init.h File Reference

#include <config/config_cparam.h>
#include <config/config_param.h>
#include <sys/ktypes.h>

Data Structures

struct  _process_init
 Processes to be initialised at the start of the system are defined here. More...
struct  _elf_pthread_init
struct  _shm_init
struct  bufmalloc_init_s


typedef bufmalloc_init_s bufmalloc_init_t


void hw_init (void)
void xilkernel_init (void)
void xilkernel_start (void)

Detailed Description

This files contains structures, that are used for configuring the system. The values are specified in sys/init.c

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct bufmalloc_init_s bufmalloc_init_t

The dynamic memory (buffer) management module is configured here. The system can have memory blocks of different sizes. Memory blocks of different size and the number of memory blocks is specified here.

Function Documentation

void hw_init void   ) 

Microblaze hardware specific initialization

  • If an interrupt controller is present register interrupt controller handler as the main interrupt handler. Register timer with interrupt controller handler
  • Else, Register timer interrupt handler as the main interrupt handler
  • Configure PIT is timer is PIT.
  • nothing
  • none

void xilkernel_init void   ) 

Initialize the system - This function is called at the start of system. It initializes the system.

  • Initializes the process vector table.
  • Creates the Idle process (pid - 0).
  • Creates the static set of processes.
  • Nothing.

void xilkernel_start void   ) 

Start the kernel by enabling interrupts and starting to execute the idle task.

  • Nothing.
  • Routine does not return.

Generated on Thu Feb 13 14:46:23 2014 for 2014.1_doc by  doxygen 1.4.5