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VILLASnode comes with a couple of tools to test and debug connectivity and configurations. All VILLASnode tools are available as subcommands to the villas wrapper:

villas node

Starts the simulator to simulator server. The server acts as a central gateway to forward simulation data.

Usage: villas-node CONFIG
  CONFIG is a required path to a configuration file

Supported node types:
 - file: support for file log / replay node type
 - socket: Network socket (libnl3)
 - gtfpga: GTFPGA PCIe card (libpci)
 - ngsi: OMA Next Generation Services Interface 10 (libcurl, libjansson, libuuid)
 - websocket: Send and receive samples of a WebSocket connection (libwebsockets)

villas pipe

The pipe subcommand allows to read and write samples to stdin / stdout.

Usage: villas-pipe CONFIG [-r] NODE
  CONFIG  path to a configuration file
  NODE    the name of the node to which samples are sent and received from
  -r      swap read / write endpoints)

villas signal

The signal subcommand is a signal generator which writes samples to stdout. This command can be combined with the pipe subcommand.

Usage: villas-signal SIGNAL [OPTIONS]
  SIGNAL   is on of: 'mixed', 'random', 'sine', 'triangle', 'square', 'ramp'
  -v NUM   specifies how many values a message should contain
  -r HZ    how many messages per second
  -f HZ    the frequency of the signal
  -a FLT   the amplitude
  -d FLT   the standard deviation for 'random' signals
  -l NUM   only send LIMIT messages and stop

villas test

Usage: villas-test CONFIG TEST NODE [ARGS]
  CONFIG  path to a configuration file
  TEST    the name of the test to execute: 'rtt'
  NODE    name of the node which shoud be used


  1. Start server:

    $ villas node etc/example.conf

  2. Receive/dump data to file

    $ villas pipe etc/example.conf node_name > dump.csv

  3. Replay recorded data:

    $ villas pipe etc/example.conf -r node_name < dump.csv

  4. Send random generated values:

    $ villas signal random 4 100 | villas pipe etc/example.conf destination_node

  5. Test ping/pong latency:

    $ villas test latency etc/example.conf test_node