Software Drivers

scaler v6_0

This is the main header file of the Xilinx MVI Video Scaler device driver. The Scaler device converts a specified rectangular area of an input digital video image from one original sampling grid to a desired target sampling grid.

Video Scaler Device v3.00a features are as follows:

For a full description of Scaler features, please see the hardware spec.

An example is shipped with the driver to demonstrate how to use the APIs this driver provides to access and control the Video Scaler device.



 Ver	Who  Date     Changes
 -----	---- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
 1.00a	xd   05/14/09 First release
 2.00a	xd   12/14/09 Updated doxygen document tags
 3.00a	xd   07/29/10 Added device version & sharable coefficient bank support
 6.0   adk  19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's
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