Kinjal Pravinbhai Patel 419545b52a ThirdParty BSP: FreeRTOS kernel has been upgraded to 8.2.3 version
Signed-off-by: Kinjal Pravinbhai Patel <patelki@xilinx.com>
Acked-by: Anirudha Sarangi <anirudh@xilinx.com>
2015-11-04 18:35:27 +05:30

1113 lines
43 KiB
Executable file

# Copyright (C) 2015 Xilinx, Inc.
# This file is part of the FreeRTOS port.
# FreeRTOS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the
# Free Software Foundation >>!AND MODIFIED BY!<< the FreeRTOS exception.
# NOTE: The modification to the GPL is included to allow you to distribute a
# combined work that includes FreeRTOS without being obliged to provide the
# source code for proprietary components outside of the FreeRTOS kernel.
# FreeRTOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Full license text is available on the following
# link: http://www.freertos.org/a00114.html
# standalone bsp version. set this to the latest "ACTIVE" version.
set standalone_version standalone_v5_3
proc FreeRTOS_drc {os_handle} {
global env
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set proctype [common::get_property IPNAME $hw_proc_handle]
if { $proctype == "microblaze" } {
proc generate {os_handle} {
variable standalone_version
set have_tick_timer 0
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set proctype [common::get_property IP_NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set need_config_file "false"
set enable_sw_profile [common::get_property CONFIG.enable_sw_intrusive_profiling $os_handle]
# proctype should be "microblaze", ps7_cortexa9, psu_cortexr5 or psu_cortexa53
set commonsrcdir "../${standalone_version}/src/common"
set mbsrcdir "../${standalone_version}/src/microblaze"
set armr5srcdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexr5"
set armr5gccdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexr5/gcc"
set arma53srcdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa53"
set arma5364srcdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa53/64bit"
set arma5332srcdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa53/32bit"
set arma5364gccdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa53/64bit/gcc"
set arma5332gccdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa53/32bit/gcc"
set includedir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa53/includes_ps"
set arma9srcdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa9"
set arma9gccdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa9/gcc"
set arma9armccdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa9/armcc"
set arma9iarccdir "../${standalone_version}/src/cortexa9/iarcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $commonsrcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
switch $proctype {
"psu_cortexr5" {
puts "In start copy psu_cortexr5"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile_psu_cortexr5" "./src/Makefile"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile" "./src/Makefile_dep"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $armr5srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $armr5gccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
file copy -force $includedir "../${standalone_version}/src/"
file delete -force "../${standalone_version}/src/gcc"
file delete -force "../${standalone_version}/src/profile"
if { $enable_sw_profile == "true" } {
error "ERROR: Profiling is not supported for R5"
set need_config_file "true"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"psu_cortexa53" {
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set compiler [get_property CONFIG.compiler $procdrv]
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "arm-none-eabi-gcc"] == 0} {
error "ERROR: FreeRTOS is not supported for 32bit A53"
puts "In start copy psu_cortexa53"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile_psu_cortexa53" "./src/Makefile"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile" "./src/Makefile_dep"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $arma5364srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $arma5364gccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
file copy -force $includedir "../${standalone_version}/src/"
file delete -force "../${standalone_version}/src/gcc"
file delete -force "../${standalone_version}/src/profile"
if { $enable_sw_profile == "true" } {
error "ERROR: Profiling is not supported for A53"
set need_config_file "true"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"ps7_cortexa9" {
puts "In start copy ps7_cortexa9"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile_ps7_cortexa9" "./src/Makefile"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile" "./src/Makefile_dep"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $arma9srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $arma9gccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
file delete -force "../${standalone_version}/src/gcc"
file delete -force "../${standalone_version}/src/iccarm"
file delete -force "../${standalone_version}/src/armcc"
set need_config_file "true"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"microblaze" {
puts "In start copy microblaze"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile_microblaze" "./src/Makefile"
file copy -force "./src/Makefile" "./src/Makefile_dep"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $mbsrcdir *]] {
if { [string first "microblaze_interrupt_handler" $entry] == -1 } { ;# Do not copy over the Standalone BSP exception handler
file copy -force $entry [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src"]
set need_config_file "true"
"default" {
puts "processor type $proctype not supported\n"
# Write the Config.make file
set makeconfig [open "../${standalone_version}/src/config.make" w]
file rename -force -- "../${standalone_version}/src/Makefile" "../${standalone_version}/src/Makefile_depends"
if { $proctype == "psu_cortexr5" || $proctype == "ps7_cortexa9" || $proctype == "microblaze" || $proctype == "psu_cortexa53" } {
puts $makeconfig "LIBSOURCES = *.c *.S"
puts $makeconfig "LIBS = standalone_libs"
close $makeconfig
# Remove arm directory...
file delete -force $armr5srcdir
file delete -force $arma9srcdir
file delete -force $arma5364srcdir
file delete -force $mbsrcdir
# Copy core kernel files to the main src directory
file copy -force [file join src Source tasks.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source queue.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source list.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source timers.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source event_groups.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable MemMang heap_4.c] ./src
if { $proctype == "psu_cortexr5" } {
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CR5 port.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CR5 portASM.S] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CR5 port_asm_vectors.S] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CR5 portmacro.h] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CR5 portZynqUltrascale.c] ./src
if { $proctype == "psu_cortexa53" } {
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA53 port.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA53 portASM.S] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA53 port_asm_vectors.S] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA53 portmacro.h] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA53 portZynqUltrascale.c] ./src
if { $proctype == "ps7_cortexa9" } {
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA9 port.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA9 portASM.S] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA9 port_asm_vectors.S] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA9 portmacro.h] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC ARM_CA9 portZynq7000.c] ./src
if { $proctype == "microblaze" } {
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC MicroBlazeV8 port.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC MicroBlazeV8 port_exceptions.c] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC MicroBlazeV8 portasm.S] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC MicroBlazeV8 portmacro.h] ./src
file copy -force [file join src Source portable GCC MicroBlazeV8 portmicroblaze.c] ./src
# Create config file for microblaze interrupt handling
if {[string compare -nocase $need_config_file "true"] == 0} {
# Create config files for Microblaze exception handling
if { [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle] } {
# Create bspconfig file
set bspcfg_fn [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src" "bspconfig.h"]
file delete $bspcfg_fn
set bspcfg_fh [open $bspcfg_fn w]
xprint_generated_header $bspcfg_fh "Configurations for Standalone BSP"
if { [mb_has_pvr $hw_proc_handle] } {
set pvr [get_property CONFIG.C_PVR $hw_proc_handle]
switch $pvr {
"0" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
"1" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_BASIC"
"2" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_FULL"
"default" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
close $bspcfg_fh
set headers [glob -join ./src/Source/include *.\[h\]]
foreach header $headers {
file copy -force $header src
file delete -force [file join src Source]
# Remove microblaze, cortexa9 and common directories...
file delete -force $mbsrcdir
file delete -force $commonsrcdir
file delete -force $armr5srcdir
file delete -force $armr5gccdir
file delete -force $arma53srcdir
file delete -force $arma9srcdir
file delete -force $arma9gccdir
file delete -force $arma9armccdir
file delete -force $arma9iarccdir
# Handle stdin and stdout
::hsi::utils::handle_stdin $os_handle
::hsi::utils::handle_stdout $os_handle
file copy -force "./src/outbyte.c" "../${standalone_version}/src/"
file copy -force "./src/inbyte.c" "../${standalone_version}/src/"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "\n/******************************************************************/\n"
close $file_handle
## Add constants common to all architectures to the configuration file.
set config_file [xopen_new_include_file "./src/FreeRTOSConfig.h" "FreeRTOS Configuration parameters"]
puts $config_file "\#include \"xparameters.h\" \n"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_preemption $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PREEMPTION" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PREEMPTION" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_mutexes $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_MUTEXES" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_MUTEXES" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_recursive_mutexes $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_RECURSIVE_MUTEXES" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_RECURSIVE_MUTEXES" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_counting_semaphores $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_timers $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_TIMERS" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_TIMERS" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_idle_hook $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_IDLE_HOOK" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_IDLE_HOOK" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_tick_hook $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_TICK_HOOK" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_TICK_HOOK" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_malloc_failed_hook $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_trace_facility $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY" "1"
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS" "0"
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_APPLICATION_TASK_TAG" "0"
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_CO_ROUTINES" "0"
set tick_rate [common::get_property CONFIG.tick_rate $os_handle]
xput_define $config_file "configTICK_RATE_HZ" "($tick_rate)"
set max_priorities [common::get_property CONFIG.max_priorities $os_handle]
xput_define $config_file "configMAX_PRIORITIES" "($max_priorities)"
xput_define $config_file "configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES" "2"
set min_stack [common::get_property CONFIG.minimal_stack_size $os_handle]
set min_stack [expr [expr $min_stack + 3] & 0xFFFFFFFC]
xput_define $config_file "configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE" "( ( unsigned short ) $min_stack)"
set total_heap_size [common::get_property CONFIG.total_heap_size $os_handle]
xput_define $config_file "configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE" "( ( size_t ) ( $total_heap_size ) )"
set max_task_name_len [common::get_property CONFIG.max_task_name_len $os_handle]
xput_define $config_file "configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN" $max_task_name_len
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.idle_yield $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.timer_task_priority $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY" $val
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.timer_command_queue_length $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH" "10"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.timer_task_stack_depth $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH" "($val * 2)"
set val [get_property CONFIG.use_freertos_asserts $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
puts $config_file "#define configASSERT( x ) if( ( x ) == 0 ) vApplicationAssert( __FILE__, __LINE__ )\n"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_queue_sets $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_QUEUE_SETS" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_QUEUE_SETS" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.check_for_stack_overflow $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW" "0"
} else {
if { $val > 2 } {
error "ERROR: check_for_stack_overflow must be between 0 and 2"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW" $val
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.queue_registry_size $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE" $val
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_stats_formatting_functions $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS" "1"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.num_thread_local_storage_pointers $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configNUM_THREAD_LOCAL_STORAGE_POINTERS" $val
puts $config_file "#define configUSE_TICKLESS_IDLE 0"
puts $config_file "#define configTASK_RETURN_ADDRESS NULL"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_uxTaskPriorityGet 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelete 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_vTaskCleanUpResources 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelayUntil 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelay 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_eTaskGetState 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCall 1"
puts $config_file "#define INCLUDE_pcTaskGetTaskName 1"
## Add constants specific to the psu_cortexr5
if { $proctype == "psu_cortexr5" } {
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC0_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC0_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_0_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_0_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_0_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_1_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_1_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_1_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_2_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_2_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_2_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected" "mdt_error"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC1_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
if {$have_tick_timer == 1} {
error "ERROR: Cannot select multiple timers for tick generation " "mdt_error"
} else {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC1_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_3_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_3_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_3_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_4_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_4_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_4_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_5_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_5_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_5_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected " "mdt_error"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC2_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
if {$have_tick_timer == 1} {
error "ERROR: Cannot select multiple timers for tick generation " "mdt_error"
} else {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC2_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_6_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_6_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_6_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_7_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_7_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_7_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_8_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_8_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_8_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected " "mdt_error"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC3_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
if {$have_tick_timer == 1} {
error "ERROR: Cannot select multiple timers for tick generation " "mdt_error"
} else {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC3_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_9_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_9_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_9_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_10_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_10_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_10_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_11_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_11_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_11_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected " "mdt_error"
if {$have_tick_timer == 0} {
error "ERROR: No tick timer selected " "mdt_error"
xput_define $config_file "configUNIQUE_INTERRUPT_PRIORITIES" "32"
xput_define $config_file "configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_CPU_INTERFACE_OFFSET" "0x1000"
# Function prototypes cannot be in the common code as some compilers or
# ports require pre-processor guards to ensure they are not visible from
# assembly files.
puts $config_file "void vApplicationAssert( const char *pcFile, uint32_t ulLine );"
puts $config_file "void FreeRTOS_SetupTickInterrupt( void );"
puts $config_file "#define configSETUP_TICK_INTERRUPT() FreeRTOS_SetupTickInterrupt()\n"
puts $config_file "void FreeRTOS_ClearTickInterrupt( void );"
puts $config_file "#define configCLEAR_TICK_INTERRUPT() FreeRTOS_ClearTickInterrupt()\n"
puts $config_file "#define configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS 0\n"
puts $config_file "#define portCONFIGURE_TIMER_FOR_RUN_TIME_STATS()\n"
puts $config_file "#define portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE()\n"
puts $config_file "#define configCOMMAND_INT_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE 2096\n"
puts $config_file "#define recmuCONTROLLING_TASK_PRIORITY ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 2 )\n"
set max_api_call_interrupt_priority [common::get_property CONFIG.max_api_call_interrupt_priority $os_handle]
xput_define $config_file "configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY" "($max_api_call_interrupt_priority)"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_port_optimized_task_selection $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION" "1"
# end of if $proctype == "psu_cortexr5"
## Add constants specific to the psu_cortexa53
if { $proctype == "psu_cortexa53" } {
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC0_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC0_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_0_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_0_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_0_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_1_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_1_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_1_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_2_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_2_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_2_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected" "mdt_error"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC1_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
if {$have_tick_timer == 1} {
error "ERROR: Cannot select multiple timers for tick generation " "mdt_error"
} else {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC1_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_3_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_3_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_3_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_4_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_4_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_4_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_5_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_5_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_5_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected " "mdt_error"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC2_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
if {$have_tick_timer == 1} {
error "ERROR: Cannot select multiple timers for tick generation " "mdt_error"
} else {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC2_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_6_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_6_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_6_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_7_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_7_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_7_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_8_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_8_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_8_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected " "mdt_error"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC3_Select $os_handle]
if {$val == "true"} {
if {$have_tick_timer == 1} {
error "ERROR: Cannot select multiple timers for tick generation " "mdt_error"
} else {
set have_tick_timer 1
set val1 [common::get_property CONFIG.PSU_TTC3_Select_Cntr $os_handle]
if {$val1 == "0"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_9_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_9_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_9_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "1"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_10_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_10_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_10_INTR"
} else {
if {$val1 == "2"} {
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_11_DEVICE_ID"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_BASEADDR" "XPAR_XTTCPS_11_BASEADDR"
xput_define $config_file "configTIMER_INTERRUPT_ID" "XPAR_XTTCPS_11_INTR"
} else {
error "ERROR: invalid timer selected " "mdt_error"
if {$have_tick_timer == 0} {
error "ERROR: No tick timer selected " "mdt_error"
xput_define $config_file "configUNIQUE_INTERRUPT_PRIORITIES" "32"
xput_define $config_file "configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_CPU_INTERFACE_OFFSET" "0x10000"
# Function prototypes cannot be in the common code as some compilers or
# ports require pre-processor guards to ensure they are not visible from
# assembly files.
puts $config_file "void vApplicationAssert( const char *pcFile, uint32_t ulLine );"
puts $config_file "void FreeRTOS_SetupTickInterrupt( void );"
puts $config_file "#define configSETUP_TICK_INTERRUPT() FreeRTOS_SetupTickInterrupt()\n"
puts $config_file "void FreeRTOS_ClearTickInterrupt( void );"
puts $config_file "#define configCLEAR_TICK_INTERRUPT() FreeRTOS_ClearTickInterrupt()\n"
puts $config_file "#define configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS 0\n"
puts $config_file "#define portCONFIGURE_TIMER_FOR_RUN_TIME_STATS()\n"
puts $config_file "#define portGET_RUN_TIME_COUNTER_VALUE()\n"
puts $config_file "#define configCOMMAND_INT_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE 2096\n"
puts $config_file "#define recmuCONTROLLING_TASK_PRIORITY ( configMAX_PRIORITIES - 2 )\n"
puts $config_file "#define fabs( x ) __builtin_fabs( x )\n"
set max_api_call_interrupt_priority [common::get_property CONFIG.max_api_call_interrupt_priority $os_handle]
xput_define $config_file "configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY" "($max_api_call_interrupt_priority)"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_port_optimized_task_selection $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION" "1"
# end of if $proctype == "psu_cortexa53"
## Add constants specific to the ps7_cortexa9
if { $proctype == "ps7_cortexa9" } {
set max_api_call_interrupt_priority [common::get_property CONFIG.max_api_call_interrupt_priority $os_handle]
xput_define $config_file "configMAX_API_CALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY" "($max_api_call_interrupt_priority)"
set val [common::get_property CONFIG.use_port_optimized_task_selection $os_handle]
if {$val == "false"} {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION" "0"
} else {
xput_define $config_file "configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION" "1"
puts $config_file "#define configINTERRUPT_CONTROLLER_CPU_INTERFACE_OFFSET ( -0xf00 )"
puts $config_file "#define configUNIQUE_INTERRUPT_PRIORITIES 32"
# Function prototypes cannot be in the common code as some compilers or
# ports require pre-processor guards to ensure they are not visible from
# assembly files.
puts $config_file "void vApplicationAssert( const char *pcFile, uint32_t ulLine );"
puts $config_file "void FreeRTOS_SetupTickInterrupt( void );"
puts $config_file "#define configSETUP_TICK_INTERRUPT() FreeRTOS_SetupTickInterrupt()\n"
puts $config_file "void FreeRTOS_ClearTickInterrupt( void );"
puts $config_file "#define configCLEAR_TICK_INTERRUPT() FreeRTOS_ClearTickInterrupt()\n"
# end of if $proctype == "ps7_cortexa9"
## Add constants specific to the microblaze
if { $proctype == "microblaze" } {
# Interrupt controller setting assumes only one is in use.
puts $config_file "#define configINSTALL_EXCEPTION_HANDLERS 1"
# Avoid non #define statements getting included in assembly files.
puts $config_file "#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__"
puts $config_file "void vApplicationAssert( const char *pcFile, uint32_t ulLine );"
puts $config_file "#endif"
# end of if $proctype == "microblaze"
# complete the header protectors
puts $config_file "\#endif"
close $config_file
proc xopen_new_include_file { filename description } {
set inc_file [open $filename w]
xprint_generated_header $inc_file $description
set newfname [string map {. _} [lindex [split $filename {\/}] end]]
puts $inc_file "\#ifndef _[string toupper $newfname]"
puts $inc_file "\#define _[string toupper $newfname]\n\n"
return $inc_file
proc xput_define { config_file parameter param_value } {
puts $config_file "#define $parameter $param_value\n"
proc xhandle_mb_interrupts {} {
set default_interrupt_handler "XNullHandler"
set default_arg "XNULL"
set source_interrupt_handler $default_interrupt_handler
set source_handler_arg $default_arg
# Handle the interrupt pin
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set periph [get_cells $sw_proc_handle]
set source_ports [xget_interrupt_sources $periph]
if {[llength $source_ports] > 1} {
error "Too many interrupting ports on the MicroBlaze. Should only find 1" "" "error"
if {[llength $source_ports] == 1} {
set source_port [lindex $source_ports 0]
if {[llength $source_port] != 0} {
set source_port_name [get_property NAME $source_port]
set source_periph [get_cells -of_objects $source_port]
set source_name [get_property NAME $source_periph]
set source_driver [get_drivers $source_name]
if {[string compare -nocase $source_driver ""] != 0} {
set int_array [get_arrays -of_objects $source_driver]
if {[llength $int_array] != 0} {
set size [get_property PROPERTY.size $int_array]
for {set i 0 } { $i < $size } { incr $i } {
set int_port [lindex [get_property PARAM.int_port $int_array] $i]
if {[llength $int_port] != 0} {
if {[string compare -nocase $int_port $source_port_name] == 0 } {
set source_interrupt_handler [lindex [get_property PARAM.int_handler $int_array] $i ]
set source_handler_arg [lindex [get_property PARAM.int_handler_arg $int_array] $i ]
if {[string compare -nocase $source_handler_arg DEVICE_ID] == 0 } {
set source_handler_arg [xget_name $source_periph "DEVICE_ID"]
} else {
if {[llength $source_periph] == 0} {
set source_handler_arg $default_arg
} else {
set source_handler_arg [xget_name $source_periph "C_BASEADDR"]
# Generate microblaze_interrupts_g.c file...
xcreate_mb_intr_config_file $source_interrupt_handler $source_handler_arg
proc xcreate_mb_intr_config_file {handler arg} {
set mb_table "MB_InterruptVectorTable"
variable standalone_version
set filename [file join ".." "${standalone_version}" "src" "microblaze_interrupts_g.c"]
file delete $filename
set config_file [open $filename w]
xprint_generated_header $config_file "Interrupt Handler Table for MicroBlaze Processor"
puts $config_file "#include \"microblaze_interrupts_i.h\""
puts $config_file "#include \"xparameters.h\""
puts $config_file "\n"
puts $config_file [format "extern void %s (void *);" $handler]
puts $config_file "\n/*"
puts $config_file "* The interrupt handler table for microblaze processor"
puts $config_file "*/\n"
puts $config_file [format "%sEntry %s\[\] =" $mb_table $mb_table]
puts $config_file "\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\{\t%s" $handler]
puts -nonewline $config_file [format ",\n\t(void*) %s\}" $arg]
puts -nonewline $config_file "\n\};"
puts $config_file "\n"
close $config_file
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if this MB has
# exception handling support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_UNALIGNED_EXCEPTIONS $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_ILL_OPCODE_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_IOPB_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_DOPB_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_DIV_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_DIV_ZERO_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_FPU_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [get_property CONFIG.C_USE_MMU $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
return false
# -------------------------------------------
# Tcl procedure xcreate_mb_exc_config file
# -------------------------------------------
proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file { } {
set hfilename [file join "src" "microblaze_exceptions_g.h"]
file delete $hfilename
set hconfig_file [open $hfilename w]
xprint_generated_header $hconfig_file "Exception Handling Header for MicroBlaze Processor"
puts $hconfig_file "\n"
set sw_proc_handle [get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [get_cells [get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set proctype [get_property IP_NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set procver [get_ip_version $hw_proc_handle]
if { ![mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle]} { ;# NO exceptions are enabled
close $hconfig_file ;# Do not generate any info in either the header or the C file
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED 1"
if { [mb_can_handle_exceptions_in_delay_slots $procver] } {
close $hconfig_file
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if MB ver 'procver' has
# support for handling exceptions in
# delay slots
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_can_handle_exceptions_in_delay_slots { procver } {
if { [string compare -nocase $procver "5.00.a"] >= 0 } {
return true
} else {
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if this MB has PVR support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_pvr { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set pvr [get_property CONFIG.C_PVR $hw_proc_handle]
if { $pvr != "" } {
return true
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Microblaze config checks
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_drc_checks { } {
set compiler [common::get_property CONFIG.compiler $sw_proc_handle]
# check for valid compiler
if { [string first "mb-gcc" $compiler] == 0 && [string first "mb-g++" $compiler] == 0} {
error "Wrong compiler requested. FreeRTOS can be compiled only with the GNU compiler for MicroBlaze." "" "mdt_error"
# check for valid stdio parameters
set stdin [common::get_property CONFIG.stdin $os_handle]
set stdout [common::get_property CONFIG.stdout $os_handle]
if { $stdin == "none" || $stdout == "none" } {
error "The STDIN/STDOUT parameters are not set. FreeRTOS requires stdin/stdout to be set." "" "mdt_error"
# check if the design has a intc
set intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects $hw_proc_handle Interrupt]
set intr_flag 1
if { [llength $intr_port] == 0 } {
set intr_flag 0
} else {
set intr_net [hsi::get_nets -of_objects $intr_port]
if { [llength $intr_port] == 0 } {
set intr_flag 0
if {$intr_flag == 0 } {
error "CPU has no connection to Interrupt controller." "" "mdt_error"
# support only AXI/PLB
set bus_name ""
set interconnect [common::get_property CONFIG.C_INTERCONNECT $hw_proc_handle]
puts [format "hw_proc_handle is %s" $hw_proc_handle]
if { $interconnect == 2 } {
set intf_pin [hsi::get_intf_pins -of_objects $hw_proc_handle "M_AXI_DP"]
if { [llength $intf_pin] } {
set bus_name [hsi::get_intf_nets -of_objects $intf_pin]
} else {
error "FreeRTOS supports Microblaze with only a AXI interconnect" "" "mdt_error"
if { [llength $bus_name] == 0 } {
error "Microblaze M_AXI_DP is not connected to slave peripherals"
# obtain handles to all the peripherals in the design
set slave_ifs [hsi::get_intf_pins -of_objects $bus_name -filter "TYPE==SLAVE"]
puts [format "slave_ifs %s bus_name %s" $slave_ifs $bus_name]
set timer_count 0
set timer_has_intr 0
# check for a valid timer
foreach if $slave_ifs {
set ip_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $if]
if {$ip_handle != $hw_proc_handle} {
set type [common::get_property IP_NAME $ip_handle]
if { $type == "axi_timer" } {
incr timer_count
# check if the timer interrupts are enabled
set intr_port [hsi::get_pins -of_objects $ip_handle interrupt]
if { [llength $intr_port] != 0 } {
set intr_net [hsi::get_nets -of_objects $intr_port]
if { [llength $intr_net] != 0 } {
set timer_has_intr 1
if { $timer_count == 0 } {
error "FreeRTOS for Microblaze requires an axi_timer or xps_timer. The HW platform doesn't have a valid timer." "" "mdt_error"
if { $timer_has_intr == 0 } {
error "FreeRTOS for Microblaze requires interrupts enabled for a timer." "" "mdt_error"
set systmr_interval_ms [common::get_property CONFIG.systmr_interval $os_handle]
if { $systmr_interval_ms <= 0 } {
error "Invalid value for parameter systmr_interval specified. Please specify a positive value." "" "mdt_error"