Ver Who Date Changes ----- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 adk 16/04/14 Initial release
#include "xsrio.h"
Functions | |
int | XSrio_CfgInitialize (XSrio *InstancePtr, XSrio_Config *Config, u32 EffectiveAddress) |
int | XSrio_GetPortStatus (XSrio *InstancePtr) |
int | XSrio_GetPEType (XSrio *InstancePtr) |
int | XSrio_IsOperationSupported (XSrio *InstancePtr, u8 Operation, u8 Direction) |
void | XSrio_SetWaterMark (XSrio *InstancePtr, u8 WaterMark0, u8 WaterMark1, u8 WaterMark2) |
void | XSrio_GetWaterMark (XSrio *InstancePtr, u8 *WaterMark0, u8 *WaterMark1, u8 *WaterMark2) |
Initialize the XSrio instance provided by the caller based on the given Config structure.
XSrio_GetPEType API will check for the Processing Element type and return the type of type of Processing Element
XSrio_GetPortStatus will check the status of the port and returns the status of the port to the user
XSrio_GetWaterMark API reads the water mark values.
XSrio_IsOperationSupported tells whether the operation is supported by the SRIO Gen2 core or not.
XSrio_SetWaterMark Configures the watermark to transfer a priority packet.