Software Drivers

xllfifo.c File Reference

Detailed Description

The Xilinx local link FIFO driver component. This driver supports the Xilinx xps_ll_fifo core.


 Ver   Who  Date     Changes
 ----- ---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
 1.00a jvb  10/13/06 First release
 1.00a xd   12/17/07 Added type casting to fix CR #456850
 1.02a jz   12/04/09  Hal phase 1 support
 2.00a hbm  01/20/10  Hal phase 1 support, bump up major release
 2.01a asa  09/17/10  Added code for resetting Streaming interface
		        for CR574868
 3.00a adk  08/10/13  Added support for AXI4 Datainterface.Updated
 		        XLlFifo_RxGetWord, XLlFifo_TxPutword inorder to 
 		        handle AXI4 Datainterface. Added Config 
 		        initialization for the driver.

#include "xstatus.h"
#include "xllfifo.h"
#include "xil_assert.h"


int XLlFifo_CfgInitialize (XLlFifo *InstancePtr, XLlFifo_Config *Config, u32 EffectiveAddress)
void XLlFifo_Initialize (XLlFifo *InstancePtr, u32 BaseAddress)

Function Documentation

int XLlFifo_CfgInitialize XLlFifo InstancePtr,
XLlFifo_Config *  Config,
u32  EffectiveAddress

XLlFifo_CfgInitialize initializes an XPS_ll_Fifo device along with the InstancePtr that references it.

InstancePtr is a pointer to the Axi Streaming FIFO instance to be worked on.
CfgPtr references the structure holding the hardware configuration for the Axi Streaming FIFO core to initialize.
EffectiveAddr is the device base address in the virtual memory address space. The caller is responsible for keeping the address mapping from EffectiveAddr to the device physical base address unchanged once this function is invoked. Unexpected errors may occur if the address mapping changes after this function is called. If address translation is not used, use Config->BaseAddress for this parameters, passing the physical address instead.

void XLlFifo_Initialize XLlFifo InstancePtr,
u32  BaseAddress

XLlFifo_Initialize initializes an XPS_ll_Fifo device along with the InstancePtr that references it.

InstancePtr references the memory instance to be associated with the FIFO device upon initialization.
BaseAddress is the processor address used to access the base address of the Fifo device.
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