2011-07-08 16:11:55 +02:00

738 B


libSML is a library which implements the Smart Messaging Language (SML) protocol specified by VDE's Forum Netztechnik/Netzbetrieb (FNN). It can be utilized to communicate to FNN specified Smart Meters or Smart Meter components (EDL/MUC).


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The resulting binaries are located in sml/lib

An expample how to use libSML are in the examples directory.


Copyright 2011 Juri Glass, Mathias Runge, Nadim El Sayed - DAI-Labor, TU-Berlin

libSML is licensed with the GPL, other licenses are available.

Thirdparty Acknowledgements

This product includes software developed for the Unity Project, by Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, and Greg Williams and other contributors