#include "include/xilisf.h"
Functions | |
int | XIsf_Initialize (XIsf *InstancePtr, XIsf_Iface *SpiInstPtr, u8 SlaveSelect, u8 *WritePtr) |
int | XIsf_SetSpiConfiguration (XIsf *InstancePtr, XIsf_Iface *SpiInstPtr, u32 Options, u8 PreScaler) |
int | XIsf_GetStatus (XIsf *InstancePtr, u8 *ReadPtr) |
int | XIsf_GetDeviceInfo (XIsf *InstancePtr, u8 *ReadPtr) |
int | XIsf_WriteEnable (XIsf *InstancePtr, u8 WriteEnable) |
int | XIsf_Ioctl (XIsf *InstancePtr, XIsf_IoctlOperation Operation) |
Ver Who Date Changes ----- ------- -------- ----------------------------------------------- 1.00a ksu/sdm 03/03/08 First release 1.00a sdm 07/02/08 Changed the initialization so that the SPI Master works in Spi Mode 3 as the In-System Flash works only in Spi Mode 3 2.00a ktn 11/27/09 Updated to use HAL processor APIs/definitions 2.01a sdm 01/04/10 Added Support for Winbond W25QXX/W25XX devices The parameter PagesPerBlock in the struct IntelStmDeviceGeometry has been renamed to PagesPerSector. 2.03a sdm 04/17/10 Updated to support Winbond memory W25Q128. 2.04a sdm 08/17/10 Updated to support Numonyx (N25QXX) and Spansion flash memories 3.00a srt 06/20/12 Updated to support interfaces SPI PS and QSPI PS. New API: XIsf_RegisterInterface() XIsf_SetSpiConfiguration() XIsf_SetTransferMode() Changed API: XIsf_Initialize() XIsf_Transfer() Added support to SST flash. 3.01a srt 02/06/13 Updated for changes made in QSPIPS driver (CR 698107).
This API reads the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) information of the Serial Flash.
This API reads the Serial Flash Status Register.
The geometry of the underlying Serial Flash is determined by reading the Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) Device Information and the Status Register of the Serial Flash. This API when called initializes the SPI interface with default settings. With custom settings, user should call XIsf_SetSpiConfiguration() and then call this API.
This API configures and controls the Intel, STM, Winbond and Spansion Serial Flash.
This API sets the configuration of SPI. This will set the options and clock prescaler (if applicable).
This API Enables/Disables writes to the Intel, STM, Winbond and Spansion Serial Flash.