxiPmon_GetWriteIdMask (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
u16 | XAxiPmon_GetReadIdMask (XAxiPmon *InstancePtr) |
This function initializes a specific XAxiPmon device/instance. This function must be called prior to using the AXI Performance Monitor device.
This function disables the External trigger pulse used to start Event Log on external trigger pulse for a Slot.
This function disables the External trigger pulse used to start Metric Counters on external trigger pulse for a Slot.
This function disables the Metric Counters.
This function enables Event Logging.
This function enables External trigger pulse for Event Log so that Event Logging can be started on external trigger pulse for a Slot.
This function enables External trigger pulse so that Metric Counters can be started on external trigger pulse for a Slot.
This function enables Metric Counters.
This function returns the contents of the Global Clock Counter Register.
This function returns the contents of the Incrementer Register.
This function returns the Ranges of Incrementers Registers.
This function returns the Ranges of specified Metric Counter Log Enable Register.
This function returns the contents of the Metric Counter Register.
This function returns a name for a given Metric.
This function returns Metrics in the specified Counter from the corresponding Metric Selector Register.
This function returns Read Latency End point.
This function returns read Latency Start point.
This function returns Read ID in ID register.
This function returns Read ID Mask in ID Mask register.
This function returns the contents of the Sampled Incrementer Register.
This function returns the contents of the Sampled Metric Counter Register.
This function returns the contents of Sample Interval Register
This function returns contents of Software-written Data Register.
This function returns Write ID in ID register.
This function returns Write ID Mask in ID Mask register.
This function returns Write Latency End point.
This function returns Write Latency Start point.
This function resets Streaming FIFO of AXI Performance Monitor
This function resets Global Clock Counter of AXI Performance Monitor
This function resets all Metric Counters and Sampled Metric Counters of AXI Performance Monitor.
This function sets Ranges for Incrementers depending on parameters passed.
This function sets the Upper and Lower Ranges for specified Metric Counter Log Enable Register.Event Logging starts when corresponding Metric Counter value falls in between these ranges
This function sets Metrics for specified Counter in the corresponding Metric Selector Register.
This function sets Latency End point to calculate read latency.
This function sets Latency Start point to calculate read latency.
This function sets Read ID in ID register.
This function sets Read ID Mask in ID Mask register.
This function sets the Sample Interval Register
This function sets Software-written Data Register.
This function sets Write ID in ID register.
This function sets Write ID Mask in ID Mask register.
This function sets Latency End point to calculate write latency.
This function sets Latency Start point to calculate write latency.
This function enables the following in the AXI Performance Monitor:
This function enables the following in the AXI Performance Monitor:
This function disables the following in the AXI Performance Monitor:
This function disables the following in the AXI Performance Monitor: