Software Drivers

XDptx Struct Reference

#include <xdptx.h>

Detailed Description

The XDptx driver instance data. The user is required to allocate a variable of this type for every XDptx device in the system. A pointer to a variable of this type is then passed to the driver API functions.

Data Fields

u32 IsReady
u8 TrainAdaptive
u8 HasRedriverInPath
XDptx_Config TxConfig
XDptx_SinkConfig RxConfig
XDptx_LinkConfig LinkConfig
XDptx_MainStreamAttributes MsaConfig
XDptx_TimerHandler UserTimerWaitUs
void * UserTimerPtr
XDptx_HpdEventHandler HpdEventHandler
void * HpdEventCallbackRef
XDptx_HpdPulseHandler HpdPulseHandler
void * HpdPulseCallbackRef

Field Documentation

u8 XDptx::HasRedriverInPath

Redriver in path requires different voltage swing and pre-emphasis.

void* XDptx::HpdEventCallbackRef

A pointer to the user data passed to the HPD event callback function.

XDptx_HpdEventHandler XDptx::HpdEventHandler

Callback function for hot- plug-detect event interrupts.

void* XDptx::HpdPulseCallbackRef

A pointer to the user data passed to the HPD pulse callback function.

XDptx_HpdPulseHandler XDptx::HpdPulseHandler

Callback function for hot- plug-detect pulse interrupts.

u32 XDptx::IsReady

Device is initialized and ready.

XDptx_LinkConfig XDptx::LinkConfig

Configuration structure for the main link.

XDptx_MainStreamAttributes XDptx::MsaConfig

Configuration structure for the main stream attributes.

XDptx_SinkConfig XDptx::RxConfig

Configuration structure for the sink.

u8 XDptx::TrainAdaptive

Downshift lane count and link rate if necessary during training.

XDptx_Config XDptx::TxConfig

Configuration structure for the core.

void* XDptx::UserTimerPtr

Pointer to a timer instance used by the custom user delay/sleep function.

XDptx_TimerHandler XDptx::UserTimerWaitUs

Custom user function for delay/sleep.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: Copyright @ 1995-2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.