Refer to the xsysmon.h header file for more information about this driver.
Ver Who Date Changes ----- ----- -------- ----------------------------------------------------- 1.00a xd/sv 05/22/07 First release 2.00a sv 07/07/08 Modified the ADC data functions to return 16 bits of data. 3.00a sdm 09/02/09 Added APIs for V6 SysMon. 4.00a ktn 10/22/09 Updated the file to use the HAL processor APIs/macros. The macros have been renamed to remove _m from the name of the macro. 5.00a sdm 06/15/11 Added support for XADC (7 Series Families). 5.01a bss 02/28/12 Added support for Zynq. 5.02a bss 11/23/12 Added XSysMon_EnableTempUpdate, XSysMon_DisableTempUpdate and XSysMon_SetTempWaitCycles APIs (CR #679872) 5.03a bss 04/25/13 Modified XSysMon_SetSeqChEnables, XSysMon_SetSeqAvgEnables, XSysMon_SetSeqInputMode and XSysMon_SetSeqAcqTime APIs to check for Safe Mode instead of Single Channel mode. CR #703729
#include "xsysmon.h"
Functions | |
int | XSysMon_CfgInitialize (XSysMon *InstancePtr, XSysMon_Config *ConfigPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr) |
void | XSysMon_Reset (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
u32 | XSysMon_GetStatus (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
u32 | XSysMon_GetAlarmOutputStatus (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_StartAdcConversion (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_ResetAdc (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
u16 | XSysMon_GetAdcData (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 Channel) |
u16 | XSysMon_GetCalibCoefficient (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 CoeffType) |
u16 | XSysMon_GetMinMaxMeasurement (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 MeasurementType) |
void | XSysMon_SetAvg (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 Average) |
u8 | XSysMon_GetAvg (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
int | XSysMon_SetSingleChParams (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 Channel, int IncreaseAcqCycles, int IsEventMode, int IsDifferentialMode) |
void | XSysMon_SetAlarmEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u16 AlmEnableMask) |
u16 | XSysMon_GetAlarmEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_SetCalibEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u16 Calibration) |
u16 | XSysMon_GetCalibEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_SetSequencerMode (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 SequencerMode) |
u8 | XSysMon_GetSequencerMode (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_SetSequencerEvent (XSysMon *InstancePtr, int IsEventMode) |
void | XSysMon_SetExtenalMux (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 Channel) |
void | XSysMon_SetAdcClkDivisor (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 Divisor) |
u8 | XSysMon_GetAdcClkDivisor (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
int | XSysMon_SetSeqChEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u32 ChEnableMask) |
u32 | XSysMon_GetSeqChEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
int | XSysMon_SetSeqAvgEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u32 AvgEnableChMask) |
u32 | XSysMon_GetSeqAvgEnables (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
int | XSysMon_SetSeqInputMode (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u32 InputModeChMask) |
u32 | XSysMon_GetSeqInputMode (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
int | XSysMon_SetSeqAcqTime (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u32 AcqCyclesChMask) |
u32 | XSysMon_GetSeqAcqTime (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_SetAlarmThreshold (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 AlarmThrReg, u16 Value) |
u16 | XSysMon_GetAlarmThreshold (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u8 AlarmThrReg) |
void | XSysMon_SetOverTemp (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u16 Value) |
u16 | XSysMon_GetOverTemp (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_EnableUserOverTemp (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_DisableUserOverTemp (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_EnableTempUpdate (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_DisableTempUpdate (XSysMon *InstancePtr) |
void | XSysMon_SetTempWaitCycles (XSysMon *InstancePtr, u16 WaitCycles) |
This function initializes a specific XSysMon device/instance. This function must be called prior to using the System Monitor/ADC device.
This function disables the Temperature updation logic for TEMP_OUT port
This function disables programming of the powerdown temperature for the OverTemp signal in the OT Powerdown register.
This function enables the Temperature updation logic so that temperature can be sent over TEMP_OUT port.
This function enables programming of the powerdown temperature for the OverTemp signal in the OT Powerdown register.
The function gets the ADCCLK divisor from the Configuration Register 2.
Get the ADC converted data for the specified channel.
This function gets the status of the alarm output enables in the Configuration Register 1.
This function reads the contents of Alarm Output Register.
This function returns the contents of the specified Alarm Threshold Register.
This function returns the number of samples of averaging configured for all the channels in the Configuration Register 0.
This function gets the calibration coefficient data for the specified parameter.
This function reads the value of the calibration enables from the Configuration Register 1.
This function reads the Minimum/Maximum measurement for one of the following parameters :
This function returns the powerdown temperature of the OverTemp signal in the OT Powerdown register.
This function gets the status of acquisition from the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers.
This function returns the channels for which the averaging has been enabled in the ADC Channel Averaging Enables Sequencer Registers.
This function gets the channel enable bits status from the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers.
This function gets the Analog input mode for all the channels from the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers.
This function gets the channel sequencer mode from the Configuration Register 1.
The functions reads the contents of the Status Register.
This function forces the software reset of the complete SystemMonitor/ADC Hard Macro and the SYSMON ADC Core Logic.
This function resets the SystemMonitor/ADC Hard Macro in the device.
The function sets the frequency of the ADCCLK by configuring the DCLK to ADCCLK ratio in the Configuration Register #2.
This function enables the alarm outputs for the specified alarms in the Configuration Register 1 :
This functions sets the contents of the given Alarm Threshold Register.
This function sets the number of samples of averaging that is to be done for all the channels in both the single channel mode and sequence mode of operations.
This function enables the specified calibration in the Configuration Register 1 :
The function enables the external mux and connects a channel to the mux.
This function sets the powerdown temperature for the OverTemp signal in the OT Powerdown register.
This function sets the number of Acquisition cycles in the ADC Channel Acquisition Time Sequencer Registers. The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.
This function enables the averaging for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Averaging Enable Sequencer Registers. The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.
This function enables the specified channels in the ADC Channel Selection Sequencer Registers. The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.
This function sets the Analog input mode for the specified channels in the ADC Channel Analog-Input Mode Sequencer Registers. The sequencer must be in the Safe Mode before writing to these registers.
The function enables the Event mode or Continuous mode in the sequencer mode.
This function sets the specified Channel Sequencer Mode in the Configuration Register 1 :
The function sets the given parameters in the Configuration Register 0 in the single channel mode.
This function sets the number of Wait Cycles for Temperature updation logic
This function starts the ADC conversion in the Single Channel event driven sampling mode. The EOC bit in Status Register will be set once the conversion is finished. Refer to the device specification for more details.