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#!/usr/bin/env python3
HWH File Parser
Author: Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
Author: Daniel Krebs <github@daniel-krebs.net>
Author: Hatim Kanchwala <hatim@hatimak.me>
Author: Pascal Bauer <pascal.bauer@rwth-aachen.de>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2022 Steffen Vogel <post@steffenvogel.de>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2022 Daniel Krebs <github@daniel-krebs.net>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2022 Hatim Kanchwala <hatim@hatimak.me>
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Pascal Bauer <pascal.bauer@rwth-aachen.de>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value
from lxml import etree
import zipfile
import sys
import re
import json
whitelist = [
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'zynq_ultra_ps_e' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axi_timer' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axis_switch' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axi_fifo_mm_s' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axi_dma' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'aurora_8b10b' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axi_gpio' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axi_bram_ctrl' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axi_pcie' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axi_iic' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'module_ref', 'dinoif_fast' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'module_ref', 'dinoif_dac' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'module_ref', 'axi_pcie_intc' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'module_ref', 'registerif' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'hls', 'rtds2gpu' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'hls', 'mem' ],
[ 'acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de', 'user', 'axi_pcie_intc' ],
[ 'acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de', 'user', 'rtds_axis' ],
[ 'acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de', 'user', 'aurora_axis' ],
[ 'acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de', 'hls' ],
[ 'acs.eonerc.rwth-aachen.de', 'sysgen' ]
# List of VLNI ids of AXI4-Stream infrastructure IP cores which do not alter data
# see PG085 (AXI4-Stream Infrastructure IP Suite v2.2)
axi_converter_whitelist = [
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axis_subset_converter' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axis_clock_converter' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axis_register_slice' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axis_dwidth_converter' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axis_register_slice' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'axis_data_fifo' ],
[ 'xilinx.com', 'ip', 'floating_point' ]
opponent = {
def bus_trace(root, busname, type, whitelist):
module = root.xpath('.//MODULE[.//BUSINTERFACE[@BUSNAME="{}" and (@TYPE="{}" or @TYPE="{}")]]'.format(busname, type[0], type[1]))
vlnv = module[0].get('VLNV')
instance = module[0].get('INSTANCE')
if vlnv_match(vlnv, whitelist):
return instance, busname
elif vlnv_match(vlnv, axi_converter_whitelist):
next_bus = module[0].xpath('.//BUSINTERFACE[@TYPE="{}" or @TYPE="{}"]'.format(opponent[type[0]][0], opponent[type[0]][1]))
next_busname = next_bus[0].get('BUSNAME')
return bus_trace(root, next_busname, type, whitelist)
raise TypeError('Unsupported AXI4-Stream IP core: %s (%s)' % (instance, vlnv))
def vlnv_match(vlnv, whitelist):
c = vlnv.split(':')
for w in whitelist:
if c[:len(w)] == w:
return True
return False
def remove_prefix(text, prefix):
return text[text.startswith(prefix) and len(prefix):]
def sanitize_name(name):
name = remove_prefix(name, 'S_')
name = remove_prefix(name, 'M_')
name = remove_prefix(name, 'AXI_')
name = remove_prefix(name, 'AXIS_')
return name
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print('Usage: {} path/to/*.hwdef'.format(sys.argv[0]))
print(' {} path/to/*.hwh'.format(sys.argv[0]))
# read .hwdef which is actually a zip-file
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1], 'r')
hwh = zip.read('top.hwh')
f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r')
hwh = f.read()
# parse .hwh file which is actually XML
root = etree.XML(hwh)
print('Bad format of "{}"! Did you choose the right file?'.format(sys.argv[1]))
ips = {}
# find all whitelisted modules
modules = root.find('.//MODULES')
for module in modules:
instance = module.get('INSTANCE')
vlnv = module.get('VLNV')
# Ignroing unkown
if not vlnv_match(vlnv, whitelist):
ips[instance] = {
'vlnv' : vlnv
# populate parameters
params = module.find('.//PARAMETERS')
if params is not None and instance != "zynq_ultra_ps_e_0": #! Parameters of "zynq" ignored
p = ips[instance].setdefault('parameters', {})
for param in params:
name = param.get('NAME').lower()
value = param.get('VALUE')
value = int(value, 0)
except ValueError:
p[name] = value
# populate memory view
mmap = module.find('.//MEMORYMAP')
if mmap is None:
mem = ips[instance].setdefault('memory-view', {})
for mrange in mmap:
mem_interface = mrange.get('MASTERBUSINTERFACE')
mem_instance = mrange.get('INSTANCE')
mem_block = mrange.get('ADDRESSBLOCK')
_interface = mem.setdefault(mem_interface, {})
_instance = _interface.setdefault(mem_instance, {})
_block = _instance.setdefault(mem_block, {})
_block['baseaddr'] = int(mrange.get('BASEVALUE'), 16)
_block['highaddr'] = int(mrange.get('HIGHVALUE'), 16)
_block['size'] = _block['highaddr'] - _block['baseaddr'] + 1
# find AXI-Stream switch port mapping
switch = root.find('.//MODULE[@MODTYPE="axis_switch"]')
busifs = switch.find('.//BUSINTERFACES')
switch_ports = 0
for busif in busifs:
if busif.get('VLNV') != 'xilinx.com:interface:axis:1.0':
switch_ports += 1
busname = busif.get('BUSNAME')
name = busif.get('NAME')
type = busif.get('TYPE')
r = re.compile('(M|S)([0-9]+)_AXIS')
m = r.search(name)
port = int(m.group(2))
switch_ip_ports = ips[switch.get('INSTANCE')].setdefault('ports', [])
ep, busname_ep = bus_trace(root, busname, opponent[type], whitelist)
if ep in ips:
ports = ips[ep].setdefault('ports', [])
'role': opponent[type][0].lower(),
'target': '{}:{}'.format(switch.get('INSTANCE'), name)
module_ep = root.find('.//MODULE[@INSTANCE="{}"]'.format(ep))
busif_ep = module_ep.find('.//BUSINTERFACE[@BUSNAME="{}"]'.format(busname_ep))
if busif_ep is None:
print("cannot find businterface: {}".format(busname_ep))
busif_name = ports[-1]['name'] = sanitize_name(busif_ep.get('NAME'))
ports[-1]['name'] = busif_name
'role': type.lower(),
'target': '{}:{}'.format(ep, busif_name),
'name': name
# set number of master/slave port pairs for switch
ips[switch.get('INSTANCE')]['num_ports'] = int(switch_ports / 2)
# find interrupt assignments
intc = root.find('.//MODULE[@MODTYPE="axi_pcie_intc"]')
if intc is not None:
intr = intc.xpath('.//PORT[@NAME="intr" and @DIR="I"]')[0]
concat = root.xpath('.//MODULE[@MODTYPE="xlconcat" and .//PORT[@SIGNAME="{}" and @DIR="O"]]'.format(intr.get('SIGNAME')))[0]
ports = concat.xpath('.//PORT[@DIR="I"]')
for port in ports:
name = port.get('NAME')
signame = port.get('SIGNAME')
# Skip unconnected IRQs
if not signame:
r = re.compile('In([0-9+])')
m = r.search(name)
irq = int(m.group(1))
ip = root.xpath('.//MODULE[.//PORT[@SIGNAME="{}" and @DIR="O"]]'.format(signame))[0]
instance = ip.get('INSTANCE')
vlnv = ip.get('VLNV')
modtype = ip.get('MODTYPE')
originators = []
# follow one level of OR gates merging interrupts (may be generalized later)
if modtype == 'util_vector_logic':
logic_op = ip.xpath('.//PARAMETER[@NAME="C_OPERATION"]')[0]
if logic_op.get('VALUE') == 'or':
# hardware interrupts sharing the same IRQ at the controller
ports = ip.xpath('.//PORT[@DIR="I"]')
for port in ports:
signame = port.get('SIGNAME')
ip = root.xpath('.//MODULE[.//PORT[@SIGNAME="{}" and @DIR="O"]]'.format(signame))[0]
instance = ip.get('INSTANCE')
originators.append((instance, signame))
# consider this instance as originator
originators.append((instance, signame))
for instance, signame in originators:
ip = root.xpath('.//MODULE[.//PORT[@SIGNAME="{}" and @DIR="O"]]'.format(signame))[0]
port = ip.xpath('.//PORT[@SIGNAME="{}" and @DIR="O"]'.format(signame))[0]
irqname = port.get('NAME')
if instance in ips:
irqs = ips[instance].setdefault('irqs', {})
irqs[irqname] = '{}:{}'.format(intc.get('INSTANCE'), irq)
# Find BRAM storage depths (size)
brams = root.xpath('.//MODULE[@MODTYPE="axi_bram_ctrl"]')
for bram in brams:
instance = bram.get('INSTANCE')
width = bram.find('.//PARAMETER[@NAME="DATA_WIDTH"]').get('VALUE')
depth = bram.find('.//PARAMETER[@NAME="MEM_DEPTH"]').get('VALUE')
size = int(width) * int(depth) / 8
if instance in ips:
ips[instance]['size'] = int(size)
pcies = root.xpath('.//MODULE[@MODTYPE="axi_pcie"]')
for pcie in pcies:
instance = pcie.get('INSTANCE')
axi_bars = ips[instance].setdefault('axi_bars', {})
pcie_bars = ips[instance].setdefault('pcie_bars', {})
for from_bar, to_bar, from_bars in (('AXIBAR', 'PCIEBAR', axi_bars), ('PCIEBAR', 'AXIBAR', pcie_bars)):
from_bar_num = int(pcie.find('.//PARAMETER[@NAME="C_{}_NUM"]'.format(from_bar)).get('VALUE'))
for i in range(0, from_bar_num):
from_bar_to_bar_offset = int(pcie.find('.//PARAMETER[@NAME="C_{}2{}_{}"]'.format(from_bar, to_bar, i)).get('VALUE'), 16)
from_bars['BAR{}'.format(i)] = { 'translation': from_bar_to_bar_offset }
if from_bar == 'AXIBAR':
axi_bar_lo = int(pcie.find('.//PARAMETER[@NAME="C_{}_{}"]'.format(from_bar, i)).get('VALUE'), 16)
axi_bar_hi = int(pcie.find('.//PARAMETER[@NAME="C_{}_HIGHADDR_{}"]'.format(from_bar, i)).get('VALUE'), 16)
axi_bar_size = axi_bar_hi - axi_bar_lo + 1
axi_bar = from_bars['BAR{}'.format(i)]
axi_bar['baseaddr'] = axi_bar_lo
axi_bar['highaddr'] = axi_bar_hi
axi_bar['size'] = axi_bar_size
print(json.dumps(ips, indent=2))