pthread_info_s Struct Reference

Kernel pthread info structure. More...

#include <ktypes.h>

Data Fields

pthread_t tid
 pointer back to base process structure
void * retval
 ID of this thread.
void *(* start_func )(void *)
 Return value of thread when it terminates.
void * param
 Starting function.
unsigned char state
 Parameter to starting function.
 Thread state.
char joinq_mem
 Joining thread.
_queue joinq
 Just a single byte of memory for the queue.
signed char mem_id
 Queue of size 1.
pthread_attr_t thread_attr
 Mem ID of thread context.

Detailed Description

Kernel pthread info structure.

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Generated on Thu Feb 13 14:46:25 2014 for 2014.1_doc by  doxygen 1.4.5