Ver Who Date Changes ----- ---- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 1.00a xd 08/05/08 First release 1.01a xd 07/23/10 Added GIER; Added more h/w generic info into xparameters.h; Feed callbacks with pending interrupt info. Added Doxygen & Version support 3.00a cjm 08/01/12 Converted from xio.h to xil_io.h, translating basic types, MB cache functions, exceptions and assertions to xil_io format. Replaced the following "XExc_Init" -> "Xil_ExceptionInit" "XExc_RegisterHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler" "XEXC_ID_NON_CRITICAL_INT" -> "XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT" "XExceptionHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionHandler" "XExc_mEnableExceptions" -> "Xil_ExceptionEnable" "XEXC_NON_CRITICAL" -> "XIL_EXCEPTION_NON_CRITICAL" "XExc_DisableExceptions" -> "Xil_ExceptionDisable" "XExc_RemoveHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionRemoveHandler" "microblaze_enable_interrupts" -> "Xil_ExceptionEnable" "microblaze_disable_interrupts" -> "Xil_ExceptionDisable"
"XASSERT_NONVOID" -> "Xil_AssertNonvoid" "XASSERT_VOID_ALWAYS" -> "Xil_AssertVoidAlways" "XASSERT_VOID" -> "Xil_AssertVoid" "Xil_AssertVoid_ALWAYS" -> "Xil_AssertVoidAlways" "XAssertStatus" -> "Xil_AssertStatus" "XAssertSetCallback" -> "Xil_AssertCallback"
"microblaze_disable_dcache" -> "Xil_DCacheDisable" "microblaze_enable_dcache" -> "Xil_DCacheEnable" "microblaze_enable_icache" -> "Xil_ICacheEnable" "microblaze_disable_icache" -> "Xil_ICacheDisable" "microblaze_init_dcache_range" -> "Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange"
"XCache_DisableDCache" -> "Xil_DCacheDisable" "XCache_DisableICache" -> "Xil_ICacheDisable" "XCache_EnableDCache" -> "Xil_DCacheEnableRegion" "XCache_EnableICache" -> "Xil_ICacheEnableRegion" "XCache_InvalidateDCacheLine" -> "Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange"
"XUtil_MemoryTest32" -> "Xil_TestMem32" "XUtil_MemoryTest16" -> "Xil_TestMem16" "XUtil_MemoryTest8" -> "Xil_TestMem8"
"xutil.h" -> "xil_testmem.h"
"xbasic_types.h" -> "xil_types.h" "xio.h" -> "xil_io.h"
"XIo_In32" -> "Xil_In32" "XIo_Out32" -> "Xil_Out32"
"Xuint8" -> "u8" "Xuint16" -> "u16" "Xuint32" -> "u32" "Xint8" -> "char" "Xint16" -> "short" "Xint32" -> "long" "Xfloat32" -> "float" "Xfloat64" -> "double" "Xboolean" -> "int" "XTEST_FAILED" -> "XST_FAILURE" "XTEST_PASSED" -> "XST_SUCCESS" 4.00a cjm 02/08/13 Removed XVTC_CTL_HASS_MASK 5.00a cjm 08/07/13 Replaced CTL in Polarity and Encoding register defines with "POL" and "ENC" 5.00a cjm 10/30/13 Removed type parameter from XVtc_Enable() XVtc_Enable() now enables both generator & detector. Added XVtc_EnableGenerator() to enable only the Generator Added XVtc_EnableDetector() to enable only the Detector 5.00a cjm 11/01/13 Added Timing, VideoMode and Signal Conversion Functions: XVtc_ConvVideoMode2Timing() XVtc_ConvTiming2Signal() XVtc_ConvSignal2Timing() XVtc_ConvTiming2VideoMode() Added Timing and Video Mode Set/Get Functions: XVtc_SetGeneratorTiming() XVtc_SetGeneratorVideoMode() XVtc_GetGeneratorTiming() XVtc_GetGeneratorVideoMode() XVtc_GetDetectorTiming() XVtc_GetDetectorVideoMode() Updated XVtc_GetGeneratorHoriOffset and XVtc_SetGeneratorHoriOffset For adding interlaced/field-1 registers setting/getting Updated XVtc_SetGenerator() to align vsync to hsync horizontally by default Added Field 1 set/get to XVtc_SetGenerator(), XVtc_GetGenerator() and XVtc_GetDetector() 5.00a cjm 11/03/13 Added Chroma/field parity bit masks Replaced old timing bit masks/shifts with Start/End Bit masks/shifts
#include "xvtc.h"
#include "xenv.h"
Functions | |
int | XVtc_CfgInitialize (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Config *CfgPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr) |
void | XVtc_EnableGenerator (XVtc *InstancePtr) |
void | XVtc_EnableDetector (XVtc *InstancePtr) |
void | XVtc_Enable (XVtc *InstancePtr) |
void | XVtc_DisableGenerator (XVtc *InstancePtr) |
void | XVtc_DisableDetector (XVtc *InstancePtr) |
void | XVtc_Disable (XVtc *InstancePtr) |
void | XVtc_SetPolarity (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr) |
void | XVtc_GetPolarity (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr) |
void | XVtc_GetDetectorPolarity (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Polarity *PolarityPtr) |
void | XVtc_SetSource (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_SourceSelect *SourcePtr) |
void | XVtc_GetSource (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_SourceSelect *SourcePtr) |
void | XVtc_SetSkipLine (XVtc *InstancePtr, int GeneratorChromaSkip) |
void | XVtc_GetSkipLine (XVtc *InstancePtr, int *GeneratorChromaSkipPtr) |
void | XVtc_SetSkipPixel (XVtc *InstancePtr, int GeneratorChromaSkip) |
void | XVtc_GetSkipPixel (XVtc *InstancePtr, int *GeneratorChromaSkipPtr) |
void | XVtc_SetDelay (XVtc *InstancePtr, int VertDelay, int HoriDelay) |
void | XVtc_GetDelay (XVtc *InstancePtr, int *VertDelayPtr, int *HoriDelayPtr) |
void | XVtc_SetFSync (XVtc *InstancePtr, u16 FrameSyncIndex, u16 VertStart, u16 HoriStart) |
void | XVtc_GetFSync (XVtc *InstancePtr, u16 FrameSyncIndex, u16 *VertStartPtr, u16 *HoriStartPtr) |
void | XVtc_SetGeneratorHoriOffset (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HoriOffsets) |
void | XVtc_GetGeneratorHoriOffset (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HoriOffsets) |
void | XVtc_GetDetectorHoriOffset (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_HoriOffsets *HoriOffsets) |
void | XVtc_SetGenerator (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr) |
void | XVtc_GetGenerator (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr) |
void | XVtc_GetDetector (XVtc *InstancePtr, XVtc_Signal *SignalCfgPtr) |
void | XVtc_GetVersion (XVtc *InstancePtr, u16 *Major, u16 *Minor, u16 *Revision) |
This function initializes a VTC device. This function must be called prior to using a VTC device. Initialization of a VTC includes setting up the instance data, and ensuring the hardware is in a quiescent state.
This function disables a VTC device - Detector and Generator at same time..
This function disables a VTC Detector device
This function disables a VTC Generator device
This function enables a VTC device - Detector and Generator at same time.
This function enables a VTC Detector device
This function enables a VTC Generator device
This function gets the Generator delay setting used by a VTC device.
This function gets the VTC signal setting used by the Detector module in a VTC device.
This function gets the VBlank/VSync Horizontal Offsets detected by the Detector in a VTC device.
This function gets the input polarity setting used by a VTC device.
This function gets the SYNC setting of a Frame Sync used by VTC device.
This function gets the VTC signal setting used by the Generator module in a VTC device.
This function gets the VBlank/VSync Horizontal Offsets currently used by the Generator in a VTC device.
This function gets the output polarity setting used by a VTC device.
This function gets the line skip setting used by the Generator in a VTC device.
This function gets the pixel skip setting used by the Generator in a VTC device.
This function gets the source select setting used by a VTC device.
This function returns the version of a VTC device.
This function sets up the Generator delay setting of a VTC device.
This function sets up the SYNC setting of a Frame Sync used by VTC device.
This function sets up VTC signal to be used by the Generator module in a VTC device.
This function sets the VBlank/VSync Horizontal Offsets for the Generator in a VTC device.
This function sets up the output polarity of a VTC device.
This function sets up the line skip setting of the Generator in a VTC device.
This function sets up the pixel skip setting of the Generator in a VTC device.
This function sets up the source selecting of a VTC device.