Kedareswara rao Appana 2a550bf65e doxygen: Update doxygen for the drivers to include .h files in documentation.
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Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
2014-09-02 11:21:43 +05:30

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Xilinx Driver uartns550 v3_1: uartns550 v3_1
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<h3 class="PageHeader">Xilinx Processor IP Library</h3>
<hl>Software Drivers</hl>
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<div class="contents">
<h1>uartns550 v3_1</h1><p>This driver supports the following features in the Xilinx 16450/16550 compatible UART.</p>
<li>Dynamic data format (baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity)</li>
<li>Polled mode</li>
<li>Interrupt driven mode</li>
<li>Transmit and receive FIFOs (16 bytes each for the 16550)</li>
<li>Access to the external modem control lines and the two discrete outputs</li>
<p>The only difference between the 16450 and the 16550 is the addition of transmit and receive FIFOs in the 16550.</p>
<p><b>Initialization &amp; Configuration</b></p>
<p>The <a class="el" href="struct_x_uart_ns550___config.html">XUartNs550_Config</a> structure is used by the driver to configure itself. This configuration structure is typically created by the tool-chain based on HW build properties.</p>
<p>To support multiple runtime loading and initialization strategies employed by various operating systems, the driver instance can be initialized in one of the following ways:</p>
<li>XUartNs550_Initialize(InstancePtr, DeviceId) - The driver looks up its own configuration structure created by the tool-chain based on an ID provided by the tool-chain.</li>
<li>XUartNs550_CfgInitialize(InstancePtr, CfgPtr, EffectiveAddr) - Uses a configuration structure provided by the caller. If running in a system with address translation, the provided virtual memory base address replaces the physical address present in the configuration structure.</li>
<p><b>Baud Rate</b></p>
<p>The UART has an internal baud rate generator that is clocked at a specified input clock frequency. Not all baud rates can be generated from some clock frequencies. The requested baud rate is checked using the provided clock for the system, and checked against the acceptable error range. An error may be returned from some functions indicating the baud rate was in error because it could not be generated.</p>
<p>The device does not have any way to disable the receiver such that the receive FIFO may contain unwanted data. The FIFOs are not flushed when the driver is initialized, but a function is provided to allow the user to reset the FIFOs if desired.</p>
<p>The driver defaults to no interrupts at initialization such that interrupts must be enabled if desired. An interrupt is generated for any of the following conditions.</p>
<li>Transmit FIFO is empty</li>
<li>Data in the receive FIFO equal to the receive threshold</li>
<li>Data in the receiver when FIFOs are disabled</li>
<li>Any receive status error or break condition detected</li>
<li>Data in the receive FIFO for 4 character times without receiver activity</li>
<li>A change of a modem signal</li>
<p>The application can control which interrupts are enabled using the SetOptions function.</p>
<p>In order to use interrupts, it is necessary for the user to connect the driver interrupt handler, <a class="el" href="xuartns550_8h.html#a6e8579fcf317e1f30d61b4fb7fe60434">XUartNs550_InterruptHandler()</a>, to the interrupt system of the application. This function does not save and restore the processor context such that the user must provide it. A handler must be set for the driver such that the handler is called when interrupt events occur. The handler is called from interrupt context and is designed to allow application specific processing to be performed.</p>
<p>The functions, <a class="el" href="xuartns550_8c.html#a421921af6a8df7c51ddbfa5d2301ad1b">XUartNs550_Send()</a> and <a class="el" href="xuartns550_8c.html#a35fc171801e394fce29cbcb09dc1ff99">XUartNs550_Recv()</a>, are provided in the driver to allow data to be sent and received. They are designed to be used in polled or interrupt modes.</p>
<dl class="note"><dt><b>Note:</b></dt><dd></dd></dl>
<p>The default configuration for the UART after initialization is:</p>
<li>19,200 bps or XPAR_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE if defined</li>
<li>8 data bits</li>
<li>1 stop bit</li>
<li>no parity</li>
<li>FIFO's are enabled with a receive threshold of 8 bytes</li>
MODIFICATION HISTORY:</pre><pre> Ver Who Date Changes
----- ---- -------- -----------------------------------------------
1.00a ecm 08/16/01 First release
1.00b jhl 03/11/02 Repartitioned the driver for smaller files.
1.01a jvb 12/14/05 I separated dependency on the static config table and
xparameters.h from the driver initialization by moving
_Initialize and _LookupConfig to _sinit.c. I also added
the new _CfgInitialize routine.
1.11a sv 03/20/07 Updated to use the new coding guidelines.
1.11a sv 07/25/08 Corrected the definitions of XUN_MODEM_DCD_DELTA_MASK
1.12a sdm 08/22/08 Removed support for static interrupt handlers from the MDD
1.12a sdm 12/15/08 Deprecated the CLOCK_HZ parameter in mdd and updated the
Tcl to obtain the bus frequency during libgen
1.13a sdm 07/10/09 a) Updated the driver Tcl to obtain the external clock
frequency from MHS, when C_HAS_EXTERNAL_XIN = 1.
b) Added receive line interrupt option to OptionsTable[]
in <a class="el" href="xuartns550__options_8c.html">xuartns550_options.c</a>
2.00a ktn 10/20/09 Converted all register accesses to 32 bit access.
Updated to use HAL Processor APIs. _m is removed from the
name of all the macro definitions. XUartNs550_mClearStats
macro is removed, XUartNs550_ClearStats function should be
used in its place.
2.01a bss 01/13/12 Updated the XUartNs550_SelfTest to use Xil_AssertNonvoid
in place of XASSERT_NONVOID for CR 641344.
Removed unneccessary read of the LCR register in the
XUartNs550_CfgInitialize function. Removed compiler
warnings for unused variables in the
2.02a adk 09/16/13 Fixed CR:735289 changes are made in the <a class="el" href="xuartns550__intr_8c.html">xuartns550_intr.c</a>
3.0 adk 19/12/13 Updated as per the New Tcl API's
3.1 adk 20/08/14 Fixed CR:816989 Canonical Definition for Multiple
Instances of UARTSNS550 have the same Device Id.
Changes are made in the driver tcl file.
</pre> </div>
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