Kinjal Pravinbhai Patel 6b6e985817 bsp: r5: removed xmpu, slcr, xppu header files from cortexr5 folder
This patch removes xmpu, slcr, xppu header files from cortexr5 folder
and standalone tcl has been modified to copy the header files from
cortexa53/includes_ps. Makefile has been modified to include the
header files in include folder while compilation

Signed-off-by: Kinjal Pravinbhai Patel <patelki@xilinx.com>
2015-06-08 12:07:33 +05:30

754 lines
29 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2014 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Use of the Software is limited solely to applications:
# (a) running on a Xilinx device, or
# (b) that interact with a Xilinx device through a bus or interconnect.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Xilinx shall not be used
# in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in
# this Software without prior written authorization from Xilinx.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The following are hardcoded for Zynq.
# We can obtain the scu timer/gic baseaddr from the xml, but other parameters
# need to be hardcoded. hardcode everything..
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#TODO these hardcoding parameters can be removed. It can directly come from PS7 IP
set scutimer_baseaddr 0xF8F00600
set scutimer_intr 29
set scugic_cpu_base 0xF8F00100
set scugic_dist_base 0xF8F01000
# --------------------------------------
# Tcl procedure standalone_drc
# -------------------------------------
proc standalone_drc {os_handle} {
# --------------------------------------
# Tcl procedure generate
# -------------------------------------
proc generate {os_handle} {
global env
set need_config_file "false"
# Copy over the right set of files as src based on processor type
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set proctype [common::get_property IP_NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set procname [common::get_property NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set enable_sw_profile [common::get_property CONFIG.enable_sw_intrusive_profiling $os_handle]
set mb_exceptions false
# proctype should be "microblaze" or psu_cortexa53 or psu_cortexr5 or ps7_cortexa9
set mbsrcdir "./src/microblaze"
set cortexa53srcdir "./src/cortexa53"
set cortexr5srcdir "./src/cortexr5"
set cortexa9srcdir "./src/cortexa9"
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set commonsrcdir "./src/common"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $commonsrcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src"
# Only processor specific file should be copied to specified standalone folder
# write a API which needs compiler,
switch $proctype {
"microblaze" {
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $mbsrcdir *]] {
# Copy over only files that are not related to exception handling. All such files have exception in their names
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
set need_config_file "true"
set mb_exceptions [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle]
"psu_microblaze" {
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $mbsrcdir *]] {
# Copy over only files that are not related to exception handling. All such files have exception in their names
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
set need_config_file "true"
set mb_exceptions [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle]
"psu_cortexa53" {
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set ccdir "./src/cortexa53/64bit/gcc"
set includedir "./src/cortexa53/includes_ps"
set cortexa53srcdir64 "./src/cortexa53/64bit"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $cortexa53srcdir64 *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $ccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
file copy -force $includedir "./src/"
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
file delete -force "./src/profile"
if { $enable_sw_profile == "true" } {
error "ERROR: Profiling is not supported for A53"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"psu_cortexr5" {
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set includedir "./src/cortexa53/includes_ps"
set ccdir "./src/cortexr5/gcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $cortexr5srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $ccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
file copy -force $includedir "./src/"
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
file delete -force "./src/profile"
if { $enable_sw_profile == "true" } {
error "ERROR: Profiling is not supported for R5"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"ps7_cortexa9" {
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set compiler [common::get_property CONFIG.compiler $procdrv]
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/armcc"
} elseif {[string compare -nocase $compiler "iccarm"] == 0} {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/iccarm"
} else {
set ccdir "./src/cortexa9/gcc"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $cortexa9srcdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
foreach entry [glob -nocomplain [file join $ccdir *]] {
file copy -force $entry "./src/"
file delete -force "./src/armcc"
file delete -force "./src/gcc"
file delete -force "./src/iccarm"
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
file delete -force "./src/profile"
set enable_sw_profile "false"
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "iccarm"] == 0} {
file delete -force "./src/profile"
set enable_sw_profile "false"
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "#include \"xparameters_ps.h\""
puts $file_handle ""
close $file_handle
"default" {puts "unknown processor type $proctype\n"}
# Write the Config.make file
set makeconfig [open "./src/config.make" w]
# print_generated_header_tcl $makeconfig "Configuration parameters for Standalone Makefile"
if { $proctype == "microblaze" || $proctype == "psu_microblaze" } {
puts $makeconfig "LIBSOURCES = *.c *.S"
puts $makeconfig "PROFILE_ARCH_OBJS = profile_mcount_mb.o"
} elseif { $proctype == "psu_cortexr5" } {
puts $makeconfig "LIBSOURCES = *.c *.S"
} elseif { $proctype == "psu_cortexa53" } {
puts $makeconfig "LIBSOURCES = *.c *.s *.S"
} elseif { $proctype == "ps7_cortexa9" } {
if {[string compare -nocase $compiler "armcc"] == 0} {
puts $makeconfig "LIBSOURCES = *.c *.s"
} elseif {[string compare -nocase $compiler "iccarm"] == 0} {
puts $makeconfig "LIBSOURCES = *.c *.s"
} else {
puts $makeconfig "LIBSOURCES = *.c *.S"
puts $makeconfig "PROFILE_ARCH_OBJS = profile_mcount_arm.o"
} else {
error "ERROR: processor $proctype is not supported"
if { $enable_sw_profile == "true" } {
puts $makeconfig "LIBS = standalone_libs profile_libs"
} else {
puts $makeconfig "LIBS = standalone_libs"
close $makeconfig
# Remove microblaze, cortexr5, cortexa53 and common directories...
file delete -force $mbsrcdir
file delete -force $cortexr5srcdir
file delete -force $cortexa53srcdir
file delete -force $cortexa9srcdir
file delete -force $commonsrcdir
# Handle stdin and stdout
::hsi::utils::handle_stdin $os_handle
::hsi::utils::handle_stdout $os_handle
#Handle Profile configuration
if { $enable_sw_profile == "true" } {
handle_profile $os_handle $proctype
set file_handle [::hsi::utils::open_include_file "xparameters.h"]
puts $file_handle "\n/******************************************************************/\n"
close $file_handle
# Create config file for microblaze interrupt handling
if { [string compare -nocase $need_config_file "true"] == 0 } {
# Create config files for Microblaze exception handling
if { $proctype == "microblaze" && [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle] } {
xcreate_mb_exc_config_file $os_handle
# Create bspconfig file
set bspcfg_fn [file join "src" "bspconfig.h"]
file delete $bspcfg_fn
set bspcfg_fh [open $bspcfg_fn w]
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $bspcfg_fh "Configurations for Standalone BSP"
if { $proctype == "microblaze" && [mb_has_pvr $hw_proc_handle] } {
set pvr [common::get_property CONFIG.C_PVR $hw_proc_handle]
switch $pvr {
"0" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
"1" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_BASIC"
"2" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_FULL"
"default" {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
} else {
puts $bspcfg_fh "#define MICROBLAZE_PVR_NONE"
close $bspcfg_fh
# --------------------------------------
# Tcl procedure xhandle_mb_interrupts
# --------------------------------------
proc xhandle_mb_interrupts {} {
set default_interrupt_handler "XNullHandler"
set default_arg "XNULL"
set source_interrupt_handler $default_interrupt_handler
set source_handler_arg $default_arg
# Handle the interrupt pin
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set periph [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set source_ports [::hsi::utils::get_interrupt_sources $periph]
if {[llength $source_ports] > 1} {
error "ERROR: Too many interrupting ports on the MicroBlaze. Should only find 1" "" "hsi_error"
if { [llength $source_ports] != 0 } {
set source_periph [hsi::get_cells -of_objects $source_ports]
if { [llength $source_periph] != 0 } {
set source_driver [hsi::get_drivers -filter "HW_INSTANCE==$source_periph"]
if { [llength $source_driver] != 0 } {
set intr_array [hsi::get_arrays -of_objects $source_driver -filter "NAME==interrupt_handler"]
if { [llength $intr_array] != 0 } {
set array_size [common::get_property PROPERTY.size $intr_array]
for { set i 0 } { $i < $array_size } { incr i } {
set int_port [lindex [common::get_property PARAM.int_port $intr_array] $i]
if { [llength $int_port] != 0 } {
if { [string compare -nocase $int_port $source_ports] == 0 } {
set source_interrupt_handler [lindex [common::get_property PARAM.int_handler $intr_array] $i]
set source_handler_arg [lindex [common::get_property PARAM.int_handler_arg $intr_array] $i]
if { [string compare -nocase $source_handler_arg DEVICE_ID] == 0 } {
set source_handler_arg [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $source_periph "DEVICE_ID"]
} else {
set source_handler_arg [::hsi::utils::get_ip_param_name $source_periph "C_BASEADDR"]
# Generate microblaze_interrupts_g.c file...
xcreate_mb_intr_config_file $source_interrupt_handler $source_handler_arg
# -------------------------------------------
# Tcl procedure xcreate_mb_intr_config file
# -------------------------------------------
proc xcreate_mb_intr_config_file {handler arg} {
set mb_table "MB_InterruptVectorTable"
set filename [file join "src" "microblaze_interrupts_g.c"]
file delete $filename
set config_file [open $filename w]
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Interrupt Handler Table for MicroBlaze Processor"
puts $config_file "#include \"microblaze_interrupts_i.h\""
puts $config_file "#include \"xparameters.h\""
puts $config_file "\n"
puts $config_file [format "extern void %s (void *);" $handler]
puts $config_file "\n/*"
puts $config_file "* The interrupt handler table for microblaze processor"
puts $config_file "*/\n"
puts $config_file [format "%sEntry %s\[\] =" $mb_table $mb_table]
puts $config_file "\{"
puts -nonewline $config_file [format "\{\t%s" $handler]
puts -nonewline $config_file [format ",\n\t(void*) %s\}" $arg]
puts -nonewline $config_file "\n\};"
puts $config_file "\n"
close $config_file
# -------------------------------------------
# Tcl procedure xcreate_mb_exc_config file
# -------------------------------------------
proc xcreate_mb_exc_config_file {os_handle} {
set hfilename [file join "src" "microblaze_exceptions_g.h"]
file delete $hfilename
set hconfig_file [open $hfilename w]
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $hconfig_file "Exception Handling Header for MicroBlaze Processor"
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set procvlnv [common::get_property VLNV $hw_proc_handle]
set procvlnv [split $procvlnv :]
set procver [lindex $procvlnv 3]
set ibus_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_M_AXI_I_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
set dbus_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_M_AXI_D_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
set ill_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_ILL_OPCODE_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
set unalign_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_UNALIGNED_EXCEPTIONS $hw_proc_handle]
set div0_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_DIV_ZERO_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
set mmu_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_USE_MMU $hw_proc_handle]
if { $mmu_ee == "" } {
set mmu_ee 0
set fsl_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FSL_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $fsl_ee == "" } {
set fsl_ee 0
if { [mb_has_fpu_exceptions $hw_proc_handle] } {
set fpu_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FPU_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
} else {
set fpu_ee 0
set sp_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_USE_STACK_PROTECTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $sp_ee == "" } {
set sp_ee 0
set ft_ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FAULT_TOLERANT $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ft_ee == "" } {
set ft_ee 0
if { $ibus_ee == 0 && $dbus_ee == 0 && $ill_ee == 0 && $unalign_ee == 0
&& $div0_ee == 0 && $fpu_ee == 0 && $mmu_ee == 0 && $fsl_ee == 0
&& $sp_ee == 0 && $ft_ee == 0} {
;# NO exceptions are enabled
;# Do not generate any info in either the header or the C file
close $hconfig_file
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_EXCEPTIONS_ENABLED 1"
if { [mb_can_handle_exceptions_in_delay_slots $procver] } {
if { $unalign_ee == 0 } {
puts $hconfig_file "\#define NO_UNALIGNED_EXCEPTIONS 1"
if { $ibus_ee == 0 && $dbus_ee == 0 && $ill_ee == 0 && $div0_ee == 0
&& $fpu_ee == 0 && $mmu_ee == 0 && $fsl_ee == 0 } {
;# NO other exceptions are enabled
puts $hconfig_file "\#define NO_OTHER_EXCEPTIONS 1"
if { $fpu_ee != 0 } {
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_FP_EXCEPTION_ENABLED 1"
set predecode_fpu_exceptions [common::get_property CONFIG.predecode_fpu_exceptions $os_handle]
if {$predecode_fpu_exceptions != false } {
puts $hconfig_file "\#define MICROBLAZE_FP_EXCEPTION_DECODE 1"
puts $hconfig_file "\n"
close $hconfig_file
# --------------------------------------
# Tcl procedure post_generate
# This proc removes _interrupt_handler.o
# from libxil.a
# --------------------------------------
proc post_generate {os_handle} {
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle] ]
set procname [common::get_property NAME $hw_proc_handle]
set proctype [common::get_property IP_NAME $hw_proc_handle]
if {[string compare -nocase $proctype "microblaze"] == 0} {
set procdrv [hsi::get_sw_processor]
# Remove _interrupt_handler.o from libxil.a for mb-gcc
set archiver [common::get_property CONFIG.archiver $procdrv]
set libgloss_a [file join .. .. lib libgloss.a]
if { ![file exists $libgloss_a] } {
set libgloss_a [file join .. .. lib libxil.a]
exec $archiver -d $libgloss_a _interrupt_handler.o
# Remove _hw_exception_handler.o from libgloss.a for microblaze_v3_00_a
if { [mb_has_exceptions $hw_proc_handle] } {
exec $archiver -d $libgloss_a _hw_exception_handler.o
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if this MB has
# exception handling support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_UNALIGNED_EXCEPTIONS $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_ILL_OPCODE_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_IOPB_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_DOPB_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_IPLB_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_DPLB_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_M_AXI_I_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_M_AXI_D_BUS_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_DIV_BY_ZERO_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_DIV_ZERO_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FPU_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FSL_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_USE_MMU $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != ""} {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_USE_STACK_PROTECTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != ""} {
return true
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FAULT_TOLERANT $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != ""} {
return true
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if this MB has
# FPU exception handling support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_fpu_exceptions { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set ee [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FPU_EXCEPTION $hw_proc_handle]
if { $ee != "" } {
return true
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if this MB has PVR support
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_has_pvr { hw_proc_handle } {
# Check if the following parameters exist on this MicroBlaze's MPD
set pvr [common::get_property CONFIG.C_PVR $hw_proc_handle]
if { $pvr != "" } {
return true
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Return true if MB ver 'procver' has
# support for handling exceptions in
# delay slots
# --------------------------------------
proc mb_can_handle_exceptions_in_delay_slots { procver } {
if { [string compare -nocase $procver "5.00.a"] >= 0 } {
return true
} else {
return false
# --------------------------------------
# Generate Profile Configuration
# --------------------------------------
proc handle_profile { os_handle proctype } {
global env
variable scutimer_baseaddr
variable scutimer_intr
variable scugic_cpu_base
variable scugic_dist_base
set proc [hsi::get_sw_processor]
if {$proctype == "ps7_cortexa9"} {
set sw_proc_handle [hsi::get_sw_processor]
set hw_proc_handle [hsi::get_cells [common::get_property HW_INSTANCE $sw_proc_handle]]
set cpu_freq [common::get_property CONFIG.C_CPU_CLK_FREQ_HZ $hw_proc_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $cpu_freq ""] == 0 } {
puts "WARNING<profile> :: CPU Clk Frequency not specified, Assuming 666Mhz"
set cpu_freq 666000000
} else {
set cpu_freq [common::get_property CONFIG.C_FREQ [hsi::get_cells $proc]]
if { [string compare -nocase $cpu_freq ""] == 0 } {
puts "WARNING<profile> :: CPU Clk Frequency not specified, Assuming 100Mhz"
set cpu_freq 100000000
set filename [file join "src" "profile" "profile_config.h"]
file delete -force $filename
set config_file [open $filename w]
::hsi::utils::write_c_header $config_file "Profiling Configuration parameters. These parameters
* can be overwritten thru run configuration in SDK"
puts $config_file "#ifndef _PROFILE_CONFIG_H"
puts $config_file "#define _PROFILE_CONFIG_H\n"
puts $config_file "#define BINSIZE 4"
puts $config_file "#define CPU_FREQ_HZ $cpu_freq"
puts $config_file "#define SAMPLE_FREQ_HZ 100000"
puts $config_file "#define TIMER_CLK_TICKS [expr $cpu_freq / 100000]"
# proctype should be "microblaze" or "psu_cortexa9"
switch $proctype {
"microblaze" {
# Microblaze Processor.
puts $config_file "#define PROC_MICROBLAZE 1"
set timer_inst [common::get_property CONFIG.profile_timer $os_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $timer_inst "none"] == 0 } {
# Profile Timer Not Selected
error "ERROR : Timer for Profiling NOT selected.\nS/W Intrusive Profiling on MicroBlaze requires an axi_timer." "" "mdt_error"
} else {
handle_profile_opbtimer $config_file $timer_inst
"ps7_cortexa9" {
# Cortex A9 Processor.
puts $config_file "#define PROC_CORTEXA9 1"
set timer_inst [common::get_property CONFIG.profile_timer $os_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $timer_inst "none"] == 0 } {
# SCU Timer
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SCU_TIMER 1"
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SYS_INTR 1"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_BASEADDR $scutimer_baseaddr"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_INTR_ID $scutimer_intr"
puts $config_file "#define SCUGIC_CPU_BASEADDR $scugic_cpu_base"
puts $config_file "#define SCUGIC_DIST_BASEADDR $scugic_dist_base"
"default" {error "ERROR: unknown processor type\n"}
puts $config_file "\n#endif"
puts $config_file "\n/******************************************************************/\n"
close $config_file
# Utility process to call a command and pipe it's output to screen.
# Used instead of Tcl's exec
proc execpipe {COMMAND} {
if { [catch {open "| $COMMAND 2>@stdout"} FILEHANDLE] } {
return "Can't open pipe for '$COMMAND'"
fconfigure $PIPE -buffering none
set OUTPUT ""
while { [gets $PIPE DATA] >= 0 } {
append OUTPUT $DATA "\n"
if { [catch {close $PIPE} ERRORMSG] } {
if { [string compare "$ERRORMSG" "child process exited abnormally"] == 0 } {
# this error means there was nothing on stderr (which makes sense) and
# there was a non-zero exit code - this is OK as we intentionally send
# stderr to stdout, so we just do nothing here (and return the output)
} else {
return "Error '$ERRORMSG' on closing pipe for '$COMMAND'"
regsub -all -- "\n$" $OUTPUT "" STRIPPED_STRING
# - The xps/opb_timer can be connected directly to Microblaze External Intr Pin.
# - (OR) xps/opb_timer can be connected to xps/opb_intc
proc handle_profile_opbtimer { config_file timer_inst } {
set timer_handle [hsi::get_cells $timer_inst]
set timer_baseaddr [common::get_property CONFIG.C_BASEADDR $timer_handle]
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_BASEADDR [::hsi::utils::format_addr_string $timer_baseaddr "C_BASEADDR"]"
# Figure out how Timer is connected.
set timer_intr [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $timer_handle] Interrupt]
if { [string compare -nocase $timer_intr ""] == 0 } {
error "ERROR <profile> :: Timer Interrupt PORT is not specified" "" "mdt_error"
#set mhs_handle [xget_handle $timer_handle "parent"]
# CR 302300 - There can be multiple "sink" for the interrupt. So need to iterate through the list
set intr_port_list [::hsi::utils::get_sink_pins [hsi::get_pins -of_objects [hsi::get_cells $timer_intr] INTERRUPT]]
set timer_connection 0
foreach intr_port $intr_port_list {
set intc_handle [hsi::get_cells -of_object $intr_port]
# Check if the Sink is a Global Port. If so, Skip the Port Connection
if { [::hsi::utils::is_external_pin $intr_port] } {
set iptype [common::get_property CONFIG.EDK_IPTYPE $intc_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $iptype "PROCESSOR"] == 0 } {
# Timer Directly Connected to the Processor
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SYS_INTR 1"
set timer_connection 1
set ipsptype [common::get_property CONFIG.EDK_SPECIAL $intc_handle]
if { [string compare -nocase $iptype "PERIPHERAL"] == 0 &&
[string compare -nocase $ipsptype "INTR_CTRL"] == 0 } {
# Timer connected to Interrupt controller
puts $config_file "#define TIMER_CONNECT_INTC 1"
puts $config_file "#define INTC_BASEADDR [xget_value $intc_handle "PARAMETER" "C_BASEADDR"]"
set num_intr_inputs [common::get_property CONFIG.C_NUM_INTR_INPUTS $intc_handle]
# if { $num_intr_inputs == 1 } { ## Always enable system interrupt CR 472288
puts $config_file "#define ENABLE_SYS_INTR 1"
# }
#set signals [split [xget_value $intr_port "VALUE"] "&"]
set signals [::hsi::utils::get_source_pins $intr_port]
set i 1
foreach signal $signals {
set signal [string trim $signal]
if {[string compare -nocase $signal $timer_intr] == 0} {
set timer_id [expr ($num_intr_inputs - $i)]
set timer_mask [expr 0x1 << $timer_id]
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_INTR_ID $timer_id"
puts $config_file "#define PROFILE_TIMER_INTR_MASK [format "0x%x" $timer_mask]"
incr i
set timer_connection 1
if { $timer_connection == 0 } {
error "ERROR <profile> :: Profile Timer Interrupt Signal Not Connected Properly"