Jagannadha Sutradharudu Teki 2c8f92039d embeddesw: Add initial code support
Added initial support Xilinx Embedded Software.

Signed-off-by: Jagannadha Sutradharudu Teki <jaganna@xilinx.com>
2014-06-24 16:45:01 +05:30

690 lines
28 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (C) 2010 - 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Use of the Software is limited solely to applications:
* (a) running on a Xilinx device, or
* (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect.
* Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used
* in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in
* this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx.
* @file xspips.h
* This file contains the implementation of the XSpiPs driver. It works for
* both the master and slave mode. User documentation for the driver functions
* is contained in this file in the form of comment blocks at the front of each
* function.
* An SPI device connects to an SPI bus through a 4-wire serial interface.
* The SPI bus is a full-duplex, synchronous bus that facilitates communication
* between one master and one slave. The device is always full-duplex,
* which means that for every byte sent, one is received, and vice-versa.
* The master controls the clock, so it can regulate when it wants to
* send or receive data. The slave is under control of the master, it must
* respond quickly since it has no control of the clock and must send/receive
* data as fast or as slow as the master does.
* <b>Initialization & Configuration</b>
* The XSpiPs_Config structure is used by the driver to configure itself. This
* configuration structure is typically created by the tool-chain based on HW
* build properties.
* To support multiple runtime loading and initialization strategies employed by
* various operating systems, the driver instance can be initialized in the
* following way:
* - XSpiPs_LookupConfig(DeviceId) - Use the devide identifier to find the
* static configuration structure defined in xspips_g.c. This is setup by
* the tools. For some operating systems the config structure will be
* initialized by the software and this call is not needed.
* - XSpiPs_CfgInitialize(InstancePtr, CfgPtr, EffectiveAddr) - Uses a
* configuration structure provided by the caller. If running in a system
* with address translation, the provided virtual memory base address
* replaces the physical address present in the configuration structure.
* <b>Multiple Masters</b>
* More than one master can exist, but arbitration is the responsibility of
* the higher layer software. The device driver does not perform any type of
* arbitration.
* <b>Multiple Slaves</b>
* Contention between multiple masters is detected by the hardware, in which
* case a mode fault occurs on the device. The device is disabled immediately
* by hardware, and the current word transfer is stopped. The Aborted word
* transfer due to the mode fault is resumed once the devie is enabled again.
* <b>Modes of Operation</b>
* There are four modes to perform a data transfer and the selection of a mode
* is based on Chip Select(CS) and Start. These two options individually, can
* be controlled either by software(Manual) or hardware(Auto).
* - Auto CS: Chip select is automatically asserted as soon as the first word
* is written into the TXFIFO and deasserted when the TXFIFO becomes
* empty
* - Manual CS: Software must assert and deassert CS.
* - Auto Start: Data transmission starts as soon as there is data in the
* TXFIFO and stalls when the TXFIFO is empty
* - Manual Start: Software must start data transmission at the beginning of
* the transaction or whenever the TXFIFO has become empty
* The preferred combination is Manual CS and Auto Start.
* In this combination, the software asserts CS before loading any data into
* TXFIFO. In Auto Start mode, whenever data is in TXFIFO, controller sends it
* out until TXFIFO becomes empty. The software reads the RXFIFO whenever the
* data is available. If no further data, software disables CS.
* Risks/challenges of other combinations:
* - Manual CS and Manual Start: Manual Start bit should be set after each
* TXFIFO write otherwise there could be a race condition where the TXFIFO
* becomes empty before the new word is written. In that case the
* transmission stops.
* - Auto CS with Manual or Auto Start: It is very difficult for software to
* keep the TXFIFO filled. Whenever the TXFIFO runs empty, CS is deasserted.
* This results in a single transaction to be split into multiple pieces each
* with its own chip select. This will result in garbage data to be sent.
* <b>Interrupts</b>
* The user must connect the interrupt handler of the driver,
* XSpiPs_InterruptHandler, to an interrupt system such that it will be
* called when an interrupt occurs. This function does not save and restore
* the processor context such that the user must provide this processing.
* The driver handles the following interrupts:
* - Data Transmit Register/FIFO Underflow
* - Data Receive Register/FIFO Full
* - Data Receive Register/FIFO Not Empty
* - Data Transmit Register/FIFO Full
* - Data Transmit Register/FIFO Overwater
* - Mode Fault Error
* - Data Receive Register/FIFO Overrun
* The Data Transmit Register/FIFO Overwater interrupt -- indicates that the
* SPI device has transmitted the data available to transmit, and now its data
* register and FIFO is ready to accept more data. The driver uses this
* interrupt to indicate progress while sending data. The driver may have
* more data to send, in which case the data transmit register and FIFO is
* filled for subsequent transmission. When this interrupt arrives and all
* the data has been sent, the driver invokes the status callback with a
* value of XST_SPI_TRANSFER_DONE to inform the upper layer software that
* all data has been sent.
* The Data Transmit Register/FIFO Underflow interrupt -- indicates that,
* as slave, the SPI device was required to transmit but there was no data
* available to transmit in the transmit register (or FIFO). This may not
* be an error if the master is not expecting data. But in the case where
* the master is expecting data, this serves as a notification of such a
* condition. The driver reports this condition to the upper layer
* software through the status handler.
* The Data Receive Register/FIFO Overrun interrupt -- indicates that the SPI
* device received data and subsequently dropped the data because the data
* receive register and FIFO was full. The interrupt applies to both master
* and slave operation. The driver reports this condition to the upper layer
* software through the status handler. This likely indicates a problem with
* the higher layer protocol, or a problem with the slave performance.
* The Mode Fault Error interrupt -- indicates that while configured as a
* master, the device was selected as a slave by another master. This can be
* used by the application for arbitration in a multimaster environment or to
* indicate a problem with arbitration. When this interrupt occurs, the
* driver invokes the status callback with a status value of
* XST_SPI_MODE_FAULT. It is up to the application to resolve the conflict.
* When configured as a slave, Mode Fault Error interrupt indicates that a slave
* device was selected as a slave by a master, but the slave device was
* disabled. When configured as a master, Mode Fault Error interrupt indicates
* that another SPI device is acting as a master on the bus.
* <b>Polled Operation</b>
* Transfer in polled mode is supported through a separate interface function
* XSpiPs_PolledTransfer(). Unlike the transfer function in the interrupt mode,
* this function blocks until all data has been sent/received.
* <b>Device Busy</b>
* Some operations are disallowed when the device is busy. The driver tracks
* whether a device is busy. The device is considered busy when a data transfer
* request is outstanding, and is considered not busy only when that transfer
* completes (or is aborted with a mode fault error). This applies to both
* master and slave devices.
* <b>Device Configuration</b>
* The device can be configured in various ways during the FPGA implementation
* process. Configuration parameters are stored in the xspips_g.c file or
* passed in via XSpiPs_CfgInitialize(). A table is defined where each entry
* contains configuration information for an SPI device, including the base
* address for the device.
* <b>RTOS Independence</b>
* This driver is intended to be RTOS and processor independent. It works with
* physical addresses only. Any needs for dynamic memory management, threads or
* thread mutual exclusion, virtual memory, or cache control must be satisfied
* by the layer above this driver.
* <pre>
* Ver Who Date Changes
* ----- ------ -------- -----------------------------------------------
* 1.00 drg/jz 01/25/10 First release
* 1.00 sdm 10/25/11 Removed the Divide by 2 in the SPI Clock Prescaler
* options as this is not supported in the device.
* 1.01 sg 03/07/12 Updated the code to always clear the relevant bits
* before writing to config register.
* Always clear the slave select bits before write and
* clear the bits to no slave at the end of transfer
* Modified the Polled transfer transmit/receive logic.
* Tx should wait on TXOW Interrupt and Rx on RXNEMTY.
* 1.02 sg 05/31/12 Updated XSPIPS_FIFO_DEPTH to 128 from 32 to match HW
* for CR 658289
* 1.03 sg 09/21/12 Added memory barrier dmb in polled transfer and
* interrupt handler to overcome the clock domain
* crossing issue in the controller. For CR #679252.
* 1.04a sg 01/30/13 Created XSPIPS_MANUAL_START_OPTION. Created macros
* XSpiPs_IsMaster, XSpiPs_IsManualStart and
* XSpiPs_IsManualChipSelect. Changed SPI
* Enable/Disable macro argument from BaseAddress to
* Instance Pointer. Added DelayNss argument to SetDelays
* and GetDelays API's. Added macros to set/get the
* RX Watermark value.Created macros XSpiPs_IsMaster,
* XSpiPs_IsManualStart and XSpiPs_IsManualChipSelect.
* Changed SPI transfer logic for polled and interrupt
* modes to be based on filled tx fifo count and receive
* based on it. RXNEMPTY interrupt is not used.
* SetSlaveSelect API logic is modified to drive the bit
* position low based on the slave select value
* requested. GetSlaveSelect API will return the value
* based on bit position that is low.
* Created XSPIPS_CR_MODF_GEN_EN_MASK macro and added it
* XSPIPS_IXR_WR_TO_CLR_MASK for interrupts which need
* write-to-clear. Added shift and mask macros for d_nss
* parameter. Added Rx Watermark mask.
* 1.05a hk 26/04/13 Added disable and enable in XSpiPs_SetOptions when
* CPOL/CPHA bits are set/reset. Fix for CR#707669.
* 1.06a hk 08/22/13 Changed GetSlaveSelect function. CR# 727866.
* Added masking ConfigReg before writing in SetSlaveSel
* Added extended slave select support - CR#722569.
* Added prototypes of reset API and related constant
* definitions.
* Added check for MODF in polled transfer function.
* </pre>
#ifndef XSPIPS_H /* prevent circular inclusions */
#define XSPIPS_H /* by using protection macros */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/***************************** Include Files *********************************/
#include "xstatus.h"
#include "xspips_hw.h"
/************************** Constant Definitions *****************************/
/** @name Configuration options
* The following options are supported to enable/disable certain features of
* an SPI device. Each of the options is a bit mask, so more than one may be
* specified.
* <b>The Master option</b> configures the SPI device as a master.
* By default, the device is a slave.
* The <b>Active Low Clock option</b> configures the device's clock polarity.
* Setting this option means the clock is active low and the SCK signal idles
* high. By default, the clock is active high and SCK idles low.
* The <b>Clock Phase option</b> configures the SPI device for one of two
* transfer formats. A clock phase of 0, the default, means data is valid on
* the first SCK edge (rising or falling) after the slave select (SS) signal
* has been asserted. A clock phase of 1 means data is valid on the second SCK
* edge (rising or falling) after SS has been asserted.
* The <b>Slave Select Decode Enable option</b> selects how the SPI_SS_outN are
* controlled by the SPI Slave Select Decode bits.
* 0: Use this setting for the standard configuration of up to three slave
* select outputs. Only one of the three slave select outputs will be low.
* (Default)
* 1: Use this setting for the optional configuration of an additional decoder
* to support 8 slave select outputs. SPI_SS_outN reflects the value in the
* register.
* The <b>SPI Force Slave Select option</b> is used to enable manual control of
* the signals SPI_SS_outN.
* 0: The SPI_SS_outN signals are controlled by the SPI controller during
* transfers. (Default)
* 1: The SPI_SS_outN signal indicated by the Slave Select Control bit is
* forced active (driven low) regardless of any transfers in progress.
* NOTE: The driver will handle setting and clearing the Slave Select when
* the user sets the "FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION". Using this option will allow the
* SPI clock to be set to a faster speed. If the SPI clock is too fast, the
* processor cannot empty and refill the FIFOs before the TX FIFO is empty
* When the SPI hardware is controlling the Slave Select signals, this
* will cause slave to be de-selected and terminate the transfer.
* The <b>Manual Start option</b> is used to enable manual control of
* the Start command to perform data transfer.
* 0: The Start command is controlled by the SPI controller during
* transfers(Default). Data transmission starts as soon as there is data in
* the TXFIFO and stalls when the TXFIFO is empty
* 1: The Start command must be issued by software to perform data transfer.
* Bit 15 of Configuration register is used to issue Start command. This bit
* must be set whenever TXFIFO is filled with new data.
* NOTE: The driver will set the Manual Start Enable bit in Configuration
* Register, if Manual Start option is selected. Software will issue
* Manual Start command whenever TXFIFO is filled with data. When there is
* no further data, driver will clear the Manual Start Enable bit.
* @{
#define XSPIPS_MASTER_OPTION 0x1 /**< Master mode option */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_ACTIVE_LOW_OPTION 0x2 /**< Active Low Clock option */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PHASE_1_OPTION 0x4 /**< Clock Phase one option */
#define XSPIPS_DECODE_SSELECT_OPTION 0x8 /**< Select 16 slaves Option */
#define XSPIPS_FORCE_SSELECT_OPTION 0x10 /**< Force Slave Select */
#define XSPIPS_MANUAL_START_OPTION 0x20 /**< Manual Start mode option */
/** @name SPI Clock Prescaler options
* The SPI Clock Prescaler Configuration bits are used to program master mode
* bit rate. The bit rate can be programmed in divide-by-two decrements from
* pclk/4 to pclk/256.
* @{
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_4 0x01 /**< PCLK/4 Prescaler */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_8 0x02 /**< PCLK/8 Prescaler */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_16 0x03 /**< PCLK/16 Prescaler */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_32 0x04 /**< PCLK/32 Prescaler */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_64 0x05 /**< PCLK/64 Prescaler */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_128 0x06 /**< PCLK/128 Prescaler */
#define XSPIPS_CLK_PRESCALE_256 0x07 /**< PCLK/256 Prescaler */
/** @name Callback events
* These constants specify the handler events that are passed to
* a handler from the driver. These constants are not bit masks such that
* only one will be passed at a time to the handler.
* @{
#define XSPIPS_EVENT_MODE_FAULT 1 /**< Mode fault error */
#define XSPIPS_EVENT_TRANSFER_DONE 2 /**< Transfer done */
#define XSPIPS_EVENT_RECEIVE_OVERRUN 4 /**< Receive data loss because
RX FIFO full */
/**************************** Type Definitions *******************************/
* The handler data type allows the user to define a callback function to
* handle the asynchronous processing for the SPI device. The application
* using this driver is expected to define a handler of this type to support
* interrupt driven mode. The handler executes in an interrupt context, so
* only minimal processing should be performed.
* @param CallBackRef is the callback reference passed in by the upper
* layer when setting the callback functions, and passed back to
* the upper layer when the callback is invoked. Its type is
* not important to the driver, so it is a void pointer.
* @param StatusEvent holds one or more status events that have occurred.
* See the XSpiPs_SetStatusHandler() for details on the status
* events that can be passed in the callback.
* @param ByteCount indicates how many bytes of data were successfully
* transferred. This may be less than the number of bytes
* requested if the status event indicates an error.
typedef void (*XSpiPs_StatusHandler) (void *CallBackRef, u32 StatusEvent,
unsigned ByteCount);
* This typedef contains configuration information for the device.
typedef struct {
u16 DeviceId; /**< Unique ID of device */
u32 BaseAddress; /**< Base address of the device */
u32 InputClockHz; /**< Input clock frequency */
} XSpiPs_Config;
* The XSpiPs driver instance data. The user is required to allocate a
* variable of this type for every SPI device in the system. A pointer
* to a variable of this type is then passed to the driver API functions.
typedef struct {
XSpiPs_Config Config; /**< Configuration structure */
u32 IsReady; /**< Device is initialized and ready */
u8 *SendBufferPtr; /**< Buffer to send (state) */
u8 *RecvBufferPtr; /**< Buffer to receive (state) */
unsigned RequestedBytes; /**< Number of bytes to transfer (state) */
unsigned RemainingBytes; /**< Number of bytes left to transfer(state) */
u32 IsBusy; /**< A transfer is in progress (state) */
u32 SlaveSelect; /**< The slave select value when
XSpiPs_StatusHandler StatusHandler;
void *StatusRef; /**< Callback reference for status handler */
} XSpiPs;
/***************** Macros (Inline Functions) Definitions *********************/
* Check in OptionsTable if Manual Start Option is enabled or disabled.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return
* - TRUE if option is set
* - FALSE if option is not set
* @note C-Style signature:
* u8 XSpiPs_IsManualStart(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
#define XSpiPs_IsManualStart(InstancePtr) \
((XSpiPs_GetOptions(InstancePtr) & \
* Check in OptionsTable if Manual Chip Select Option is enabled or disabled.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return
* - TRUE if option is set
* - FALSE if option is not set
* @note C-Style signature:
* u8 XSpiPs_IsManualChipSelect(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
#define XSpiPs_IsManualChipSelect(InstancePtr) \
((XSpiPs_GetOptions(InstancePtr) & \
* Check in OptionsTable if Decode Slave Select option is enabled or disabled.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return
* - TRUE if option is set
* - FALSE if option is not set
* @note C-Style signature:
* u8 XSpiPs_IsDecodeSSelect(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
#define XSpiPs_IsDecodeSSelect(InstancePtr) \
((XSpiPs_GetOptions(InstancePtr) & \
* Check in OptionsTable if Master Option is enabled or disabled.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return
* - TRUE if option is set
* - FALSE if option is not set
* @note C-Style signature:
* u8 XSpiPs_IsMaster(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
#define XSpiPs_IsMaster(InstancePtr) \
((XSpiPs_GetOptions(InstancePtr) & \
* Set the contents of the slave idle count register.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @param RegisterValue is the value to be writen, valid values are
* 0-255.
* @return None
* @note
* C-Style signature:
* void XSpiPs_SetSlaveIdle(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u32 RegisterValue)
#define XSpiPs_SetSlaveIdle(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) \
XSpiPs_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + \
XSPIPS_SICR_OFFSET, (RegisterValue))
* Get the contents of the slave idle count register. Use the XSPIPS_SICR_*
* constants defined in xspips_hw.h to interpret the bit-mask returned.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return 8-bit value representing the contents of the SIC register.
* @note C-Style signature:
* u32 XSpiPs_GetSlaveIdle(XSpiPs *InstancePtr)
#define XSpiPs_GetSlaveIdle(InstancePtr) \
XSpiPs_In32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + \
* Set the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @param RegisterValue is the value to be written, valid values
* are 1-128.
* @return None.
* @note
* C-Style signature:
* void XSpiPs_SetTXWatermark(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u32 RegisterValue)
#define XSpiPs_SetTXWatermark(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) \
XSpiPs_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + \
XSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET, (RegisterValue))
* Get the contents of the transmit FIFO watermark register.
* Use the XSPIPS_TXWR_* constants defined xspips_hw.h to interpret
* the bit-mask returned.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return 8-bit value representing the contents of the TXWR register.
* @note C-Style signature:
* u32 XSpiPs_GetTXWatermark(u32 *InstancePtr)
#define XSpiPs_GetTXWatermark(InstancePtr) \
XSpiPs_In32((InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress) + XSPIPS_TXWR_OFFSET)
* Set the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @param RegisterValue is the value to be written, valid values
* are 1-128.
* @return None.
* @note
* C-Style signature:
* void XSpiPs_SetRXWatermark(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u32 RegisterValue)
#define XSpiPs_SetRXWatermark(InstancePtr, RegisterValue) \
XSpiPs_Out32(((InstancePtr)->Config.BaseAddress) + \
XSPIPS_RXWR_OFFSET, (RegisterValue))
* Get the contents of the receive FIFO watermark register.
* Use the XSPIPS_RXWR_* constants defined xspips_hw.h to interpret
* the bit-mask returned.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return A 8-bit value representing the contents of the RXWR register.
* @note C-Style signature:
* u32 XSpiPs_GetRXWatermark(u32 *InstancePtr)
#define XSpiPs_GetRXWatermark(InstancePtr) \
XSpiPs_In32((InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress) + XSPIPS_RXWR_OFFSET)
* Enable the device and uninhibit master transactions.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return None.
* @note C-Style signature:
* void XSpiPs_Enable(u32 *InstancePtr)
#define XSpiPs_Enable(InstancePtr) \
XSpiPs_Out32((InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress) + XSPIPS_ER_OFFSET, \
* Disable the device.
* @param InstancePtr is a pointer to the XSpiPs instance.
* @return None.
* @note C-Style signature:
* void XSpiPs_Disable(u32 *InstancePtr)
#define XSpiPs_Disable(InstancePtr) \
XSpiPs_Out32((InstancePtr->Config.BaseAddress) + XSPIPS_ER_OFFSET, 0)
/************************** Function Prototypes ******************************/
* Initialization function, implemented in xspips_sinit.c
XSpiPs_Config *XSpiPs_LookupConfig(u16 DeviceId);
* Functions implemented in xspips.c
int XSpiPs_CfgInitialize(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, XSpiPs_Config * Config,
u32 EffectiveAddr);
void XSpiPs_Reset(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
int XSpiPs_Transfer(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *SendBufPtr, u8 *RecvBufPtr,
unsigned ByteCount);
int XSpiPs_PolledTransfer(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *SendBufPtr,
u8 *RecvBufPtr, unsigned ByteCount);
void XSpiPs_SetStatusHandler(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, void *CallBackRef,
XSpiPs_StatusHandler FuncPtr);
void XSpiPs_InterruptHandler(void *InstancePtr);
void XSpiPs_Abort(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
int XSpiPs_SetSlaveSelect(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u8 SelectValue);
u8 XSpiPs_GetSlaveSelect(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
* Functions for selftest, in xspips_selftest.c
int XSpiPs_SelfTest(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
* Functions for options, in xspips_options.c
int XSpiPs_SetOptions(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u32 Options);
u32 XSpiPs_GetOptions(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
int XSpiPs_SetClkPrescaler(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u8 Prescaler);
u8 XSpiPs_GetClkPrescaler(XSpiPs *InstancePtr);
int XSpiPs_SetDelays(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u8 DelayNss, u8 DelayBtwn,
u8 DelayAfter, u8 DelayInit);
void XSpiPs_GetDelays(XSpiPs *InstancePtr, u8 *DelayNss, u8 *DelayBtwn,
u8 *DelayAfter, u8 *DelayInit);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* end of protection macro */