mem.h File Reference

#include <config/config_param.h>
#include <config/config_cparam.h>
#include <sys/ktypes.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>

Data Structures

struct  _malloc_info


void alloc_pidq_mem (queuep queue, unsigned int qtype, unsigned int qno)

Detailed Description

Kernel level memory allocation definitions and declarations

Function Documentation

void alloc_pidq_mem queuep  queue,
unsigned int  qtype,
unsigned int  qno

Allocate memory to the process ID queue's.

  • This includes the Ready_Q and Semaphore_Q. Initial memory is allocated for Ready queue, followed by the semaphore queue.
    queue is the queue of PIDs

qtype is the queue type. Can be READY_Q or SEMA_Q

  • qno is the Queue number. (eg) There are N_PRIO number of Ready Queue. The qno denotes this number. Memory for queues is allocated sequentially.
    • None
    • SEMA_Q is valid only if CONFIG_SEMA is defined.

Generated on Thu Feb 13 14:46:24 2014 for 2014.1_doc by  doxygen 1.4.5