Ver Who Date Changes ----- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1.00a xd 08/18/08 First release 1.02a xd 12/21/10 Removed endian conversion for text bank loading 1.03a cm 09/07/11 Updated XOSD_GetLayerAlpha(), XOSD_SetLayerAlpha(), XOSD_SetBackgroundColor() and XOSD_GetBackgroundColor() to allow 10 and 12 bit alpha and background colors. 2.00a cjm 12/18/12 Converted from xio.h to xil_io.h, translating basic types, MB cache functions, exceptions and assertions to xil_io format.
#include "xosd.h"
#include "xenv.h"
Functions | |
int | XOSD_CfgInitialize (XOSD *InstancePtr, XOSD_Config *CfgPtr, u32 EffectiveAddr) |
void | XOSD_SetBlankPolarity (XOSD *InstancePtr, int VerticalBlankPolarity, int HorizontalBlankPolarity) |
void | XOSD_SetScreenSize (XOSD *InstancePtr, u32 Width, u32 Height) |
void | XOSD_GetScreenSize (XOSD *InstancePtr, u32 *WidthPtr, u32 *HeightPtr) |
void | XOSD_SetBackgroundColor (XOSD *InstancePtr, u16 Red, u16 Blue, u16 Green) |
void | XOSD_GetBackgroundColor (XOSD *InstancePtr, u16 *RedPtr, u16 *BluePtr, u16 *GreenPtr) |
void | XOSD_SetLayerDimension (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex, u16 XStart, u16 YStart, u16 XSize, u16 YSize) |
void | XOSD_GetLayerDimension (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex, u16 *XStartPtr, u16 *YStartPtr, u16 *XSizePtr, u16 *YSizePtr) |
void | XOSD_SetLayerAlpha (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex, u16 GlobalAlphaEnble, u16 GlobalAlphaValue) |
void | XOSD_GetLayerAlpha (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex, u16 *GlobalAlphaEnblePtr, u16 *GlobalAlphaValuePtr) |
void | XOSD_SetLayerPriority (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex, u8 Priority) |
void | XOSD_GetLayerPriority (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex, u8 *PriorityPtr) |
void | XOSD_EnableLayer (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex) |
void | XOSD_DisableLayer (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 LayerIndex) |
void | XOSD_LoadColorLUTBank (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 GcIndex, u8 BankIndex, u32 *ColorData) |
void | XOSD_LoadCharacterSetBank (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 GcIndex, u8 BankIndex, u32 *CharSetData) |
void | XOSD_LoadTextBank (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 GcIndex, u8 BankIndex, u32 *TextData) |
void | XOSD_SetActiveBank (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 GcIndex, u8 ColorBankIndex, u8 CharBankIndex, u8 TextBankIndex, u8 InstructionBankIndex) |
void | XOSD_CreateInstruction (XOSD *InstancePtr, u32 *InstructionPtr, u8 GcIndex, u16 ObjType, u8 ObjSize, u16 XStart, u16 YStart, u16 XEnd, u16 YEnd, u8 TextIndex, u8 ColorIndex) |
void | XOSD_LoadInstructionList (XOSD *InstancePtr, u8 GcIndex, u8 BankIndex, u32 *InstSetPtr, u32 InstNum) |
void | XOSD_GetVersion (XOSD *InstancePtr, u16 *Major, u16 *Minor, u16 *Revision) |
This function initializes an OSD device. This function must be called prior to using an OSD device. Initialization of an OSD includes setting up the instance data, and ensuring the hardware is in a quiescent state.
This function creates an instruction for an OSD.
This function disables an OSD layer.
This function enables an OSD layer.
This function gets the Background color used by the OSD output.
This function gets the Alpha value and mode of an OSD layer.
This function gets the start position and size of an OSD layer.
This function gets the priority of an OSD layer.
This function gets the screen size of the OSD Output.
This function returns the version of an OSD device.
This function loads Character Set data (font) into an OSD Graphics Controller Bank.
This function loads color LUT data into an OSD Graphics Controller Bank.
This function load an instruction list to be used by an Graphic Controller in an OSD device.
This function loads Text data into an OSD Graphics Controller Bank.
This function chooses active banks for a GC in an OSD device.
This function sets the Background color used by the OSD output.
This function chooses the type of Vertical and Horizontal Blank Input Polarities.
This function sets the Alpha value and mode of an OSD layer.
This function sets the start position and size of an OSD layer.
This function sets the priority of an OSD layer.
This function sets the screen size of the OSD Output.