os_config.h File Reference


#define TIMER_TICKS   2
 Timer ticks value used for scheduling.
#define MAX_PROCS   10
#define MAX_READYQ   10
#define SCHED_TYPE   3
#define CONFIG_SEMA   1
 Include the Semapore module.
 Include the Mutex module.
#define CONFIG_MSGQ   1
 Include the Message Queue functionality.
#define CONFIG_SHM   1
#define CONFIG_MALLOC   1
#define CONFIG_CACHE   1
#define CONFIG_TIMERS   1
 Configure timer functionality.
#define CONFIG_BASE_VECTORS   0x00000000
 Vector base address.

Detailed Description

This file caontains all the configuration define's for the system. The different modules of the kernel can be configured by changing this file and recompiling the kernel. Some of the modules that are configurable are:

By recompiling, the kernel gets compiled with the defaults for each modules. To further configure the kernel changes may have to be made in the following files:

Define Documentation

#define CONFIG_CACHE   1

Cache Enable For PPC only Further configuration can be done by modifying sys/main.c Enable caches


ELF Process Management Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_param.h.

#define CONFIG_MALLOC   1

Dynamic Buffer Management Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_cparam.h and sys/init.c. Include the Dynamic buffer management functionality.

#define CONFIG_MSGQ   1

Include the Message Queue functionality.

Message Queue Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_cparam.h and sys/init.c.


Include the Mutex module.

pthread mutex Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_param.h.


Thread Management Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_param.h.

#define CONFIG_SEMA   1

Include the Semapore module.

Semaphore Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_param.h.

#define CONFIG_SHM   1

Shared Memory Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_cparam.h and sys/init.c. Include the Shared Memory Functionality

#define MAX_PROCS   10

Process Management. Further configuration of this module can be done by modifying config_param.h. The initial system processes are specified in sys/init.c file.

#define MAX_READYQ   10

Max. number of Processes in each Priority ready queue. This determines the size of the Ready Queue. This is determined by the type of application.

#define SCHED_TYPE   3

Type of process scheduling. There two types of scheduling supported and can be configured during system build.

Generated on Thu Feb 13 14:46:24 2014 for 2014.1_doc by  doxygen 1.4.5