Nava kishore Manne 057fcb7917 Removed version information from all drivers.
Signed-off-by: Nava kishore Manne <navam@xilinx.com>
2015-11-20 16:32:15 +05:30

92 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (C) 2015 Xilinx, Inc.
# This file is part of the FreeRTOS port.
# FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
# Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
# NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a
# combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide the
# source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS kernel.
# FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
# link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html
OPTION psf_version = 2.1.0 ;
BEGIN OS freertos823_xilinx
OPTION supported_peripherals = (microblaze ps7_cortexa9 psu_cortexr5 psu_cortexa53);
OPTION NAME = freertos823_xilinx;
OPTION DEPENDS = (standalone_v5_3);
OPTION APP_LINKER_FLAGS = "-Wl,--start-group,-lxil,-lfreertos,-lgcc,-lc,--end-group";
OPTION DESC = "FreeRTOS is a market leading open source RTOS";
PARAM name = stdin, desc = "stdin peripheral", type = peripheral_instance, requires_interface = stdin, default=none, range = (ps7_uart, psu_uart, ps7_coresight_comp, psu_coresight_0, iomodule, axi_uartlite, axi_uart16550, mdm);
PARAM name = stdout, desc = "stdout peripheral", type = peripheral_instance, requires_interface = stdout, default=none, range = (ps7_uart, psu_uart, ps7_coresight_comp, psu_coresight_0, iomodule, axi_uartlite, axi_uart16550, mdm);
BEGIN CATEGORY kernel_behavior
PARAM name = kernel_behavior, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Parameters relating to the kernel behavior", permit = none;
PARAM name = max_api_call_interrupt_priority, type = int, default = 18, desc = "The maximum interrupt priority from which interrupt safe FreeRTOS API calls can be made.";
PARAM name = use_preemption, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to use the preemptive scheduler, or false to use the cooperative scheduler.";
PARAM name = tick_rate, type = int, default = 100, desc = "Number of RTOS ticks per sec";
PARAM name = idle_yield, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true if the Idle task should yield if another idle priority task is able to run, or false if the idle task should always use its entire time slice unless it is preempted.";
PARAM name = max_priorities, type = int, default = 8, desc = "The number of task priorities that will be available. Priorities can be assigned from zero to (max_priorities - 1)";
PARAM name = minimal_stack_size, type = int, default = 200, desc = "The size of the stack allocated to the Idle task. Also used by standard demo and test tasks found in the main FreeRTOS download.";
PARAM name = total_heap_size, type = int, default = 65536, desc = "Sets the amount of RAM reserved for use by FreeRTOS - used when tasks, queues, semaphores and event groups are created.";
PARAM name = max_task_name_len, type = int, default = 10, desc = "The maximum number of characters that can be in the name of a task.";
PARAM name = use_timeslicing, type = bool, default = true, desc = "When true equal priority ready tasks will share CPU time with a context switch on each tick interrupt.";
PARAM name = use_port_optimized_task_selection, type = bool, default = true, desc ="When true task selection will be faster at the cost of limiting the maximum number of unique priorities to 32.";
BEGIN CATEGORY kernel_features
PARAM name = kernel_features, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Include or exclude kernel features", permit = none;
PARAM name = use_freertos_asserts, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Defines configASSERT() to assist development and debugging. The application can override the default implementation of vApplicationAssert( char *pcFile, uint32_t ulLine )";
PARAM name = use_mutexes, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include mutex functionality, or false to exclude mutex functionality.";
PARAM name = use_recursive_mutexes, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include recursive mutex functionality, or false to exclude recursive mutex functionality.";
PARAM name = use_counting_semaphores, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include counting semaphore functionality, or false to exclude recursive mutex functionality.";
PARAM name = queue_registry_size, type = int, default = 10, desc = "The maximum number of queues that can be registered at any one time. Only registered queues can be viewed in the Eclipse/GDB kernel aware debugger plug-in.";
PARAM name = use_trace_facility, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include the legacy trace functionality, and a few other features. traceMACROS are the preferred method of tracing now.";
PARAM name = use_newlib_reent, type = bool, default = false, desc = "When true each task will have its own Newlib reent structure.";
PARAM name = use_queue_sets, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include queue set functionality.";
PARAM name = use_task_notifications, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include direct to task notification functionality.";
PARAM name = check_for_stack_overflow, type = int, default = 2, desc = "Set to 0 for no overflow checking. Set to 1 to include basic run time task stack checking. Set to 2 to include more comprehensive run time task stack checking.";
PARAM name = use_stats_formatting_functions, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to 1 to include the vTaskList() and vTaskGetRunTimeStats() functions, which format run-time data into human readable text.";
PARAM name = num_thread_local_storage_pointers, type = int, default = 0, desc ="Sets the number of pointers each task has to store thread local values.";
BEGIN CATEGORY hook_functions
PARAM name = hook_functions, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Include or exclude application defined hook (callback) functions. Callback functions must be defined by the application that is using FreeRTOS", permit = none;
PARAM name = use_idle_hook, type = bool, default = false, desc = "Set to true for the kernel to call vApplicationIdleHook() on each iteration of the idle task. The application must provide an implementation of vApplicationIdleHook().";
PARAM name = use_tick_hook, type = bool, default = false, desc = "Set to true for the kernel to call vApplicationTickHook() during each tick interrupt. The application must provide an implementation of vApplicationTickHook().";
PARAM name = use_malloc_failed_hook, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Only used if a FreeRTOS memory manager (heap_n.c) is included in the project. Set to true for the kernel to call vApplicationMallocFailedHookHook() if there is insufficient FreeRTOS heap available for a task, queue or semaphore to be created. The application can override the default implementation of vApplicationMallocFailedHook().";
BEGIN CATEGORY software_timers
PARAM name = software_timers, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Options relating to the software timers functionality", permit = user;
PARAM name = use_timers, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Set to true to include software timer functionality, or false to exclude software timer functionality";
PARAM name = timer_task_priority, type = string, default = "(configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1)", desc = "The priority at which the software timer service/daemon task will execute.";
PARAM name = timer_command_queue_length, type = int, default = 10, desc = "The number of commands the timer command queue can hold at any one time.";
PARAM name = timer_task_stack_depth, type = string, default = "(configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE), desc = "The size of the stack allocated to the timer service/daemon task.";
PARAM name = tick_setup, type = bool, default = true, desc = "Configuration for enabling tick timer", permit = user;
PARAM name = PSU_TTC0_Select, type = bool, default = true, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Set it to true to use TTC0 for tick interrupt generation";
PARAM name = PSU_TTC0_Select_Cntr, type = int, default = 0, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Selects the TTC0 counter to be used for tick generation. Allowed range is 0-2";
PARAM name = PSU_TTC1_Select, type = bool, default = false, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Set it to true to use TTC1 for tick interrupt generation";
PARAM name = PSU_TTC1_Select_Cntr, type = int, default = 0, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Selects the TTC1 counter to be used for tick generation. Allowed range is 0-2";
PARAM name = PSU_TTC2_Select, type = bool, default = false, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Set it to true to use TTC2 for tick interrupt generation";
PARAM name = PSU_TTC2_Select_Cntr, type = int, default = 0, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Selects the TTC2 counter to be used for tick generation. Allowed range is 0-2";
PARAM name = PSU_TTC3_Select, type = bool, default = false, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Set it to true to use TTC3 for tick interrupt generation";
PARAM name = PSU_TTC3_Select_Cntr, type = int, default = 0, desc = "psu_cortexr5 only: Selects the TTC3 counter to be used for tick generation. Allowed range is 0-2";