Xilinx Embedded Software (embeddedsw) Development
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Punnaiah Choudary Kalluri fb124d3372 nandpsu: Decrease the XNANDPSU_MAX_BLOCKS value
This change is to reduce the size of the static bbt table size
from 8KB to 4KB because so far we have not identified the
flash part that has more than 16K blocks and also it will
reduce the bsp size.

Driver warns if the device has more number of blocks than the
defined value so that this can be incremented in future and if
there is a part available.

Signed-off-by: Punnaiah Choudary Kalluri <punnaia@xilinx.com>
Acked-by: Anirudha Sarangi   <anirudh@xilinx.com>
2015-07-31 16:56:11 +05:30
doc doc: update pdf for standalone bsp 2015-05-22 11:35:21 +05:30
lib sw_apps: openamp: modified rpc_demp application 2015-07-31 16:56:07 +05:30
mcap/linux mcap: linux: Fix race condition while programming bitfiles 2015-07-31 16:54:57 +05:30
ThirdParty/sw_services Update Tcl files to support MultiBd and Packaged Bd Designs 2015-07-31 16:55:01 +05:30
XilinxProcessorIPLib/drivers nandpsu: Decrease the XNANDPSU_MAX_BLOCKS value 2015-07-31 16:56:11 +05:30
license.txt license: Add license.txt file 2015-07-31 16:54:47 +05:30
README.txt mcap: Add MCAP Linux Library 2015-07-31 16:54:48 +05:30

embeddedsw.git - repo for standalone software

All software is version less and divided into three directories
	- lib
		contains bsp, zynq fsbl and software services like xilisf
	- license.txt
		contains information about the various licenses and copyrights
	- XilinxProcessorIPLib
		contains all drivers
	- ThirdParty
		software from third party like light weight IP stack
	- mcap
		software for using MCAP interface on Ultra Scale boards to
		program 2nd level bitstream

Every driver/lib/apps/services has these sub-directories

1. data		- contains tcl, mdd, testapp tcl or header files used in SDK
2. doc		- documentation of source code in form of pdf or html
3. examples	- illustrating different use cases of driver
4. src		- driver interface code implementing functionality of IP

|	|- drivers
|		|- uartps
|			|- data
|			|- src
|			|- doc
|			|- examples
|	|- bsp
|		|- standalone
|			|- data
|			|- src
|				|- cortexa9
|				|- microblaze
|				|- common
|				|- profile
|			|- doc
|		|- xilkernel
|			|- data
|			|- doc
|			|- src
|	|- sw_apps
|		|- zynq_fsbl [described below]
|	|- sw_services
|		|- xilffs
|		|- xilskey
|		|- xilmfs
|		|- xilrsa
|		|- xilflash
|		|- xilisf
|	Note - All these are libraries and utilize drivers
|	|- sw_services
|        	|- lwip140
|	|-linux

Building FSBL from git:

FSBL has 3 directories.
	1. data - It contains files for SDK
	2. src  - It contains the FSBK source files
	3. misc - It contains miscelanious files required to
		  compile FSBL for zc702, zc706, zed and
		  microzed boards.
		  It also contains the ps7_init_gpl.[c/h] with gpl
		  header in respective board directories.

How to compile FSBL:
	1.Go to the Fsbl src directory "lib/sw_apps/zynq_fsbl/src/"
	2. make "BOARD=<>" "CC=<>"
		a. Values for BOARD  are zc702, zc706, zed, microzed
		b. Value for CC is arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc. Default value is also same.
	3.Give "make" to compile the fsbl with BSP. By default it is
	  built for zc702 board with arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc compiler
	4.Below are the examples for compiling for different options
		a. To generate Fsbl for zc706 board
			i.make "BOARD=zc706"
		b.To generate Fsbl for zc702 board with debug enable
		  and RSA support
		c.To generate Fsbl for zc706 board and compile with arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc
		  with MMC support
			i.make "BOARD=zc706" "CC=arm-xilinx-eabi-gcc" "CFLAGS=-DMMC_SUPPORT"