The Xilinx XHwIcap driver supports the Xilinx Hardware Internal Configuration Access Port (HWICAP) device.
The HWICAP device is used for reconfiguration of select FPGA resources as well as loading partial bitstreams from the system memory through the Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP).
The source code for the XHwIcap_SetClbBits and XHwIcap_GetClbBits functions are not included. These functions are delivered as .o files. These files have been compiled using gcc version 4.1.1. Libgen uses the appropriate .o files for the target processor.
Initialization and Configuration
The device driver enables higher layer software (e.g., an application) to communicate to the HWICAP device.
XHwIcap_CfgInitialize() API is used to initialize the HWICAP device. The user needs to first call the XHwIcap_LookupConfig() API which returns the Configuration structure pointer which is passed as a parameter to the XHwIcap_CfgInitialize() API.
The driver provides an interrupt handler XHwIcap_IntrHandler for handling the interrupt from the HWICAP device. The users of this driver have to register this handler with the interrupt system and provide the callback functions. The callback functions are invoked by the interrupt handler based on the interrupt source.
The driver supports interrupt mode only for writing to the ICAP device and is NOT supported for reading from the ICAP device.
Virtual Memory
This driver supports Virtual Memory. The RTOS is responsible for calculating the correct device base address in Virtual Memory space.
This driver is not thread safe. Any needs for threads or thread mutual exclusion must be satisfied by the layer above this driver.
Asserts are used within all Xilinx drivers to enforce constraints on argument values. Asserts can be turned off on a system-wide basis by defining, at compile time, the NDEBUG identifier. By default, asserts are turned on and it is recommended that users leave asserts on during development.
Building the driver
The XHwIcap driver is composed of several source files. This allows the user to build and link only those parts of the driver that are necessary.
Ver Who Date Changes ----- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1.00a bjb 11/17/03 First release 1.01a bjb 04/10/06 V4 Support 2.00a sv 09/28/07 First release for the FIFO mode 2.01a ecm 04/08/08 Updated data structures to include the V5FXT parts. 3.00a sv 11/28/08 Added the API for initiating Abort while reading/writing from the ICAP. 3.01a sv 10/21/09 Corrected the IDCODE definitions for some of the V5 FX parts in xhwicap_l.h. Corrected the V5 BOOTSTS and CTL_1 Register definitions in xhwicap_i.h file as they were wrongly defined. 4.00a hvm 12/1/09 Added support for V6 and updated with HAL phase 1 modifications 5.00a hvm 04/02/10 Added S6 device support 5.01a hvm 07/06/10 In XHwIcap_DeviceRead function, a read bit mask verification is added after all the data bytes are read from READ FIFO.The Verification of the read bit mask at the begining of reading of bytes is removed. Removed the code that adds wrong data byte before the CRC bytes in the XHwIcap_DeviceWriteFrame function for S6 (CR560534). 5.02a hvm 10/06/10 Updated to support AXI HWICAP 5.03a hvm 15/4/11 Updated with V6 CXT device definitions.
6.00a hvm 08/01/11 Added support for K7 devices. 7.00a bss 03/14/12 Added support for 8/16/32 ICAP Data Widths - CR 620085 Added support for Lite Mode(no Write FIFO) - CR 601748 Added Virtex7,Artix7 and Zynq Idcodes-CR647140,CR643295 ReadId API is added to desync after lock up during configuration CR 637538 8.00a bss 06/20/12 Deleted ReadId API in xhwicap_srp.c and Hang mask definition in xhwicap_l.h as per CR 656162 8.01a bss 04/18/13 Updated xhwicap.c to fix compiler warnings. CR#704814 Added the define XHI_COR_1 for CR718042 9.0 adk 19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's 9.0 bss 02/20/14 Modified xhwicap.c, xhwicap_l.h, xhwicap_i.h and tcl to support Kintex8, kintexu and virtex72000T family devices. 10.0 bss 6/24/14 Removed support for families older than 7 series. Modified driver tcl not to generate family.h. Removed IDCODE lookup logic in XHwIcap_CfgInitialize in xhwicap.c. Removed IDCODE macros from xhwicap_i.h. Removed xhwicap_ff.h and xhwicap_lut.h examples. Removed xhwicap_clb_ff.h, xhwicap_clb_lut.h and xhwicap_clb_srinv.h files from driver.
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