This is the main header file of Xilinx MVI Video Timing Controller (VTC) device driver. The VTC device detects video signals, independently overrides any one of them, re-generates video signals with +/- delay and with polarity inversion, and generates up to 16 one cycle Frame Sync outputs.
The device has the following main features:
For a full description of VTC features, please see the hardware specification.
Interrupt Service
The interrupt types supported are:
Software Initialization
The application needs to do following steps in order for preparing the VTC to be ready to process video signal handling.
An example is provided with this driver to demonstrate the driver usage.
Cache Coherency
BUS Interface
Ver Who Date Changes ----- ---- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 1.00a xd 08/05/08 First release 1.01a xd 07/23/10 Added GIER; Added more h/w generic info into xparameters.h; Feed callbacks with pending interrupt info. Added Doxygen & Version support 2.00a xd 05/13/11 1. Renamed to "Video Timing Controller" 2. Added Generator/Detector VBlank/VSync Horizontal offset setup/fetch support; 3. Renamed the IP to support to be axi_vtc; 4. Supported sync between generator and detector with addition of new XVtc_EnableSync() and XVtc_DisableSync() functions; 5. Renamed XVtc_SetSync() to XVtc_SetFSync(); 6. Renamed XVtc_GetSync() to XVtc_GetFSync(); 7. Removed unnecessary register write in XVtc_Reset(); 8. Corrected driver name in .mdd file 9. Updated register bit definition(a few fields grow from 12 to 13 bit wide) 2.00a cm 05/25/11 1. Renamed XVtc_SetSkip() to XVtc_SetSkipLine(); 2. Renamed XVtc_GetSkip() to XVtc_GetSkipLine(); 3. Added XVtc_SetSkipPixel(); 4. Added XVtc_GetSkipPixel(); 2.00a cm 06/16/12 1. Added missing xil_assert.h include 2.00a cm 07/25/12 1. Removed unused XVtc_IntrSetLockPolarity() function 3.00a cm 08/02/12 1. Added the XVtc_Sync_Reset() frame sync'ed SW reset function. 3.00a cjm 08/02/12 Converted from xio.h to xil_io.h, translating basic types, MB cache functions, exceptions and assertions to xil_io format. Replaced the following "XExc_Init" -> "Xil_ExceptionInit" "XExc_RegisterHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionRegisterHandler" "XEXC_ID_NON_CRITICAL_INT" -> "XIL_EXCEPTION_ID_INT" "XExceptionHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionHandler" "XExc_mEnableExceptions" -> "Xil_ExceptionEnable" "XEXC_NON_CRITICAL" -> "XIL_EXCEPTION_NON_CRITICAL" "XExc_DisableExceptions" -> "Xil_ExceptionDisable" "XExc_RemoveHandler" -> "Xil_ExceptionRemoveHandler" "microblaze_enable_interrupts" -> "Xil_ExceptionEnable" "microblaze_disable_interrupts" -> "Xil_ExceptionDisable"
"XASSERT_NONVOID" -> "Xil_AssertNonvoid" "XASSERT_VOID_ALWAYS" -> "Xil_AssertVoidAlways" "XASSERT_VOID" -> "Xil_AssertVoid" "Xil_AssertVoid_ALWAYS" -> "Xil_AssertVoidAlways" "XAssertStatus" -> "Xil_AssertStatus" "XAssertSetCallback" -> "Xil_AssertCallback"
"microblaze_disable_dcache" -> "Xil_DCacheDisable" "microblaze_enable_dcache" -> "Xil_DCacheEnable" "microblaze_enable_icache" -> "Xil_ICacheEnable" "microblaze_disable_icache" -> "Xil_ICacheDisable" "microblaze_init_dcache_range" -> "Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange"
"XCache_DisableDCache" -> "Xil_DCacheDisable" "XCache_DisableICache" -> "Xil_ICacheDisable" "XCache_EnableDCache" -> "Xil_DCacheEnableRegion" "XCache_EnableICache" -> "Xil_ICacheEnableRegion" "XCache_InvalidateDCacheLine" -> "Xil_DCacheInvalidateRange"
"XUtil_MemoryTest32" -> "Xil_TestMem32" "XUtil_MemoryTest16" -> "Xil_TestMem16" "XUtil_MemoryTest8" -> "Xil_TestMem8"
"xutil.h" -> "xil_testmem.h"
"xbasic_types.h" -> "xil_types.h" "xio.h" -> "xil_io.h"
"XIo_In32" -> "Xil_In32" "XIo_Out32" -> "Xil_Out32"
"Xuint8" -> "u8" "Xuint16" -> "u16" "Xuint32" -> "u32" "Xint8" -> "char" "Xint16" -> "short" "Xint32" -> "long" "Xfloat32" -> "float" "Xfloat64" -> "double" "Xboolean" -> "int" "XTEST_FAILED" -> "XST_FAILURE" "XTEST_PASSED" -> "XST_SUCCESS" 4.00a cjm 02/07/13 Removed Unused Functions XVtc_IntrEnableGlobal() XVtc_IntrDisableGlobal() 5.00a cjm 08/07/13 Replaced XVTC_RESET with XVTC_CTL Replaced XVTC_RESET_RESET_MASK with XVTC_CTL_RESET_MASK Replaced XVTC_SYNC_RESET_MASK with XVTC_CTL_SRST_MASK 5.00a cjm 10/30/13 Replaced XVtc_RegUpdate() with XVtc_RegUpdateEnable() Added XVtc_RegUpdateDisable() Removed type parameter from XVtc_Enable() Added XVtc_EnableGenerator() to enable only the Generator Added XVtc_EnableDetector() to enable only the Detector 5.00a cjm 11/01/13 Added Timing, VideoMode and Signal Conversion Functions: XVtc_ConvVideoMode2Timing() XVtc_ConvTiming2Signal() XVtc_ConvSignal2Timing() XVtc_ConvTiming2VideoMode() Added Timing and Video Mode Set/Get Functions: XVtc_SetGeneratorTiming() XVtc_SetGeneratorVideoMode() XVtc_GetGeneratorTiming() XVtc_GetGeneratorVideoMode() XVtc_GetDetectorTiming() XVtc_GetDetectorVideoMode() 6.0 adk 19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's
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