- Reduced lines of code that weren't part of the minimal set required for MST
streams to appear on the monitors.
- By default, don't use delays for AUX or sideband messaging.
- Added a final check to make sure that the link hasn't been lost. If it was
lost, re-train and try the programming sequence again.
- Added some additional comments to example code.
Signed-off-by: Andrei-Liviu Simion <andrei.simion@xilinx.com>
It was observed that in MST mode, some of the sideband message were failing
due to the first check not showing a connected device.
Signed-off-by: Andrei-Liviu Simion <andrei.simion@xilinx.com>
Increased waiting for a response to a sideband message before timing out.
Reduced number of reads to check that the RX device received an ACT event.
Signed-off-by: Andrei-Liviu Simion <andrei.simion@xilinx.com>
Changes to the API in v2_0:
- XDptx_FindAccessibleDpDevices returns u32 now instead of void previously.
- Added a wrapper function: u32 XDptx_DiscoverTopology(XDptx *InstancePtr);
Signed-off-by: Andrei-Liviu Simion <andrei.simion@xilinx.com>
Modified the function by replacing
Signed-off-by: Shakti Bhatnagar <shaktib@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the modification history
for the canps driver for the changes made in the driver canps.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
Added example application to test spips controller in slave
configuration for polled mode data transfer.
Signed-off-by: Shakti Bhatnagar <shaktib@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the doxygen for the drivers
wdtps,wdttb,xadcps,usb,usbps to include .h files
in the listof files provided in the index.html file.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the doxygen for the drivers
trafgen,ttcps,uartlite,uartns550,uartps to include .h files
in the listof files provided in the index.html file.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the doxygen for the drivers
spi,spips,srio,sysmon,tmrctr to include .h files
in the listof files provided in the index.html file.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the doxygen for the drivers
llfifo,mbox,mig_7series,mutex,nandps to include .h files
in the listof files provided in the index.html file.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the doxygen for the drivers
hwicap, iomodule, intc , iic , iicps to include .h files
in the listof files provided in the index.html file.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the doxygen for the drivers
emaclite,dmaps, emacps,gpio,gpiops to include .h files
in the listof files provided in the index.html file.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>
This patch updates the doxygen for the drivers
axivdma, can, canps ,devcfg , bram to include .h files
in the listof files provided in the index.html file.
Signed-off-by: Kedareswara rao Appana <appanad@xilinx.com>