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VILLASnode comes with a couple of tools to test and debug connectivity and configurations.
All VILLASnode tools are available as subcommands to the villas
villas node
Starts the simulator to simulator server. The server acts as a central gateway to forward simulation data.
Usage: villas-node CONFIG
CONFIG is a required path to a configuration file
Supported node types:
- file: support for file log / replay node type
- socket: Network socket (libnl3)
- gtfpga: GTFPGA PCIe card (libpci)
- ngsi: OMA Next Generation Services Interface 10 (libcurl, libjansson, libuuid)
- websocket: Send and receive samples of a WebSocket connection (libwebsockets)
villas pipe
The pipe
subcommand allows to read and write samples to stdin
/ stdout
Usage: villas-pipe CONFIG [-r] NODE
CONFIG path to a configuration file
NODE the name of the node to which samples are sent and received from
-r swap read / write endpoints)
villas signal
The signal
subcommand is a signal generator which writes samples to stdout
This command can be combined with the pipe
Usage: villas-signal SIGNAL [OPTIONS]
SIGNAL is on of: 'mixed', 'random', 'sine', 'triangle', 'square', 'ramp'
-v NUM specifies how many values a message should contain
-r HZ how many messages per second
-f HZ the frequency of the signal
-a FLT the amplitude
-d FLT the standard deviation for 'random' signals
-l NUM only send LIMIT messages and stop
villas test
Usage: villas-test CONFIG TEST NODE [ARGS]
CONFIG path to a configuration file
TEST the name of the test to execute: 'rtt'
NODE name of the node which shoud be used
villas fpga
tests Test functionality of VILLASfpga card
benchmarks Do benchmarks
-d Set log level
Start server:
$ villas node etc/example.conf
Receive/dump data to file
$ villas pipe etc/example.conf node_name > dump.csv
Replay recorded data:
$ villas pipe etc/example.conf -r node_name < dump.csv
Send random generated values:
$ villas signal random 4 100 | villas pipe etc/example.conf destination_node
Test ping/pong latency:
$ villas test latency etc/example.conf test_node