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Developement is currently coordinated by Steffen Vogel stvogel@eonerc.rwth-aachen.de using GitLab. Please feel free to submit pull requests or bug reports.
@todo Add link to contribution guidelines
Programming Paradigm
VILLASnode is currently written in C using the ISO C99 standard. Yet, it is heavily structured into modules / plugins and uses a C++-like object oriented style. In the future, VILLASnode might switch to lightweight C++.
Main classes in VILLASnode are struct node, struct path, struct hook and struct api_ressource. In order to track the life cycle of those objects, each of them has an enum state member. The following figure illustrates the state machine which is used:
@diafile states.dia
Shared library: libvillas
VILLASnode is split into a shared library called libvillas and a couple of executables (villas-node
, villas-pipe
, villas-test
, villas-signal
, ...) which are linked against this library.
Extensibilty / Plugins
There are many places where VILLASnode can easily extended with plugins:
Example of new node type
See include/villas/plugin.h
See lib/nodes/file.c
static struct plugin p = {
.name = "file",
.description = "support for file log / replay node type",
.node = {
.vectorize = 1,
.size = sizeof(struct file),
.reverse = file_reverse,
.parse = file_parse,
.print = file_print,
.start = file_start,
.stop = file_stop,
.read = file_read,
.write = file_write,
.instances = LIST_INIT()