#include "lwip/opt.h"
#include "lwip/ip_addr.h"
#include "lwip/netif.h"
Functions | |
u8_t | ip4_addr_isbroadcast (u32_t addr, const struct netif *netif) |
u8_t | ip4_addr_netmask_valid (u32_t netmask) |
u32_t | ipaddr_addr (const char *cp) |
int | ipaddr_aton (const char *cp, ip_addr_t *addr) |
char * | ipaddr_ntoa (const ip_addr_t *addr) |
char * | ipaddr_ntoa_r (const ip_addr_t *addr, char *buf, int buflen) |
Determine if an address is a broadcast address on a network interface
Checks if a netmask is valid (starting with ones, then only zeros)
Ascii internet address interpretation routine. The value returned is in network order.
Check whether "cp" is a valid ascii representation of an Internet address and convert to a binary address. Returns 1 if the address is valid, 0 if not. This replaces inet_addr, the return value from which cannot distinguish between failure and a local broadcast address.
Convert numeric IP address into decimal dotted ASCII representation. returns ptr to static buffer; not reentrant!
Same as ipaddr_ntoa, but reentrant since a user-supplied buffer is used.