In SDK GUI, the information of requirement of libraries for creating Zynq FSBL was showing incorrect messages in Application project window. When both xilffs and xilrsa libraries were absent, the error message in SDK mentions only about xilffs. This is corrected and the error message now reflects the exact essential libraries that are missing. This is fix for CR#837141. Signed-off-by: Sarat Chand Savitala <saratcha@xilinx.com>
79 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable file
79 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable file
proc swapp_get_name {} {
return "Zynq FSBL";
proc swapp_get_description {} {
return "First Stage Bootloader (FSBL) for Zynq. The FSBL configures the FPGA with HW bit stream (if it exists) \
and loads the Operating System (OS) Image or Standalone (SA) Image or 2nd Stage Boot Loader image from the \
non-volatile memory (NAND/NOR/QSPI) to RAM (DDR) and starts executing it. It supports multiple partitions, \
and each partition can be a code image or a bit stream.";
proc check_standalone_os {} {
set oslist [get_os];
if { [llength $oslist] != 1 } {
return 0;
set os [lindex $oslist 0];
if { $os != "standalone" } {
error "This application is supported only on the Standalone Board Support Package.";
proc swapp_is_supported_sw {} {
# make sure we are using standalone OS
# make sure xilffs and xilrsa libraries are available
set librarylist_1 [get_libs -filter "NAME==xilffs"];
set librarylist_2 [get_libs -filter "NAME==xilrsa"];
if { [llength $librarylist_1] == 0 && [llength $librarylist_2] == 0 } {
error "This application requires xilffs and xilrsa libraries in the Board Support Package.";
} elseif { [llength $librarylist_1] == 0 } {
error "This application requires xilffs library in the Board Support Package.";
} elseif { [llength $librarylist_2] == 0 } {
error "This application requires xilrsa library in the Board Support Package.";
proc swapp_is_supported_hw {} {
# check processor type
set proc_instance [get_sw_processor];
set hw_processor [get_property HW_INSTANCE $proc_instance]
set proc_type [get_property IP_NAME [get_cells $hw_processor]];
if { $proc_type != "ps7_cortexa9" } {
error "This application is supported only for CortexA9 processors.";
return 1;
proc get_stdout {} {
set os [get_os];
set stdout [get_property CONFIG.STDOUT $os];
return $stdout;
proc check_stdout_hw {} {
set p7_uarts [get_cells -filter "IP_NAME=ps7_uart"];
proc swapp_generate {} {
# nothing to check but SwGen expects us to provide this
proc swapp_get_linker_constraints {} {
# don't generate a linker script. fsbl has its own linker script
return "lscript no";