Steps to compile
1. Download the latest PCI Utilites source from
(Or) Source can be clone from the GIT repository,
2. Compile the PCI Utilities by the following command,
$pci-utils> make
3. Compile the MCAP Library by the following make command,
$mcap-lib> make PCIUTILS_PATH=<PATH to PCI Utilities Source>
4. Compiling the MCAP library generates 'libmcap.a' and
example elf 'mcap' built on top of generated library.
Steps to Run
-> Running the 'mcap.elf' with '-h' lists all the options
that are available to communicate with the underlying
MCAP device,
$Linux> ./mcap -h
Usage: mcap [options]
-x Specify MCAP Device Id in hex (MANDATORY)
-p <file> Program Bitstream (.bin/.bit/.rbt)
-C <file> Partial Reconfiguration Clear File(.bin/.bit/.rbt)
-r Performs Simple Reset
-m Performs Module Reset
-f Performs Full Reset
-D Read Data Registers
-d Dump all the MCAP Registers
-v Verbose information of MCAP Device
-h/H Help
-a <address> [type [data]] Access Device Configuration Space
here type[data] - b for byte data [8 bits]
here type[data] - h for half word data [16 bits]
here type[data] - w for word data [32 bits]
NOTE: Specifying MCAP Device Id option is mandatory for the application
to run. For example,
$Linux> ./mcap -x 0x8011
Xilinx MCAP Device Found
. PCI Extended Capability Registers in Linux will only be
accessible with privileged user access. So, the example elf should
be run with ROOT permissions.
. To access device configuration space, 'type' in the above syntax should
be either b/h/w (byte/half-word/word). For example,
-> Reading a byte
./mcap -x 0x8011 -a 0x354 b
-> Writing a word
./mcap -x 0x8011 -a 0x354 w 0x3