xilkernel_main.c File Reference

#include <xmk.h>
#include <os_config.h>
#include <xil_exception.h>
#include <sys/decls.h>
#include <sys/init.h>
#include <sys/mem.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>


void xilkernel_main (void)
void xilkernel_init (void)
void xilkernel_start (void)

Detailed Description

Initialises the system by calling sys_init(), hw_init() and blocks the kernel On first timer interrupt the first process gets scheduled.

Function Documentation

void xilkernel_init void   ) 

Initialize the system - This function is called at the start of system. It initializes the system.

  • Initializes the process vector table.
  • Creates the Idle process (pid - 0).
  • Creates the static set of processes.
  • Nothing.

void xilkernel_main void   ) 

Entry point of the kernel

  • Nothing.
  • Routine does not return. (Caller does not get back control)

void xilkernel_start void   ) 

Start the kernel by enabling interrupts and starting to execute the idle task.

  • Nothing.
  • Routine does not return.

Generated on Thu Feb 13 14:46:25 2014 for 2014.1_doc by  doxygen 1.4.5