Software Drivers

xdptx_intr.c File Reference

Detailed Description

This file contains functions related to XDptx interrupt handling.


 Ver   Who  Date     Changes
 ----- ---- -------- -----------------------------------------------
 1.00a als  05/17/14 Initial release.

#include "xdptx.h"


void XDptx_SetHpdEventHandler (XDptx *InstancePtr, XDptx_HpdEventHandler CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef)
void XDptx_SetHpdPulseHandler (XDptx *InstancePtr, XDptx_HpdPulseHandler CallbackFunc, void *CallbackRef)
void XDptx_HpdInterruptHandler (XDptx *InstancePtr)

Function Documentation

void XDptx_HpdInterruptHandler ( XDptx InstancePtr  ) 

This function is the interrupt handler for the XDptx driver.

When an interrupt happens, it first detects what kind of interrupt happened, then decides which callback function to invoke.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XDptx instance.

void XDptx_SetHpdEventHandler ( XDptx InstancePtr,
XDptx_HpdEventHandler  CallbackFunc,
void *  CallbackRef 

This function installs a callback function for when a hot-plug-detect event interrupt occurs.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XDptx instance.
CallbackFunc is the address to the callback function.
CallbackRef is the user data item that will be passed to the callback function when it is invoked.

void XDptx_SetHpdPulseHandler ( XDptx InstancePtr,
XDptx_HpdPulseHandler  CallbackFunc,
void *  CallbackRef 

This function installs a callback function for when a hot-plug-detect pulse interrupt occurs.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the XDptx instance.
CallbackFunc is the address to the callback function.
CallbackRef is the user data item that will be passed to the callback function when it is invoked.

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