Software Drivers

Deinterlacer v3_2

This is the main header file of Xilinx Video Deinterlacer core.

Interrupt Service

The Deinterlacer can generate 11 interrupt sources

This driver provides functions to install callbacks for the interrupts and enable/disable/clear any of them.


Example(s) are provided with this driver to demonstrate the self test.


BUS Interface


 Ver   Who     Date     Changes
 ----- ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
 1.00a rjh    07/10/11 First release
 2.00a rjh    18/01/12 Updated for v_deinterlacer 2.00
 3.0   adk    19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's.
 3.2   adk    02/13/14 Modified XDeint_IntrDisable macro replace ISR_OFFSET
                       with IER OFFSET, XDeint_InReset.
                       Added Doxygen support, adherence to Xilinx
                       coding standards.

                       Modification history of xdeint_sinit.c:
                       Added Doxygen support, adherence to Xilinx
                       coding standards.

                       Modification history of xdeint_selftest.c:
                       Added the XDeint_Selftest function.

                       Modification history of xdeint_intr.c:
                       Adherence to Xilinx coding, Doxygen guidelines.

                       Modification history of xdeint_i.h:
                       Added Doxygen support.

                       Modification history of xdeint_hw.h:
                       Suffixed "_OFFSET" to all register offset macros.
                       Added bit masks for the registers and added
                       backward compatibility for macros.

                       Modification history of xdeint.c:
                       Changed the prototype of XDeint_GetVersion
                       Implemented the following functions:
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